andrea harsh words of doubt leave a trail
of overturned expectations mixed with
the fears i held of what was to come
my dreams all rotten, hard and stale
crumble to bits when i hold them and
try to fit them in the dark spaces
left by all i have pushed away
girl i dont leave home without mine 000328
Brad i remember arguemnts with my mom because i wanted to buy an expensive one so i would be 'cool.' I got the cool backpack. I still wasn't very cool. I'm glad i grew up. 000328
lisa_is_bionic Grab my blue backpack, my walkman, grip my bicycle, cause I know my friends are waiting at the door. 000526
miniver knick-knack patty whack 000526
god "did he pack your pudding for you?"...

"the avenue was packed."
retartedkidnameddamian in my backpack i have drumsticks, a jacket, two lighters, my cell phone, my keys, a pack of e.z. wider, a pack of camel lights, an altoids box full of leafy green material and 20 dollars. goodbye, i am off to jazz band practice 010328
Alexander Beetle Found in the cemetery behind my old high school, the last year I attended in full. Many papers, some books, in the top pocket. Leaking pens, a few condoms, some "After-Sex Mints" in the bottom pocket. Took everything out, stacked it neatly where the backpack had been, replaced it with my own personal crap. Still use it to this day.

My old backpack? Tossed it in a dumpster. Damn thing was about to fall apart, anyway.
distilled mouse wolfpack 010817
Gollum Kill Dora_the_Explorer, yes precious, we must kill her...

And that damn monkey too.
wait is he in your backpack too? 010818
scheherazade why backpack, when you can fly to queensland. zoooom. bring me the end of the year. 010818
scheherazade why backpack, when you can fly to queensland? zoooom. bring me the end of the year. 010818
hellsditch i still have my first "good" backpack purchased with my own money. A mountainsmith day-and-a-half pack (no model name I know of). It is black with a deep teal pocket on the outside. The pocket is held closed with velcro. The velcro stitched to the pack body is coming off. It has an unpadded waist belt, a sternum buckle, and other various load cinching systems. It also has a yellow elastic cord net for gear stowage. It was purchased in 1992 and has served me well with multiple overnight trips to 14-thousand foot destinations.

On more extended backpacking trips I use an Osprey Aether 75. This is a very nice unit with an excellent suspension. When trekking the pack feels as if it is bolted to my body.
what's it to you?
who go