miniver "Were". 000628
miniver Not "was".

Expressing desire or doubt, you know?
Barrett I ain't got no grammar skills. 000728
splinken "my grammar be's ebonics: gin tonic and chronic" 001012
sherrila wow. 010308
elana just another thing to control... 010309
nocturnal is the only subject in school, except for spanish and really that's the same thing just in another language, that I ever really understood. 010309
johnny west You take your subject and your predicate...mash 'em together...maybe throw in a modifier for good measure...and you've got some irrelevant shit that nobody cares about! 010310
Aimee "conjunction junction, what's your function?" 010310
mikey i remember that! how old are you Aimee? 010310
Aimee 119 in dog years mikey 010310
mikey oh hell i dunno the conversion :::pouts like a pro::: 010310
johnny west I think it's something like one human year = seven dog years. I can't remember. I think it jumps around. 010310
nocturnal no, that's the standard. 1 human year = 7 dog years. 010310
ever dumbening without it we're just a bunch of Broca's and Wernicke's aphasiacs

and remember: if ya ain't takin what's prescribed, you're part of what's described
ClairE Not ugh! Not ugh! 020116
girl_jane I finally found out and remember the difference between 'who' and 'whom.' 020226
kate I correct almost everything I say; the habit of revising is so deeply worn into my personality that I might lose myself if I became flawless. I correct others, as well-- primarily in my head, to avoid being rude (or appearing anal, which I almost certainly am), but I NEED to open my mouth sometimes. Plurals with apostrophes, possessives written as contractions (and vice versa)... these are the errors I cannot help but correct. A friend told me last night that he would not even notice my mistakes if I wasn't constantly red-flagging them with my self-criticism. I suppose in this way I am my own worst enemy. Then again, one would expect there to be more dangerous enemies than the anal blonde chick who won't shut up about objects of prepositions. 020503
Mahayana geeze i guess "coversate" is not a word afterall :: ok i give up on this one :: 020503
floaty so, i was posting to this bulletin board, at

i was liking it there. they had some pretty cool topics.

now the thing is set up like this Harry Potter type system, where the leaders are 'prefects.'

everytime i'd post ANYTHING, some prefect would send me a angry note complaining about petty things- my grammar, mostly.

when i asked them why, they decided i was disrespecting their authoritaah & banned me.

banned me??
you ban someone. for spamming, say posting the same thing 900 times.
or for stalking, say, writing 'jo is a ho.' after every post their ex makes.

grammar, & daring to ask questions.

respect needs to be earned.

it's sad tho. there were a few really cool people in there i am going to miss.
what's it to you?
who go