Shar Don't make any where there aren't any to begin with. 000325
Shugarhi I wish I knew the meanings of the words people speak just to annoy me. 010511
thieums What you say has a different meaning for each different person who listens to you.

Silence works the same way, unluckily.
Syrope i can't even say anything any more. there's always SOMEONE waiting to misconstrue it.

my tongue is so swollen from being bitten back. i couldn't swallow it now if i wanted to. so i'll just press it into my cheek and look at you with the taunting eyes.
kookaburra you saying that your tongue is swollen, is that some sort of code for your dick?
why are you talking about such erotic things? this is site anybody can see!!

"i can misconstrue if i want to..."
what's it to you?
who go