amy three_words: static three_words watch 991226
nic click on blather and add your first thoughts that come to your mind 000706
hungry ghost Enhance perception of tone values: compose non-objective patches in different tones 010316

1) Open head and swallow.
2) Regurgitate.
3) Design an afghan from the regurgitated fragments.
4) Simulate. Imitate. Transform yourself into what you see.
5) Lacrosse.
6) Repeat steps 7-9, pausing to note that there are no steps 7-9.
johnny west Almost three months on, more instructions arrive:

10) Type like you talk.
11) Talk like you type.
12) Avoid typing and talking whenever possible.
13) If you find an attractive girl on a bicycle staring at you, run after her.
14) If you find an attractive guy on a bicycle staring at you, be very afraid.
15) Lettuce needs a toaster like nails need trimming.
16) Never sunbathe naked unless you are prepared for the consequences.
17) Impotence and importance are interchangable.
18) Gender confusion.
19) Never post nude pictures of yourself on the internet.
20) On second thought, post away.
21) Repeat steps 22-26, pausing to note that there are no steps 22-26. Then wait three months more for further instruction.
Dafremen click on blather and add your first thoughts that come to someone ELSE's mind 010606
god kill_puppies 020617
god x step 1)go to
step 2)type in "jane fonda"
step 3)stop saying you don't know
oon (farky) shoot_the_puppy_in_the_eye 030624
Raina okay, now this is what's going to happen. Once you click "blather" at the bottom of this page, and you type in something (anything that comes to your mind when you think of the word instructions), any word within your body of text that has a page associated with it will become a hyperlink, as well as the name you place in the proper field. If you blather enough, you'll have a list of all of your blather links...

You can change words after clicking blather, thereby creating a sort of tree.

Still need more instruction?
shivers 1) dont become my father
2) its to late, give up now
3) he loves reading instructions
4) i hope he doesnt read these
oon dodge_dart 040226
Dosquatch 1) Always follow instruction #2
2) Never follow instruction #1
3) There is no instruction #3
4) Repeat
oren 1. Lather
2. Rinse
3. No, really rinse.
4. C'mon, you can rinse better_than that.
5. Let's put it this way, you DO NOT get to repeat until you've rinsed thoroughly.
... ...
paste! why and what do i keep pasting im drunk 101215
paste! why and what do i keep pasting im drunk 101215
paste! why and what do i keep pasting im drunk 101215
paste! why and what do i keep pasting im drunk 101215
paste! why and what do i keep pasting im drunk 101215
paste! why and what do i keep pasting im drunk
what's it to you?
who go