emmi my hair sticks to my neck, thunderstorms have that way of making the floors of my house cold and the air inside stuffy...i try to fill the brief silences with music, but it still feels emptier than usual and i can't seem to relax. i prance about upstairs and downstairs and wait for the phone to ring but all i ever hear is the rain. 040708
zeke ions! i love thunderstorms! green grey sky and light from all sides. sudden wind, humid with rain and ions. smell, like the hothouse at the botanical garden, bringing tang of earth and green green  life. onrushing of horizontal rain, warm and delicious in passage and the waves of density make a rythem. inside with windows open, curtains flying outward and rain sounds on tin roof drum. the storm is over. 040709
newme storm storm


thunder thunder

storm thunder storm
z stoder
newme ...

i'm in love with rain and thunder
but when it storms
and there is no water
i watch the hills for fire


i know a man who
was hit by lightning once
that man was and is my grandpa


didn't know that till recently
even though it happened years ago
long before i was born and talking
walking about fire rain and thunder


few weeks ago a lightning bolt
shot through my grandpa's valley
hit a dog a computer and a well
all in one zap of frazzle daz


grandpa's well got buzzed out crazy
and it cost him lots of money but
at least it wasn't his dog that died
he doesn't have a computer to get fried
just a well for feeding drinking water


and i thank gosh
grandpa missed the lightning
once is enough too much for any creature


and i'm in love with thunder rain
and when it storms
but there is no water
i watch the hills for fire


it rarely scares me
i'm always watching
the crashing light
dripping thunder


when the evening power_flickers
i stand inside outside the rain
and watch the clouds roll in
they turn me in they turn me
out i go into the thunder
turn me in turn me


i'm in love with rain and thunder
but when it storms
and there is no water
i watch the hills for fire


last year i saw the burning
i watched lightning dance the mountains
the pine_needle_ashes falling


and i watch summer burn cool and sweet
sweet summer sweet this is with rain
i watch the nights crash lightning
thunder storm thunder lightning i watch
from my garden i watch the mountains


and it rains
and i love
the thunder
it feeds
a fire in me

z . 040712
emmi there's been a thunderstorm every afternoon the past week, and i'm beginning to wonder if this is the new global_climate_change kind of monsoon. it's warm during the day and i wake up late and put on my hotpants and such. i go outside to walk around in the sun and it's warm and humid but the sky is black. later in the day it just gets hotter until the first sounds of thunder, and then the wind comes. i put on my pyjama trousers, close the doors to the porch and sit inside wondering what i should do. all my plans for the day fell through and i desperately want to get out of here. i remember how my mum told me of her uncle who died when he was struck by lightning. i shouldn't even have the computer on, but i guess it gives me the illusion of company. whatever happened to warm summer nights and barbecue dinner parties? is it gonna rain all through 2005, too? 040718
zeke horizontal rain
and hard big drops
returning tears to tires
and racing, greasy, over cracked and worn asphalt

run out of vast pipes
and drop
onto mud flats covered
to lie in the shadow of the interstate

and stops
. 040731
minnesota_chris even better than the torrents and flashes is the way the oncoming storm makes you feel. The ominous, growing slate grey sky touched with crazy shredded white clouds gradually fills the west, making everyone crazy and fearful. It only brings rain, but it conjures images of devastaion. 040808
dries&hardens You've got a greater chance of being struck by lightning twice than of being in a plane crash. I think I like those odds either way. 051226
triplesix The gods are composing chaos upstairs
Soon the autumn air will chill
And heaven's tears will fall
what's it to you?
who go