the scheliffen man i love the letter aria from the marriage of figaro 000526
Brad I'm not a huge fan of Mozart's music, actually, but I do respect him as one of the few true musical geniuses to have ever existed. One might even argue he was the only one. Of course, I would include Stravinsky, Ellington, and Coltrane. 000526
The Schleiffen Man For me, Mozart's music evokes emotions that Coltrane doesn't even touch. Score one for social conditioning. HadColtrane been pushed into my life like Mozart, I'd have made the same associations. 000526
Joe Corneli The Magic Flute is a beautiful opera.
It was the first classical music I really could appreciate. See the film
version by Bergman.
Immer Bach Meine Musik ist viel besser. Leck mich am arsch. Komm mal, gehen wir ins blatherduel, gel? Es wurde kein Wettkampf sein. Gegen Das Wohltemperierte Klavier oder Die Brandenburgischen Konzerte, du hast nichts.

Als mein amerikanische Freund sagt: Hootihoo, beeyotch.
kx21 "Post" / "Play" like Mozart
unhinged pansy ass 040902
a "point" Language Advisory

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unhinged as ashamed as i am to admit it, i kinda like the 5th violin concerto

and i am really ashamed to admit that
what's it to you?
who go