Shar I'm in constant fear of becoming one.

Is that normal?
Q I move that Shar suppress this worry.

Is there a second?

All in favor of Shar shunning her repression, please raise your hands.

No, man, your HANDS!

All in favor the same sign.

The motion passes.
amy i second that motion. reclaim your inner jezebel. don't be a whore, though, i guess... :) 000307
since i'm a straight guy
some people and their double-standards might say otherwise

but considering the depths of debauchery i (quite willingly) experienced between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four, i guess i could be called a slut.

like i said before, it was fun once
silvre i don't have a problem with sluts. people that are comfortable with their sexuality are fine by me. i don't know why everyone degrades them so much. as long as they don't typify themselves by this single trait or use sex as their only happiness, there is nothing wrong with "slutty" behavior. everyone needs to experiment and there is nothing wrong with doing it as long as you are confident about yourself and don't need it, but merely enjoy it. i'm sure many would disagree, but i guess that's what this is about. . . 001011
Barrett sluts for dinner
sluts for lunch
sluts for breakfast
sluts for brunch
sluts at every single meal
why can't we have more sluts?

(they're good with peanutbutter too)
the krunchy one better with honey, though 001012
erin the psuedo psycho popsicle slut sluts are all we ever get
in this rotten fucking place
sluts are all we ever get
why can't we have a change of pace
Barrett Sluts stay crunchy in milk. 001025
syn He called me that. So did he. And him. Yeah... the other one too. All I did was fuck your best friend! Not like I screwed your Dad or anything. I mean.. he told me I was pretty. He liked the way my eyes were wide when the moon hide behind a cloud. Only time you said I was pretty was when I was naked and you wanted head. Asshole. 001216
Thyartshallshant Trisha Abercrombie 001226
Thyartshallshant Trisha_Abercrombie 001226
peyton Jennifer Anderson

Yep.. I know one too.
peyton And now that I wrote about it:


Aimee Everyone says I'm not, but the day you start having sex with someone because it makes you feel like someone might love you, is the day you're officially a slut. The day you screw someone because you hope to god it convinces them that they do love you, but all it really is, is just sex, is the moment you become a slut. And the second you actually wonder if you could charge someone for what you let them do to you, but say no way that would make me cheap, is the making of a slut. I'm a slut. I don't love myself enough to love anyone but the first one I spread my legs for. Everyone else has just been my efforts to feel loved, but no matter what, the fumble ends with me attempting to get dressed in time to make it home in time for curfew. I'm a slut 010221
j_blue hm 010221
peyton I've spoken about this once before.

Aimee the slut. Hmmm. A self-admitted one at that. I think that self-admitted is worse than just being ignorant. At least the ignorant have an excuse.

The 'slut' is the most destructive force on this planet. They use what God gave them, a gift, to assert power over others. They fuck, simply because they enjoy it. They inflict more damage upon themselves than anyone else, but still they destroy and ravage the lives of others. They like it. They like to feel it when they fuck other people.. in the head.. in the heart.. in the soul.

Let me pose this question to you, 'the slut'. Let me ask you, if one day you do find Mr/Miss right, what are you going to offer them that's sacred? What will you have left that is special? Well not your body, everyone on your block has came inside of you, and certainly not your word or your honesty, because you've used that to make others get attached enough to fuck you. Let's see.. hmmmm.. Maybe your heart? Well.. no.. because you sliced into little pieces everytime you handed a piece of it out everytime you gave yourself away. You will be a diseased, dirty, streched out slut, that no one, including your Mr/Miss right is going to want.

I think, you have two options here. You can stop now, and try to let what you've done to yourself heal, because a reformed slut isn't all that bad. Sure, you have to look past a sexual history that reads like the phone book, but at least you're trying for redemption. Or, you can go the road you are on right now, until you finally decide you are too old and your looks have faded enough that you will settle down with whatever thing has crawled inside of you at that particular date in time. Of course you'll hate each other, but you'll still have that worn out toy you called 'just sex' that you can use to make another creature of misery, and then that little thing can go out and be just like its mom and dad.

Bottom Line:

You are a slut because you are weak. You can't say no when they try to fuck you. You cannot stand before temptation. Therefore, you are inferior to everyone else that at least tries to be moral, so it is your duty to the rest of society to suffer.

You are filth. I hope when you finally die they burn your body to rid the earth of your disease.

People like you should be quarantined.

Fucking slut.
peyton I feel like I should apologize a bit.. but I can't. Sorry.. but I can't.

When you fix yourself, which is always within your grasp.. when you are able to say no, Aimee, and be able to look down, naked, and feel that the moment is perfect.. tell me.. and I will apologize.

Tell then.. I can't.
j_blue americans have a big problem with sex

i think having alot of sex is great

i think its bad to be irresponsible

i use the word slut to describe people who have alot of sex with alot of different people often

does this describe a bad thing?
Aimee I can't change what I've done, and I can't change the way I feel with a lot of ease. But I honestly don't need someone to sit there on their throne, telling me how wretched and diseased I am, when I myself am able to rip myself apart, far better than you ever will. so my dear, peyton, until you yourself have no sin, cast down your stone and deal with the fact that I willing wrote that for myself, and not for you to try to make me feel more guilty and dirty than I already do. I don't need your pity, or apologies... I wrote that for me. 010222
peyton I don't understand.. really..

You kind of jumped subjects on me.. You tell me not to judge, and then you say you wrote what you wrote for yourself.. If you wrote it for yourself, why respond to my little flame?

I'm trying to make you feel dirty and wretched, SO YOU WILL FUCKING CHANGE! Do you not understand that being a SLUT is BAD? Bad (i.e. not good) is not something to be desired, Aimee. So why do you embrace it so much, that you tell the faceless masses that you are one?

Keep your legs closed sweetie. It's easy. Imagine you are holding something expensive between your knees. You will feel a lot less diseased/wretched in the long run.

And if you are so content in how you feel, then why are you able to destroy yourself? Isn't self-destruction bad too?

You can be loved without fucking someone. You are intelligent, based on what I've read, and it's easy to find a guy that will love you without penetrating you. Just be patient.

Be patient. Be strong. Or just get your thighs bolted together.

And it's a nice throne I sit upon isn't it? It's called morality. Come on up whenever you get done playing in the mud.

One more thing, everytime you put out, the line that you know you are crossing gets weaker and weaker.. until one day you will just be another shark in dirty water.
you know who I am payton your throne is not morality... it's righteousness.... get off of it. 010223
*Ziima* is interesting that you, peyton (sp.), think you're completely perfect. Your throne of morality is a joke. Cutting down someone as if you' sick, sad, and pitiful. And to say someone has to change for your own have an ego problem, sir...People cant change like the wind. Pain isnt something you can dismiss so easily. Sorry if we all havnt had a perfect little moral Christian life. I would suggest you stop looking down your nose at everyone and start lookin in the mirror. You're just a self-righteous radic stuck on a "I'm more holy than thou" kick. So, in honor of Aimee....Fuck you. And it isnt an offer, asshole. 010223
unhinged everyone is a slut

dear old peyton gives everyone his self-righteous opinion

i give everyone the truth about myself

you give everyone something or another

what is it?
god where's these loose women i hear so much about??!! 010223
bird bird bird bird is the word i need to get myself back into my prime slutty shape like before
like so long ago

i need to rediscover my inner slut

it isn't simply reflective of the need to get laid.
it's much more primal and much more chilling than that.
Tank this word is so endlessly defined. but i do know for a fact that it is not defined by a person who likes to fuck a lot. and it is not gender specific as certain people still archaically seem to believe...

is sluttery a sexual addiction? is it an attempt to validate self through physical exchanges? i don't know that either of these things are really so bad...

i do know that there is a difference between a slut and a person that loves to express themself sexually.

i think it all comes down to whether or not the persons inner being is there when they are doing the fucking...
Jim Can a man be a slut? And if so, why is it different than when a woman is? 010223
peyton This is the last time I'm going to comment over this.. much to many of your reliefs, I'm sure.

Zimma.. only in a world this sick would I be flamed for citing sexual immorality. Only in a world this sick would I be the bad guy for calling someone when they insist on fucking everyone in sight.

My intentions for all of this has always been to help Aimee, because she sounded miserable.. didn't she sound miserable to you? She was selling her body for cheap thrills and a few small seconds of comfort, isn't that sick? Or am I distorted?

You can flame me all you want. And I can tell you long sordid epics consisting of the difficuties of change. It seems to me that that's always the 'slut's' excuse of choice, "Change is HARD." Well of course it's hard.. Do you expect removing a major character flaw to be easy? It's easy to be a slut. It's sooo easy. All you have to do is not do anything.. and it will happen.

I know I'm being self-righteous. But I don't think I'm God over this. Yes, I'm judging Aimee (isn't that a TV show?), but I always said it was within her grasp to change. But I'm not going to feel sorry for calling a slut a slut when she was the first one to admit it herself? Maybe Zimma should read that part?

Aimee: "I'm a slut."

That pretty much sums it up for me. I hope she changes, for her sake. But if she doesn't, well then she will be just another slut that lived a life of misery because they were weak.

Unhinged was the person whose opinion during all of this that I valued. And he/she was right.. we all are sluts in one way or another.

My final words.. I was trying to help. I figured that if perhaps I confronted Aimee with her filth personally, in the worst way possible, she'd try to reform. Maybe she will. Maybe she won't. Either way it was my duty to try.

Sorry if I pissed some people off.. if you get mad because I cite someone on being a slut, then you probably want to be one yourself.

G'nite all.
moonshine I am an emotional slut. 010223
peyton Oh.. and being on a throne of Righteousness is GOOD!

Being righteous is a GOOD thing..

So is being moral.. btw.

Maybe that's where our difference of opinions lies.. morality is a good thing..
moralist its funny how people admit being a slut like they are in an AA class "Hello my name is Bob and i am a Slut"."Thank you for shareing Bob". i do agree with peyton, that if you know your are one then change. and yes it is that simple. the only thing that complicates it is willpower. people are too dependant on quick fixes. they don't want to put forth any effort, they want everything handed to them on a silver platter. but of course acceptance is the new scape goat. people just say that is the way i am and you have to accept it.take some responsability for you actions and change. 010224
unhinged thank you peyton dear. just trying to be objective. fighting, especially as of late, is not something i enjoy. 010224
kay be a mother to your children
be a wife in the kitchen
be a slut in the bedroom
but be your husbands slut only ...
Lady Morgaine is what I'm scared of becoming. I'm sexually active and smart about it (ie I use condoms) but I'm scared of people thinking I'm a slut because I like to have sex and it doesn't have to be with someone I'm in love with. Why is the double standard still alive and kicking in the era? I'm scared and I have no one to comfort me. 010226
skateninheaven aren't we all deep down and why not cause some clown in gown says noplaceforthat you verybadpersonwhoineedtocontrolcauseimanasshole and when did they get incharge of the madhouse and you must be so tired of feeling unhuman I cant even see the madhouse anymore and not sure it exists but I know Im happier now 010306
mikey i wish i was a slut sometimes. 010307
mikey nothing wrong with that Lady Morgaine. in fact better to be yourself then hide your feelings and wants and needs and desires. when we hide and supress our wants needs and desires thats when problems come up. just be responsible. 010307
mikey Aimee when was the last time you simply had a good HUG?

mikey what if some of us dont think "sex" has anything to do with "love"?

personaly touching isnt love. love is far deeper then getting laid. if your in love then "Sex" can be different. but in itself as a physical act why does everyone associate "sex" with "love"?

giving a full body massage is almost as bad. its OK to go get a full body massage from anyone. YET theres the arguement that even massages should be a loving thing.

to each his/her own. if you judge as harshly and ugly as some here have (peyton) then you yourself are FAR worse in my opinion. id give my help to someone who needs it before id give a second look to someone who would crucify another based on their own beliefs.

reminds me of winston-salem witch days. if someone even THOUGHT a girl had ANYTHING even far off remotely doing with weirdness. you were burned as a witch.

to me judging another is one of the most evil acts a person can do.

i think its an evil crime we all should work on. me included.
MercynRe sometimes i like to feel dirty 010427
ignoramus i thought it was just a label. 010427
peyton sucks peyton REALLY needs to calm the fuck down. what a bastard!!!!! 010824
chocolate bootay sluts are not bad

take the word and see what one is


a woman of lust..

unless sin is bad and lust is a sin, no worries
Norm How can I put this? Shes a bit, ah, promiscuous... If you get my meaning. I mean, she lacks discrepancy in the choice of her sexual partners. I guess what I'm trying to say, is she'd probably bomp a goose from here to wazoo and back to Tuesday. 010830
dis kooch
Dear Sluts and otherwise:
I consider myself a reformed slut. I am working on it, but I am really slipping, now. Some words from reformed or what not would be great. If you are gonna say some fuknshit i don't wanna hear it...

"Sluts:" It's so easy once you know how to play the games--flirting and competition. Especially if you have a healthy love of sex like me. This summer when I was a traveling "crusty" girl, I had guys who liked assertive flirty girls, falling for me, if i merely thought about them. well it had to be more than that; i am practiced. not getting rejected seemed to add to my grandeosity. I don't wanna believe in this hippie let it flow shit--and that's part of the problem maybe, right? i feel you have to actively pursue someone--well, flirt.

don't get me wrong, i can still have casual sex and not be hurt by it--did even a month ago here with a traveling guy and me being "domesticated" and on the "other end of the exchange", this time. haven't really seen him since. but i have "done it" enough to separate sexual pleasure from feelings--sometimes...

this summer i was hurt because i realized i had been "in love" for four years with my ex-lover who after breaking up with me over those four years was (a distant but close) bestfriend. we decided to travel together, in this way, and things fell apart. we are talking, but he is doing his own thing, hopping trains and wants to travel around in a breadvan being a welder. this hurt my ability to have casual sex. i now want something more.

i don't know if you all know, but traveling around the country "with the kids," homeless, makes for artificial relationshits based on drugs and sex--for most people. i grew up fucking "dirty squatters" and then decided to follow them into the lifestyle. originally i did it for self-worth but then i liked calling myself a "slut," because i got off on the fact that i was this very assertive girl, especially in bed, and picked up skills along the way. it got to my head: i thought if i could just give a guy a blowjob, i could get him in bed, and it worked. i've got a number to put on this whole ordeal' i won't tell you.
it's say the least.

my friend who also "traveled" and is now "domesticated," and married with two babies and going to college at 25, says i shouldn't label myself and do whatever i feel comfortable with. (she's still into punk rock, too, just for background)

I am finally at this *nameless* alternative college in the northwest. college is a crazy place. especially when they call it "alternative." all these girls and guys just wanna give it up. and i am past that. i was involved in the crazy love triangle here where i like this guy and he liked me...and he also liked girl #2. girl#2 also liked him, i soon found out. oops. from what she says about her friendships, i know she would fight with me "to get him" regardless of how i felt. i knew the "old me" could get him in bed, easy and might want to compete with her, as she wants to with me. hey, it doesn't take that much. But, I wasn't *just* attracted to this guy sexually, but his personality, too. being a musician is a plus. big mistake telling her my feelings--i think he knows now--and once he knows, you *transcend* "the game." then it's no longer flirting.

she had been griping to me that she was having a lot of casual sex here at college, and like me, she has a history of it, but she has problems communicating with guys and was upset when one here didn't want to be in a relationshit. she's in a bad place now and trying to pick up the pieces probably by fucking this guy for immediate gratification! Well that's her shit--but If i were to hang around her and we were to play the same games i would slip, too. so i decided to give it up (besides the fact that i realize this guy is an asshole to me for some reason. it must be that he knows i like him?) and wait a week or so, until it boils over. the problem i am finding is that the assholes i was ordinarily attracted to (and girls, esp. sluts *always* are) want to play everyone and maybe not be friends? i thought he'd be cool to be friends with.

this is ironic, i get along better with
guys than girls, no question about it. i have a guy and girl best friend...but hands down, it's true. girls, like the one who was competing with me, make me hate (most) girls more.
bottom line is the thought of communicating how you feel about someone and where to go with it is scary, and so i always avoided it know. i don't really know how, and i have to start somewhere. sometimes i made out by fucking some guys and was actually with the guy for awhile, even when on the road,others not.
here in college, i tried to communicate with another guy--he and i decided we like each other. but we haven't said anything about it since. i think he's getting over a high school sweetie of 2 years. he's one of my better friends here and i told him so. i like to smoke pot and talk to him--actually i am not too sure i am sexually attracted to him, but we once kissed closed mouthed, when i told him i liked him. the drama of the other guy and girl who he both knows hasn't really changed anything, which is good. gives me some hope.

i DO wanna "get laid," but i am looking for some kind of "realtionshit" (which by the way is a word my ex-boyfriend above gave to me). maybe "everything but coital sex" would be an emotionless physical thing that would work for me or maybe an emotion-filled massage? but i see my best friend here as kind of a (self-described) all-american pothead so i don't know how he would feel.
i guess i feel dirty around him.

hope to hear from ya'll.
CheapVodka i know this prolly doesn't go here but...

birdmad on the other side pour my life into a paper cup
the ashtray's full
and i'm spillin' my guts
she wanna know
am i still a slut?
pralines&cream I am not a slut.
I willing go to greater sexual limits with my boyfriend than a lot of people my age do, but there is one line I will not cross: intercourse.
If you're like my mother, you're thinking "Just because someone isn't having intercourse doesn't mean they're not having sex." But I don't refrain from sex to spare myself from being called a slut. I refrain from it because I want something that I crave to wait until my wedding day, to have a wonderful thing be waiting for me on my honeymoon bed, like a wedding present waiting to be opened.
Even if my boyfriend and I chose to have sex before we marry, I know that i am not a slut, because our lustful actions come from a place of deep love, respect, and admiration for each other. We are each others' precious gems.
I would never willingly and knowingly earn myself the title of "slut". To me, it implies someone who will have sex, or have sexual acts, with someone, or many people, who are not deserving of that deep affection. I would never get sexually involved with someone I'm attracted to based solely on that physical or mental attraction. Sexual relationships (any kind of sexual act) need to be based solely on sincere love, and a plan to be together forever. This takes time. And this takes a concious knowledge that the person you're giving yourself to must earn the right to your body. This takes respect on both people's parts, for each other. This takes more than lust. Without that mutual love and sense of gratitude for this person even being in your life, much less taking off their clothes for you, you are both sluts.

my long soapbox is over. there's still more in my head, but it's 12:04 already.
ClairE "hehe I'm a slut"

"I'm sure you're not."

"I don't even know what one is, really."

"Well, I think a slut is someone who uses sex to try to gain affection. And, like, not even love. Like, they can't even hope for that."

"Oh. I guess I'm not a slut."
rip who gives a shit if you are a slut does it really matter i mean if you give out easy thats your problem. 020109
yummychuckle wow you sure are passionate in your indifference, rip.

you remind me of an asshole i *know?*
Miffey She was very interesting until everyone told me that she was a slut.
Now she's just slightly interesting.
Besides... She only had one 'i' in her name, and it was near the beginning.
eva whore 020220
J im a guy and i consider myself a slut..and im perfectly happy bein a slut. slut is just a word, like guy is a word. fuggin man. yall are LuNcHiN. raise up those freak flagz people cmon!!
what type of life form IZN'T a slut?
creep id love to get a male friend of mine to help me fuck the shit out of some dumb slut, and make a bukkake movie with her. then kill her, and fuck her lifeless corpse. then, cut out her vagaina, eat it, and burry her. after a few months, unburry her, the smell unberable, and piss in her maggot filled asshole. 020329
Syrope i dont think guys can be sluts. i know some that are, and i know some gay guys who say that *they* are, but...its not the same. they're not being "invaded" or "penetrated" or "dirtied" by sex...*shrug* i think i agree with mikey (i think that's who said the thing about love and sex...if im wrong, sorry) ...i'd rather have a emotional loving massage if i were gonna be in love. getting laid is so completely different. 020330
Casey Girls are trapped. If they do have sex, they're a slut, if they don't, they're a prude. It's a never ending vicious cycle. 020331
misstree yes, but that cycle can be broken by not giving a fig what others think.
(tho it's not as simple as it sounds.)
Elzbeita Just one simple word should not make me weep
Oh, but it's meaning hits me so deep.
*nat* i no any of these. whilst watching kevin and perry go large i overheard a classmates converaton about how shed slept wth 9 people, se may have been lying but i wouldn't be surprised 020905
~gez~ i think i know a few, one definatly springs to mind actually. her MSN screenname is "well would she go down on you in a film?"
Norm The entire establishment of marriage should be abolished. 030110
margadant11 I hear about all these slutty women, and my friends are like yeah everyone has had a turn... but then I think for a second and come to the conclusion the statement made by my friend is false do to the fact that I never got a turn. Why is that how come I never got a turn, just everyone else thats bullshit... 030111
j see: need_for_change 030112
G.I.Joe Males can be sluts, too. You may not want to believe it, but it's THE TRUTH! 030710
FireNRoses My sexuality is a large part of who I am. Does not define it is not all of me, but I don't think being a sexual person makes you a slut. and if it does how is it a bad thing? Why should something so unique and pleasurable be a bad thing? Why is it dirty? Why is it wrong? Everyone enjoys sex... and those who do not have it would enjoy it if they did. Why should doing something you love make you a slut? Pun Intended 030710
cube Calling a male a slut is redundant :-)
Carson Daly No male will ever really respect or care about any female. Especially if she's not a virgin. 030711
misstree *sigh* not even going to bother... my two-by-four might splinter. 030711
crimson Slut, kiss girls
Does he offer you smack?
Is she pretty on the inside?
Is she pretty from the back?
BigNuttz You are only a slut if everyone knows about it. If it is kept down low, then you are not a slut; however, what is wrong with being one anyway? Just because someone doesn't choose that same path does not make it wrong.

Since when did anyone's life become the standard of living? When you are perfect, then you can set the standard. Oh wait, in your own mind you are perfect. My fault. I forgot.

Have your own limits and your own standards I say. Then no one can judge you but you.
Death of a Rose sluts....hmmmm....I've read here that this is a touchy subject (pun intended)....well for what it is are my pennies...I got hurt once by a 'slut'.....but after awhile I got over it......emptied the closet, sprayed for spiders, installed a new light turned out to be just another experience and that's all....there was no permanent glimmerings of love (my definition of it).....because I knew I couldn't trust her with something as important as my heart.........and I think that is the operative term 'trust' can't trust a 'woman of loose morals'......but hey, I'm not comdemning any one because of what they do with their own body....I make the grown up decision of not associating with the and let live...if that's what you enjoy doing, being.....go right ahead.....different folks for different strokes. Anyways, that's my pound of cash. Have I said anything....probably not.....but who cares.... 031003
nomatter They call her a slut because they go by what they hear. They don't bother to ask, they take the rumors and twist them into viscious lies. They blow everything out of proportion. They exaggerate. A big mean high school game. This is what they call fun. But I saw her cry. I saw the words get to her. 031003
Syrope its all so true.
i think aimee said it for me first, but how i feel about it keeps changing...

i just finished this awesome book, called fast_girls (teenage tribes and the myth of the slut) by emily white - it was really awesome.

by the time i decide i want to mean more to a guy than just being his slut, it's usually too late
yollanda am i a slut??!! my friend said i was, so now im confused... 040208
drunkslut i only felt like a slut because i had nothing else to offer 040303
her royal highness the quirk it's amazing. you've never called me one, or even implied that you think i am one, yet you somehow manage to make me feel like one. i've got to stop this. 040317
misstree "the difference between a slut and an epicurean or sensate is the reasons you do it." -me, last night. 040317
tab i've been called a slut by some people and then there have been others who would never guess but i was never really that slutty except when i slept with the brothers 040403
abby Whats so wrong with being a slut? I mean, yes, its a derogatory term, but why should a woman who knows her needs and desires be subject to a term like "slut?" So, because a girl has sex with someone who is not their significant other they can be called a slut, whore, skank etc...That's disgusting. And why are promiscuous men not refered to by these terms, I mean, they are having sex with these "sluts" so wouldnt that make them a slut as well? I've decided there's nothing wrong with being a slut by definition, but to be called one by a self-righteous jerk who feels it their responsibility to speak their moral indignation against a person is most certainly wrong. Okay, well, I'm not chaste by any means. So I'm a slut now? Well good. I'm glad I'm not afraid of my vagina. 040416
void abby, you're going to die alone. Well, not'll have that swollen, obscenely distended cunt of yours with you. 040531
kookaburra im not afraid of my vagina.
its nice.
i see it everytime i shower.
that doesnt mean that im gonna cheat on my boyfriend with any whosit that comes along.
actually, i wouldnt cheat with any whosit.

actually i wouldnt cheat.
gives her uninvited thoughts
hamadryad it's not obscene- it tastes good and it comes highly recommended.
i used to be someone who just fell in love with people, all kinds of people, and wanted to share beautiful, amazing sexual experiences with them. moving from joy and not emotional vacancy. and now, because of my personality, no one loves me, and i'm a slut now when i never was before because i'm not good enough to love, but i'm sure as hell good enough to fuck. so that is how you get close to people.
that's what just friends means, that's what cynicism and age mean. go on- be a slut- just be careful if you ever decide to do something dangerous, like fall in love. takes all your happiness away unless it's mutual. worth it if it is- but be fuckin' careful.
only ever slept with one person... amazing, that
globalfruitbat words like "prude" or "tramp" or "slut" or "ice-queen" are ways to control female sexuality. I like my body, i like knowing what i can do with it and I like knowing what I can make others do, too. I like to know that I can affect the person who is attracting me by using my sensuality and my awareness of my body.
Sex feels good! if you aren't enjoying what you are doing (WHATEVER you are doing), then stop, baby, and try something different: different position, or different person?
but never ever judge me what i do with my body. (or who ;) )
men_have_it_easier It's unfair that women are called "sluts" and men aren't called anything derogatory. Men are praised for having more than one sexual partner, but women who've had more than one guy are viewed in society as being trashy. We're all human. It should be the same for men and women. I hooked up with a guy at college (he had more sexual experience than me) and he was my first kiss. This led to us getting naked in bed... I liked him and then I thought I loved him. He didn't love me though, so I got hurt. Now we don't talk and I was still emotionally attached. I went through a long period of calling myself a "slut". Slut is a stupid word and it should be banished. I hate the word slut. The word slut is used to control women. It's a load of bullshit. Don't feel guilty for feeling sexual. Women are human beings too. 040630
jezzy Sometimes I like it when he calls me a "slut". I like it when he penetrates me. 040912
pissed off even after years month 1, grade 10 year
on a camping trip weekend, with a large group of friends.
first kiss. him and I lacked a little discretion in that we chose to cuddle excessively in front of people who obviously had issues with seeing anything past hand holding.
not that it was much past that.

went to a pretty average sized normal high school
and by friends, old and new, I was ostercized.


assholes. I'll give them the credit of having the balls to say it to my face. most of the time.
Peyton_is_a_closet_homosexual Holy crap. It has been years since I've seen such a repressed asshole the likes of Peyton. Get the stick out of your ass, you pathetic, pseudo-morality-wallowing, overbearing, silly, confidence-lacking, tiny-souled little person.

You aren't worth cat puke.

Nobody should listen to this idiot.
arzz We must somehow stop Peyton from trying to make blather his slut. A great website like this shouldn't be used to wax his ego with this; why don't you relocate your seething hatred and self-righteousness to grouphug, where you'll do no harm? 050105
thunderbuck ram A wonderfully onomatopoeic word. It oozes body fluids and interacting lubricated body parts. On balance, sluts have been good for me. 050106
googling for the fun of it
mon uow i got called a slut many times growing up.

i was more developed than my classmates,..started wearing bras a couple grades earlier than girls my age, which i got teased about
and just happened to enjoy makeup, heels, and close-fitted tops and mini-mini skirts and didn't mind making out with a boy i had just met

and so i got called a slut sometimes
even though i never slept with anyone

one time i was doing gymnastics and a girl in my class told me to change my clothes because i was just attracting the boy's attention,...
she told me i was being slutty

i was wearing a body suit with jogging pants
big crime eh
i politely told her to bugger off with her attitudes
mon uow *boys' 050309
mon uow i find this a sad word. 050309
mon uow "...The ultimate origin of the word is unknown. It is probably cognate with similar words in Dutch, dialectal German, and dialectal Swedish meaning 'dirty woman; slut'. Some scholars connect it to forms in various Germanic languages meaning 'slush' or 'mud; a mud puddle'. There are examples of a word slut in place-names and personal names from the thirteenth century in English, but it's not possible to tell exactly what it means and how (and whether) it's related to our slut."
mon uow i think it's interesting that dirt, which gives us food, has been come to be known as something bad, people call eachother dirty when in fact there is no dirt on them.

and really what's so bad about dirt?

i wonder how the notion of a dirty woman might be connected to ancient traditions in cultures we sprung from,...cultures in which it was or still is traditional to paint one's body with dirt(s). cultures in which women's bodies or sexuality was or is still more openly accepted or less feared. cultures in which the average person is/was far more 'connected' to 'nature'.
but of course i could be connecting dots that don't exist.
mon uow "...The word "slut" is one of the most commonly used terms to describe promiscuous women and has been used since the Middle Ages to dehumanize women who claim agency over their sexuality. The negative connotations attached to the word result from the notion that as a woman is consumed by many men, she decreases in value. The implication, then, is that a woman is viewed as a commodity, one a man can use to indicate his own status. Since a woman who assumes control of her own sexuality disables a man's ability to use her as a status indicator, women are often discouraged from claiming agency over their sex lives by earning the brand of "slut". Despite all the progress of women's liberation, the use of the Slut label persists and can be found not only in everyday interpersonal relationships (such as my own), but also in the most prominent and pervasive of ideology makers of modern times: popular media, which allow this ideology to be reabsorbed by the American public.

Recently, two female pop stars, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, have used sex to sell records; however, only one of these women has been branded with the label of Slut. Although both women dress provocatively and sing about lascivious subjects, the reputation of Britney Spears has remained unscathed while Christina Aguilera has been called a Slut. While Spears is somehow able to maintain an illusion of passivity and purity that allows her sexuality to be interpreted for her, Aguilera is punished for claiming subjectivity over her sexuality. The vindication of a passive Spears and the dehumanization of a subjective Aguilera suggest that society prefers women who allow themselves to be commodified and ostracizes women who don't.

To understand what the use of the word "slut" says about society's view of women, it is useful to go back into its history. One theory of its origin is that "slut" originated from the word "cittern," an instrument much like a lute that was played in Britain in the Middle Ages. It is thought that "slut" originated from the intermediate form of cittern, "slattern," as the instrument became more commonly played by the lower classes than by the upper classes. As the cittern became more commonly seen as an instrument available for members of all classes, instances of its use in association to women who were indiscriminate with their sexual relations began popping up in English literature. Examples can be found in both The Honest Whore by Thomas Dekker ("is she a whore? A Barber's cittern for every man to play on?") and Ben Jonson's The Silent Woman ("That cursed barber . . . I have married his cittern that's common to all men!") (Bethancourt). Thus, the word slut began to not only refer to the "common" cittern, but also to the "common" women that appeared to share the same quality of its being universally played upon.

The idea that women's physical bodies can be consumed like citterns, suggests that, by their virtue of being consumed, women share a position in the same objective category as citterns. If women are objects like citterns, then they can be devalued with common use, much like a car depreciates with ownership. But of course, women are not citterns or cars. They are living, breathing, thinking human beings.

...Once the body is objectified, it can become commodified and used by its possessor as social currency by which to define himself and establish his value as a person. Just like the use of certain instruments or the ownership of certain cars can reflect upon a man's status, so can the use or "ownership" of a woman. The possession of a woman's body and the quality of that woman's body reflect upon the quality of the man she is with. If the woman is hard to obtain and has not been obtained by many men, then she is considered of high value and her man, accordingly, achieves high status for obtaining her. However, if a woman is easy to obtain and has been used by many, she is of lower value, and a man exhibits no social prowess for having obtained her. The man does not feel special by the use of her, so he abstains in search of a lesser-used woman.

The man's use of the woman's body can also reflect upon his status if the sexual experience that he gives her is among her best. It often becomes imperative for a man, then, that he is the best lover that a woman has ever had. If he is her best or first lover, then even if she has other lovers, he still enjoys the satisfaction and status-boost of being the best or the first. If he is the one that has set the standard by which other men are judged, then this is simply another way he might lay claim on a woman and take pride in holding a special place in her sexual history. By considering a woman's sexual experience to be defined by his influence, a man exerts control over the woman's sexuality and robs her of agency.

Since men construct their social value around the exclusive possession of a woman and the definition of her sexuality, it becomes problematic for men when a woman takes on many lovers and defines her own sexuality, because a man can no longer use her to indicate his value - if he does, it will reflect negatively upon his own value. This is why it is very disturbing for a man to have relations with a woman who is "promiscuous": if she has had many lovers, he is not special by having her. Also, if she has had many lovers, there is a greater chance that one of them defined her sexual experience more ideally than he. A promiscuous woman, then, becomes a threat to the man's value, and it is for this reason that a promiscuous woman is treated negatively and given the stigma of the Slut...

Perhaps our patriarchal society wants to maintain the use of women's bodies as capital because it is one reliable and long-practiced way of measuring a man's self-worth. Perhaps this ideology allows our patriarchal society to maintain control over the representation of women's sexuality, constructing it in its own terms and thus robbing women of the subjectivity to which they are entitled as thinking humans and as active members of society. Either way, such a stigma is dehumanizing, cruel, and degrading to myself and to many other women who have traveled the long, hard road of becoming secure and comfortable with who they are and with taking initiative to get what they want out of life. Though such negative ideology may be ingrained in our culture for many long years to come, it might dissipate faster if the media works to celebrate self-aware women and not to propagate naivetÈ as a desirable trait..."
mon uow (of course though, many do call britney spears a slut) 050310
dandy about that all men are sluts, male slut being redundant, well, apart from that being an easy slag that's untrue, there is a word player that's got the same sneer curl lipped disgust as if the person with more skill developed and innocence lost is bad. 050310
Man Bring on the prudes! They're the only ones worthy of marriage. 050709
nomme) (i was going to make a note before when i posted the above article, that of course i don't necessarily agree with the generalization of 'the man'...i mean not every man is the same and not to mention that some or a lot of men are homosexual) 050709
coriline im a man slut, i like men and dogs. i fuck my dogs and they fuck me. do you have dogs call me 63688517 051109
jordie Oh, lovely rough sex
I am your greatest
Don't call me a slut
superleni "indeed - we shall call them 'sluts' and sneer... that should keep them tame. a woman who has experienced many a man might tell us where we fail ... even the devil prefers virgins ... he's no braver than the rest of us."

"yet we shall not apply these unnatural standards of chastity to ourselves, oh no-no. that might lead to heinous breeches and consequenses: exploitation of the young and weak ... i foresee a time where priests might torture children in the name of abstinence."

oh, and peyton, you suck for being mean to someone who's already down on themselves. if you ever meet jesus, man, will he go to town on you. i'll bet you've done far more damage opening your mouth than any chicky-babe ever has by opening her legs.

gnashing vaginas to you.
epitome of incomprehensibility Well, 'twas an interesting read. Mon with the sociology and everybody with their opinions... let me just say that I hav issues with labeling people "sluts". Also, To Whom It May Concern, there is a difference between righteousness and SELF-righteousness. 060518
e_o_i hav=have, because epitome can't spell 060518
echolalia I lost my virginity at 17, to a man I truly loved. I have slept with 2 men in my life, but the second was not love--just a good friend, and a comfort in a time of loneliness. I do no drugs. I take my education seriously...however, I'm a stripper. Why do I still deserve this label? 060707
LS Uh, you don't. 060707
Emptyness Alive s - sweet
l - little
u - unloved
t - tortise

i got called a slut
iv slept with one girl in my life
i was head over heels in love with her and i lost my virginity to her
i broke up with her after 11 months because i knew she was in love with somone else. i couldnt hurt her by keeping her with me
i got told that i was after one thing then they found out she had cheated on me three times and i had forgiven her. i keep on going out with girls making them feel the most special wonderful people in the world then braking up with them when i could take no more
i am called a man whore or a slut but some i am hurt
. to all the sluts out there - have you lost my address? did you take my phone number down wrong? 061123
SLUT yeah give to me again 061123
okThen i called you a slut
you called me frigid
neither of us will ever forget
minnesota_chris the word slut implies that it's possible to have too much sex. I'm not sure if such a limit exists. 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
ha ha ha ha hmmmm... especially if you fancy someone in a magasine ! ooohhhh long legs ! 071007
up yours ! thats your choice but don't be a control freak ! 071007
up yours ! thats your choice but don't be a control freak !
up yours ! thats your choice but don't be a control freak !
up yours ! thats your choice but don't be a control freak !
up yours ! i've got a bunny rabbit protector, he helps me be a spy and a pirate at the same time. 071007
up yours ! i've got a bunny rabbit protector, he helps me be a spy and a pirate at the same time. 071007
n o m slutwalk 110515
n o m 110515
n o m i am so glad about these protests now 110515
n o m seriously 121011
REAListic optimIST This is a bogus word used to manipulate through shame. What a farce.r 121011
what's it to you?
who go