camille Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that will melt the stars.

Gustave Glaubert ~Madame Bovary
whirlgirl sentences. full thoughts spoken in the presence of other people. 000716
bloody potato chip telepathy substitute based on tongue, throat and breath-manipulated sound-patterns 010630
Casey subject in school...good teacher...afraid to get up in front of others and speak 010630
birdmad ...less, sometimes 010930
pontifier so I asked him, Bill, you from Chicago?" He said, "No." I inquired again, "always from Michigan?" "Yea," said Bill, "why do you ask?" "Well," said I with a chuckle, "you have a funny accent." To which he replied soberly, "I have a speech impediment." Saying no more, I thought, I hate the name Bill. 011211
Jacer I gave a speech today for independant study, the speech was as follows:

The success center provides a multitude of services, for traditional and nontraditional students alike. On the most basic level it's a classroom, but beyond that, it's a place where a student can go to get what they need accomplished done. Last year i took a post secondary enrollment option for a college class. I enjoyed the new atmosphere so much that I enrolled in sixteen credit-hours ontop of my high school workload. I also enrolled in several classes that summer.
When fall reared its head with turning leaves; I was faced with a decision. Would I reenroll in high school, or would I just continue with college. The decision was easy, when comparing my grades, and the benifits of the quality of life, per say. I went into the success center and spoke with Lynn, my advisor. Her advice and determination to do whatever she could for me enabled me to take the college classes for dual credit to earn my high school diploma from my high school, but also have right around two years worth of college credits, and be prepared to transfer to a larger university.
Last month Lynn asked me if I'd be willing to writ and give this speech. I saw this as an opporunity for me to give something to her. This little bit connot come close to conveying the gratitude that I hold for her, nor is it even close to compensating her for everything she's done to help me. Thank you Lynn.
dominica who will have shit to say----

(to the tune of the FUNERAL MARCH)

User24 what's more important, writing or reading? 031012
TK how can you read whats not writen? 031012
User24 good answer, made me smile 031012
oE florid expectoration..yep that's me 031012
User24 but do your expectorations mean anything until they're read? 031012
oE ah..a clarification..a distinction..subjectively to the pooper of the prose yes..objectively, no..tree falling and me with my ear plugs in..strapped in to my subjective state..okay...so lets broaden the old descartesian delineation..thanx for bringing me back..frayed thread..and expedition into the random and aloof
Sam Vaknin Scholars like J. L. Austin and H. P. Grice have suggested novel taxonomies of speech acts and linguistic constructs. The prevailing trend is to classify speech according to nits functions - indicative, interrogative, imperative, expressive, performative, etc.

A better approach may be to classify sentences according to their relations and subject matter.

We suggest three classes of sentences:


Sentences pertaining or relating to OBJECTS. By "objects" we mean - tangible objects, abstract objects, and linguistic (or language) objects (for a discussion of this expanded meaning of "object" - see "Bestowed Existence").

The most intuitive objective speech is the descriptive, or informative, sentence. In this we also include ascriptions, examples, classifications, etc.

The expressive sentence is also objective since it pertains to (the inner state of) an object (usually, person or living thing) - "I feel sad".

Argumentative performatives (or expositives) are objective because they pertain to a change in the state of the object (person) making them. The very act of making the argumentative performative (a type of speech act) alters the state of the speaker. Examples of argumentative performatives: "I deny", "I claim that", "I conclude that".

Some exclamations are objective (when they describe the inner state of the exclaiming person) - "how wonderful (to me) this is!"

"Objective" sentences are not necessarily true or valid or sound sentences. If a sentence pertains to an object or relates to it, whether true or false, valid or invalid, sound or unsound - it is objective.


Sentences pertaining or relating to relations between objects (a meta level which incorporates the objective).

Certain performatives are relational (scroll below for more).

Software is relational - and so are mathematics, physics, and logics. They all encode relations between objects.

The imperative sentence is relational because it deals with a desired relation between at least two objects (one of them usually a person) - "(you) go (to) home!"

Exclamations are, at times, relational, especially when they are in the imperative or want to draw attention to something - "look at this flower!"


Interrogative sentences (such as the ones which characterize science, courts of law, or the press). Not every sentence which ends with a question mark is interrogative, of course.

Performative (or Speech Acts)

Sentences that effect a change in the state of an object, or alter his relations to other objects. Examples: "I surrender", "I bid", "I agree", and "I apologize". Uttering the performative sentence amounts to doing something, to irreversibly changing the state of the speaker and his relations with other objects.
jen is an annoying necessity... 040227
laced she spoke first
it was better this way
well, I was at a loss for words
my mouth forms the feeling of her
the whole length of her body
and all the things I know of her
even her nevus
Isaou Any speech topic ideas? 070911
what's it to you?
who go