silentbob i try to update it and
unique_butterfly i love msn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lost i have msn, and when i try to update it i cant either. Damn msn. 010525
ClairE Um, sign me in, fucker!

For all my blather_chatting_needs.
ellen cherry charles taking over the world... 020127
Jacer how sad, i loathe msn, but everyone i know uses it, so i'm forced to, it disconnected me for server updates in the middle of a very important conversation.

but, since i'm always looking to talk to someone in my mundane little world
send me a message, and i'll try and be civil!
blown cherry I'm trying to get used to it, but ENTER does different things than it does on icq..... 020510
~gez~ took over my world...
...but now i pulled it back
D y a n n e My Favorite instant messenger It is the coolest Im like always on there talking to people... Add me if you wanna chat sometime more than likely Ill be on... 020901
have MSN alot
on GMT
on all day and till about 3 in the morning unless i am having a social life
no reason thinks too much he's been offline, and his name's been the same for a week, and he usually changes it all the time...i'm starting to think he might have me blocked, and i've never even talked to him on it.

yeah, well...just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you.
no reason new msn 6.0!

hours of amusement!

i made emoticons of tool, cookie monster, and a vibraphone so far. the vibraphone's a little small though :(
User24 project_blather_chat is a place put everyone's ICQ / AIM / MSN / Other contact details.

if you want to.

sorry about the miniture spamming of blather (hey, it's only on ICQ, AIM and MSN)
tess best thing that ever happened to me. i know i have a sad life. 040406
Chia Pet MSNF

Micro Soft and Fluffy
shivers i need good msn names that arent corny or dumb... its stressful 040524
emmi i like to be on 'appear offline' so that when i show myself online, i can count the seconds until he goes on 'busy'.

nonlucid "he" does that to me too - it's just that he has better things to do than talk 040708
D.G xXx lame.
disposable pink razor when my computer momentarily starts working, and nothing's else is running
i hope it's that msn's sending me a message from someone, because they want to talk to me, but it never is
shield56 Is great to keep in touch with friends. Couldn't live without it. I wish some of my friends would get it though. So much easier than emailing 10 times in an evening - despite that being quite fun! 050401
peyton seriously 050823
Shinnokxz whens the last time you've had a CONVERSATION on... 061207
no reason ugh
sometimes it's WAY too paranoia-inducing or feeding
anythingbutcryptic msn
i says:
im reading poetry
my friend says:
Poetry is gay man!
my friend says:
Read some erotica
i says:
what about erotic poetry
my friend says:
there is such a thing?
i says:
yer sure
my friend says:
yep found some
anythingbutcryptic i love everybody here so if you see this we must chat

that said, give me a person in real life over msn any day
what's it to you?
who go