Kaskarkaminski a really cool card in tarot 000805
beat retroactively, always better 000805
kaskarkaminski will come to me from ll5 000805
kingsuperspecial I don't like you.

I don't like you.

I don't like you.

You're too much like me.
The Truth The weighing of the soul. 010612
The Truth I have been given
a vision of judgment.

It goes like this:
When we die, our being becomes a form of energy that travels at light speed toward the center of the universe (Heaven).
Now, the reason I think that is because I was watching the discovery channel one day and they said "as we approach the speed of light, time actually slows down. The faster you go, the slower time passes" Which led my deductive reasoning skills to assume that when you reach the speed of light, time stops, and when you exceed the speed of light, time goes...BACKWARDS (see: time_travel_theory for more info.)
Since time has stopped at this speed, we all reach Heaven at the exact same time, IE at the end, Judgment Day, when the universe collapses. When we are in this place, and in this form of being, we have accellerated thought processes which are indescribable in human words, but I'll try to explain as best I can:

It would be like watching 6 or 7 movie screens simultaneously, and when one person is judged, we all will see their entire life. What they saw, what they felt, what they heard, dreamt, thought, desired, loved, hated, everything on a different "screen". We are all clothed in white, everyone who ever lived. But the thing is, we are all judged at the same time, and afterward, (since time no longer exists it would SEEM like an instant had passed...or hadn't even passed yet.) we all would understand everything about everone elses life that ever lived.

(This may expain the "my entire life flashed before my eyes" phenomenon while one is facing death.)
That would be possible because we would not be limited by the organic matter of the brain, we would be beings of energy (light) without carbon-based tissues needed to store memories.
All at once, we would say collectively , "AHHHHH! Now I get it!" As if everything that has ever happened suddenly made perfect sense, and we will feel silly not being able to see it in an obviously clear way while back on earth. Then, God will deliver His rewards and punishments to all who deserve them.

And we all live happily or helplessly ever after!
skinny why would we do that? 040608
Forever Young ever after what? we lived, we will live, we will never live, the instant is now, not then, eternity and time are the same thing as you travel through this existence, man's creation of time is the illusion of anticipating his own forecoming eternity, mans idea of what time is ends upon death, so when his eternity/life ends to him it would be as if he had never existed? I can't imagine an all powerful force in this universe that rewards good morals, too much like a fairy story. 040722
Christ without the Cross There is no judgment. There is only acceptance and love. 060924
christ without the cross Did anyone realize that this word is spelled wrong. The actually word is judgment and interestingly that page is a lot smaller than this one. Hmmmmm. 060927
christ without the cross Did anyone realize that this word is spelled wrong. The actually word is judgment and interestingly that page is a lot smaller than this one. Hmmmmm. 060927
Facts are annoying My dictionary lists both judgment and judgEment. 060927
facts are really annoying your dictionary sucks!!!!!!!!!! 060927
in a silent way it's friendlier-looking with the "e", isn't it? "judgment" always struck me as being a little uptight. "judgement", meanwhile, welcomes me into its textual arms and holds me there for as long as i care to stay.

i reserve "judgment" for those times when i don't feel deserving of that kind of understanding or acceptance.
what's it to you?
who go