spikey-ho when you're in a room and you're bashing your head on the wall and they're talking about you like you're not there... 991214
miniver Let us quietly avoid the mess of perseverence and success, and all things let remain, sanitary, significant, and unattained. 000301
like rain. no. 010425
unhinged my feelings in this matter are insignificant because i told you i would always be here for you. 010425
The Moon Is Down How many girls have spoken those words and been true? 010425
unhinged dude, i'm loyal as a dog until you give me a reason not to be and even then it takes me awhile to get the fact that you aren't worth my time. 010426
god now i wanna be your dog 011103
Arwyn I had many different insignificant others before I met you. You're the first person I've ever been with that I didn't think I was "doing a favor" by even looking at them... what a refreshing feeling 020304
Syrope i agree with unhinged, even when i've been betrayed it takes me a while. i'm too loyal- i can't hurt anyone as much as they hurt me, which is why i dont hang out with people that are too nice and sweet...they frustrate me because i cant be as nice to them... 020305
g h o s t microscopic 020305
Qold i seem to have forgotten what i once knew about myself. when values fade and reality darkens, its easy to get lost in the quiet depression of being misunderstood, unloved, and unaccepted. when you cant see forward, or backward, when the drinks and sex are meaningless, when getting out of bed is like lifting a thousand bricks off yourself. the dreams of childhood break into a million pieces and what words can express the feeling of utter loneliness. blame society or yourself, whats the difference. ______ has failed you and i, my friend, and there is no tomorrow like today. 040301
divine madness you and your smile
those sweet lips
those soft words
all the sweetness
all insignificant
as my love was for you
Mzyxptlk Insignificant is what you become when you don't give people a reason to care. 060628
airchamber or what happens when they didn't care from the start of the whole bloodyfucking mess 060628
z significance is a human construct 060629
kuffsleeve Like money and fences you mean.
Like spending all the wealth on armies and killing rather than helping the people that need it.

The only way for this world to get any better is to scrap the selfish systems and start again, some people are in search of a better life, what right does anyone have to barricade them?

That is the reason why i refuse to work in a place that doesn't need me, there is enough of what we need in this city, i will work in a place tha doesn't know the meaning of entertainment, fun and enjoyment.
what's it to you?
who go