so unequipped for change. so painfully unprepared for turning tides and colliding attitudes how do I shift this to the positive. truly, you must know her. how does the obvious remain so elusive. and why can I not hold you here and transmit? by emotional osmosis. everything I have and know it resinates. this brilliance that bleeds and bleeds throughout the day. relentless happiness. what a concept. what a concept. what an untransfer- able concept. and now validation. not only must I refrain from action I must validate inaction. this pains me. this stagnation pains me. It rots the water, blots the soul what soul // your soul. a hybrid concept of religious convictions and American idealism. it congeals into a sticky sponge-like substance, maybe near the pancreas. hamburger-shaped and singing Britney Spears: the soul. a collective implant that never dies. it lives on through nostalgia and catharsis, where apathy and hunger converge. and we all just sit, riding the rip tide, boldly thrashing the crashing waves, thinking here we are, standing against nature. a penetrating current saltwater finding every crevice, filling every hole. invasive reminding you who has the control. and no matter what the momentary thrill, you still get sand in your car. that shit never goes away.
what's it to you?