elena is an unfortunate consequence of humanity. 990205
sean everyone in middle school. gawd. remember? 000126
birdmad sitting here in my office, with my coffee, staring at the cemetery outside my window, just down the street

Practicing my own brand of product-free cruelty
tit cruelty diguised as love,
hatred veiled in concern.
you are not what you seem.
you are far less.
unhinged he found the truth, my heart sprawled out and he threw it back in my face. he gathered up his friends and now they criticize me. tell me that i'm just using the word rape to cover up stupid actions. that i'm a liar because that couldn't have possibly ever happened to me. well you weren't there were you? you don't know what happened to me. and even when i tell you you still manage to say that i'm lying. if i say no and it happens anyway what do you call that? i wouldn't call that consent. alcohol can make a very bad bedfellow, but your judgements are wrong and hurtful. 010324
the engineer the most commonly traded currency in the back rooms and board rooms and in our deepest secrets

welcome to hell
cruelty Oh my, I never thought it would be this shade of blue! 010521
crueltys shadow but people can't type that fast in real life... can they? 010521
crueltys shadow and the little numbers at the sides... its interesting. 010521
cruelty I'm having a conversation with myself 010521
somesuch Because I must know 010521
mocking tones no matter what the cost in nerves and humiliation 010522
jane manipulation 070725
what's it to you?
who go