~gez~ they can be long or short, witty and meaningless all at te same time. one word, no capitals, or puncuation. break the rules of conformity. be a god 020821
alyah jolly and kris 030726
jolly and kris jolly and kris 030726
User24 screennames change all the time, my identity has changed so many times in the last 5 years, I probally knew half of you under different aliases, in different surroundings. 031010
sans nom that's an interesting thought 031010
User24 don't you think there should be a word for our 'handles' (no crude jokes, please) that we use on blather?

anyway, the point I was going to make, which now sounds really small and insignificant, but still... was that it's quite cool if you look at the position of someone's screenname on the keyboard, for instance, Mahayana probally keeps one hand on the 'a', and lets the right hand type the rest of the letters, whereas silentbob's hands probally fly all over the center part of the keyboard. mmm.

Keyboard map of my name, as I usually type it, using the finger definitions found at
to avoid confusion

Shift - Left Pinkie
U - Right Index
s - Left Pointer
e - Right Pointer
r - Right Index
2 - Left Index
4 - Left Pointer

if that's of interest to anyone, let me know your "screenname finger map" (tm)
User24 *correction*
U - Right Pointer
Death of a Rose left index home position
left index up position
left pinkie home position
left pointer up and right
right pointer left
right ring up
left pointer home
left pinkie home
left pointer up
right ring up
left ring home
left index up
just misstree i've used all but one of mine in the farther flung corners of hereabouts. and if i use that last one, it means the brown stuff is really hitting the whirly thing. 031027
lizbet right middle finger "l"
right pointer "i"
left middle "z"
right pointer "b"
left middle "e"
right pointer "t"

kookaburra right pointer finger=the right side of the keyboard
left pointer finger=left side of the keyboard
right thumb=spacebar
right index finger=backspace

people who type with two fingers will rule the world someday
dosquatch Then how come you keep wondering how I type so fast? <evil grin>

left middle home
right ring up
left ring home
left pinky up
right index up
left pinky home
left index up
left middle down
right index left
spiffy i don't use the same fingers for the same keys each time. i just use whichever finger is available and nearest to the next key i wanna hit at the given monent when i need to hit it. 040615
what's it to you?
who go