Neil is this the story of johnny rotten? 990613
x nothing 991231
Kelstra I have no idea about this web site, or the fact what this website means, however if anyone would like to reply they are more then welcome 000514
Kelstra welcome 000514
birdmad in folly ripe
in reason rotten


futility in the face of inevitable decay
Thyartshallshant 010110
daxle the kind is gone but he's not forgotten
this is the story of johnny rotten
daxle thanks for the link
I only gagged about 50 times within a 30 second period
girl_jane My mom always buys fruit when I don't feel like eating it. Then, it's never around when I want it. I've solved it by not saying anything to her about fruit and buying it myself... 020919
Kevin When a person/fruit is just past it's "good" stage and is "overly good", it becomes rotten. 030414
SuicidalAngel Oh damn! Someone beat me to saying "" Damn! 030414
Rotten77 Ever get the feeling you've been cheated? 030421
decomposing bird but for one man's stupid misjudgement (sp?) i should be a small quantity of sandy ash in a patch of desert and sagebrush on the road halfway to Prescott 030421
User24 I bit into the apple of life
And found the core was rotten
There's only one thing worse than death
And that's to be forgotten.

-Molly Brown, Virus
awesome aardvark rotten vegetables can still be good for africans n stuff 040410
puff "you're rotten and so beautiful" 050102
what's it to you?
who go