no reason i'm tired of the lack of it 060126
niska i'm thankful for its simplicity, and benign-ness. 060126
deep thought Depth__of__reason 060927
niska hto qnvgqp8w4ygh tp4h 9uRGHPUIWRG 080519
niska as IF!

I'm trying to solve the "I can't blathe today?" puzzle, & only then when I smash the keyboard with my hands(yes, in anger) it works...

none of it is deep at all.
Syrope the complete lack of, i suppose.

i like how you post your feelings on a post long disappeared from friends' pages, where people...ESPECIALLY she... can't see it. only i can see it - looking for it, because the wording of your top post was strange, and i didn't trust it.

not even a real apology. not even taking responsibility. and so quietly, into a corner, so no one knows.

to think that used to be enough for me.
mustard dolphin tank at the aquarium 080520
audreena and i think that this is insane, i like its movement and the direction that could go anywhere i like having a feeling about a word about a pharse and then continuing on, this is something i didnt expect 100803
nr people with depth are often the hardest to reach (which i guess makes sense). it's infuriating when they're the ones you want to reach most. 150325
what's it to you?
who go