silentbob when phone calls become expensive i always reserve ICQ to talk to my loved ones.
then i get kicked off of even there and i am left cut off from the world.
jennifer I think I scared bob off of icq
Silent Bob I don't remember...which day was this? what did you say that made you think you scared me? Now im confused. 000614
For sure! IC-FREAKING-Q! What the heck does it stand for anyway? I was just wondering that myself, and I don't know! Oh grrr!! Someone tell me, please! 000712
typhoid A disconnection was detected.
The service will automatically try to re_connect.
twiggie i love icq. i love the little uh oh! noise everytime i get a message. and the *incoming file transfer* and the *incoming chat request*.
Rhin (for the record)
ICQ = I seek you
Rhin I also love the little 'Uh-Oh' noise, but when I am totally focused - working on a graphic, it scares the hell out of me! 001226
ass facely 49488942 001226
Megan yessi only talks to me on ICQ. She doesn't love me enuf to cwall me. 001226
twiggie shush. that's a lie. 001226
j_blue icq is big and gaudy.

its super cute, but i tend to shy away from it because it hampers my productivity.

while i am no spokesman, i actually prefer msn messanger and aim to icq.

aim is inobtrusive, and the microsoft monster works with you when you sell your soul to it

yahoo sucks though
silentbob 57602675 001227
twiggie 61956388

yummychuckle crap, now I want my ICQ back.
anyway, I used to get on it every night last year, to talk to ...him...
and then i kinda realized i was crazy and stopped.
and then i got it back again.
and i talked to Sean.
and he stalked me.
and I realized he was crazy and stopped.
and I went to Maryland
and I wasn't able to use ICQ, so i got AOL instant messenger.
speaking of which...does anyone have it? my screen name is yummychuckle.....
ian underwood fawn snot 010619
Jenna 5251546

I have also bent to the demon that is AOL as RiverChick36. Say hi if you dare. :)
Effingham Fish All I ever get are invitations to porn sites. It's just taking up space on my hard drive. Why don't I just delete it? 011130
ClairE I thought it was supposed to be all hardcore,
but then one day I actually checked it out,
and it just looks bought up by AOL.

I love AIM. Hate AOL.
tina ICQ is THE hateful, undying DEMON SPAWN what NIBBLES AT THE VERY STRINGS OF MY GOOD NATURED PATIENCE AND in return DEVOURS my computer time and again!
damn those who refuse to conform to AIMity. CONFORM DAMN YOU, conform!
come on, you know you want to be HOTCHIK2349875928343 or SK8TURD00D6969!
moral: who needs vocal chords?
reitoei 142278280
who can ever remember these numbers?
Syrope in 8th and 9th grade i knew it better than my phone number.
i leave it up now, because there's one guy i talk to on it. but 80some people message me each night, each in a diff. foreign language. i like to be invisible on it.
megan 34301851 030602
0of46 ICQ was the best chat service ever because you actually had to learn how to use it and you eventually understood how to do anything you wanted with it. These newer versions of it, along with MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger just piss me off because everyone gets one because there is little or no effort in it and they either dont bother using it, do not know how to use it, or never get offline but are never there. And now everyone seems to have stopped using ICQ because the others are easier. It seems so pathetic to me. I now use Trillian because it combines all the chat services, but most closely resembles ICQ. 030602
User24 168892094
see also aim

if you download odigo (www.odigo.com)
you can chat with aim, icq, msn and odigo users, if you're sick of having fifteen different flashing icons in your statusbar, it's an idea

though I can't get it to connect to msn, for some reason.
mon 92897690
eye (sometimes) can B found via this number
User24 project_blather_chat is a place put everyone's ICQ / AIM / MSN / Other contact details.

if you want to, sorry about the miniture spamming of blather (hey, it's only on ICQ, AIM and MSN)
her royal highness the quirk uh oh :-) 040221
what's it to you?
who go