Shar it's so frighteningly easy, yet so nasty at the same time. i may get a hearty chuckle, but in the end, it's still nasty and irritating.

i try to stop, but i can't. sarcasm is so much easier than bluntness.
MollyGoLightly I can't stand this shit. And sitcoms use it in place of real humor, creating sarcastic nine-year-olds, who are the most irritating creatures on the planet. 000531
WingedSerpent When used properly can be among the deadliest weapons in the human arsenal. 000601
miniver "Gimme some more!"


Okay, wait. I love this stuff. But it's not like I'm stuck at the "sarcastic tone of voice" stage, you know? I'm not, like, sneering "yeah" all the time, or saying "way to go" in that you-fucking-idiot sort of way.

Sarcasm: A keen, reproachful expression; a satirical remark uttered with some degree of scorn or contempt; a taunt; a gibe; a cutting jest; witty language used to convey insults or scorn.

That's rather all-encompassing. Sarcasm is being mean, in any funny sort of way. Sarcasm is more than you think it is (but, of course, it's still exactly what it is). So, it may be easy to do, but not necessarily easy to do well.

If you have to be mean, be clever about it. Sarcasm can be very polite.
lokkust winners...every one of them. 000905
nocturnal at work without it, however would I communicate with the world? 010606
Zack No...really? 010819
Norm if you dont like it than dont be so stupid

. : * p s y b o r g * : . Daria is my girl. Sarcasm rules. I use it all the time. 011024
ClairE It's not irony. 011221
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge ...exists

no! ... reaLly?

¿[because it does or just because U say it is so]?
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge ... a fine line
beautiful sarcasm
glenn highest form of intelligence
lowest form of wit
unfortunately i am one of the most sarcastic people i know
what does that make me?
freakizh go daria.

i love to get complicated remarks that normally only i can understand. and if someone gets it.. then i'll marry him/her!
Shane I hate when people use it at the same time it often escapes from my lips. 020920
call_me_lydea is there any other way to get that unspoken truth out?

Sarcasm is a wonder. You can say things to people and they think you're kidding!Suckers...
Mandijabster Sarcasm is not a person.

sarcastic people are the raddest too, or at least, when I'm the sarcastic makes conversations seem so much more fun. Like wow.
nomatter so passive aggressive.
The only reason I am one bit funny.
stork daddy this is a really good blathe 031008
notme the shark has 'm 031008
mak in the right mood every word i speak is sarcastic. although not on purpose, since i can't do it if i think about it. 031224
Death of a Rose hehe...storky. good un.

I've said the following way too much.

'well, that's just about the most perfect load of bull stuffing i've ever heard!'
broken:shattered something i often get accused of
it's genetic
and yet apparently it's a crime at my school
it's like walking around with only a thong on, the way people react when you're sarcastic.
and it's not always nasty humour, and it's not the lowest form of humour.
that would be those cheesy novelty pop acts.
if it doesn't hurt people, it's not real
czmember my brother is a sarcastic 9yr old who is the most annoying creaturee on the planet. (i always keep some duct tape around) 040821
Lila Pause Sarcasm? What's that? 040821
ninecat I hate ending up with overly sarcastic SO's. At first it's fine, and seems funny and stuff, but after awhile it get's really old, and you quit being able to laugh at him like he wants, because it's like every single sentence that comes out of his mouth. Because it gets old. Then he gets insulted, etc. etc. ...Anyone else had this experience? 041212
devilbunny My my, that was so interesting...
enlighten me some more please.
TK Feels really good to be able to do this again, I'd rather missed it, kind of feels like I found a once lost puzzle piece to myself 140411
phil What a big weapon you have! 240604
. just about as big as telling people who you don't agree with to shut_up 240604
what's it to you?
who go