silentbob our ears perked up. we held our heads down so as not to be noticed. they continued to talk to each other and say things we could use against them. to destroy them.

we waited for the longest time to make sure they were gone. and when we were completely sure, we made a run for it.
quietrobert our ears perked up. we held their heads down so that they would be nervous. they continued to squirm in the water and say things we could use against them. to destroy them.

we waited for the longest time to make sure they were "gone." and when we were completely sure, we made a run for it.
joda Listen, world.

Maybe this would be a better place to envision a future for, if those who actually have the power to make significant changes would listen to what the people are trying to tell them.

Say that in one breath.
god celery stalked 030616
mona loves you I love you because you listened 040419
Staind_and_Souless I listened to you leave me. Forever. I need you. 041027
BitterSweetDream Listen as my heart spells out your name 041028
I listened last night.
what's it to you?
who go