prison tat blues like that retarted kid on southpark

only that one is actually funny
unhinged CRIPPLE FIGHT 010815
Saint another argument for the concept of rectal gestation 010815
Timmy Hey, prison...
it's spelled retarDed, there, turbo.
Have a good one.
oops (did i say that out loud?) typos are a bitch, i do confess.

but then again, so's your mom.

(but at least typos aren't cum gargling gutter sluts, though)
hanael poor poor timmy

just hasn't known what to do with himself since his mommy and daddy (who through some strange convolution of animal husbandry are also his aunt and uncle respectively) tore his spooge-encrusted New Kids posters off the basement walls

the combination of that and the free time he has gained since losing his job at the pet store for violating the hamsters are all just too much for his fragile little mind to take

timmy is what happens when someone urinates in the gene pool

timmy probably has a couple of like-minded companions with whom he likes to go out and make trouble (when they're not camped out in the basement "saluting each other's flagpole" while dressed only in jackboots and vaseline) but would not last five minutes alone with one of his preferred targets unless he ambushed them. and even then, just by luck

timmy is a load his mother should have swallowed (rumor has it that this is her specialty, but that's another story for another night)

timmy is what happens when a family tree doesn't branch

poor poor timmy
Timmy OUCH!
well said, hanael.
Timmy Can't say the same for "Oops." 010816
Timmy I drank way too much beer last night.
I have a headache and beer-shits.
You are all my best friends. Would you like my phone number so we can chat sometime?
Hip. Hip-hop. hip-hop-anonymous?
Okay peace out, all my little nigger-lovers.
Weed Eater Timmy just wants attention

He doesn't care if it's negative or positive.

There are many people like this.

Very sad. They usually end up in jail, unless they change their attitude.
Timmy Somebody finally got it. Congratulations, Weed Eater. I was thinking about telling everybody, but now I don't have to. The truth is, I have no friends of my own. I came to this site, and, knowing that I would draw no responses by writing something intuitive or intelligent, went ahead and threw down the "n"-bomb a few times. Now, I have my own little "Timmy" section, and a whole score of people thirsting for my blood. Later... I gotta go jack off. 010816
Timmy Now, don't get me wrong - I hate niggers. That just wasn't my sole purpose for writing on this site. 010816
Weed Eater Well, at least you can manufacture pseudo-honesty...but we are not accepting applications for ignorant people right now, our staff is full of them, there are no openings. I'll bet you have some other talent you could bring to our table though, don't you?

What is your counterweight?
What is your balance point?

Since you have such a strong hatred, although it is misguided, it proves you have the capacity for passionate emotions.

Come on...

What'd'ya got?

There is a position opening for night forklift operator, cashier, and ooooh here's one:

philisophical_theologeans !!!

Blather is looking for passionate individuals with deep intellecutal thought patterns capable of formulating, hypothesising, theorizing, and scrubbing toilets on tuesdays and thursdays... You must like star_trek and have an IQ above 120. You must also be openminded to any possibility and thirst for knowledge and understanding.

And you must kiss a person of African Descent with a dark complexion, and tell them you love them, and you are sorry, and that you now realize that all human life has value and purpose, and that stereotypes are bad, mmmkay, and if you personally know EVERY SINGLE member of an ethnic group, and found that all members have the same quality, then AND ONLY THEN can you make that generalisation... example : ALL BLACK PEOPLE .... HAVE SKIN! see, that's truth.

Sound good? Want to apply?

We just don't need any more lies in the world today.
Dafremen Bigotry isn't so much a lie, as it is a cop out. Bigots are lazy. They would rather OTHERS came to see things from THEIR perspective. They want people to speak THEIR language(whatever it happens to be) and behave like THEY do.

Bigots cop out because they are afraid. They will never admit it, and they ALL have a "friend who is black" or a "Mexican friend" that they whip out when the conversation starts to turn to the subject of their ignorance.(Notice how the friend is always presented with a little disclaimer in casual conversation:
"Me and my friend ______, he/she's black/mexican/korean, were walking up this hill and..."


"Hey (Hispanic friend's name here) you like spicy stuff, try this."

When they DO have a friend of a different ethnicity, they invariably pump them for information about the subject of race and culture. Although I applaud the effort on those occasions, it does seem like an indicator of just how little exposure they've had to different cultures. How would YOU feel if your friend only talked about your race when you visited? Especially if you were the only person of that race present? The key difference between tolerant and prejudiced individuals is in the polarity of their perceptions.

Tolerant folx focus more on what they have in COMMON with other people, understanding is the inevitable result of such empathy.
Bigots, on the other hand, focus on the differences. Not surprisingly, they see others as being more different, and different translates as WRONG or UNNATURAL.

Bigots believe that racial harmony involves one race being "assimilated" by the other. They believe this and they are DEATHLY afraid that it is THEIR race that is being assimilated, so they lash out at the differences, justifying their ignorance through the self brainwashing technique of repetition(say something enough times, convince yourself that it's true.) They call for legislation to keep out the "outsiders", regulations to ensure that it is "THE OUTSIDERS" who will be forced to "compromise" and be assimilated, not THEIR people.

Bigots are simply too lazy to change and too detached from reality to care.
Inanna There is only one race- the human race. 010817
baby satan actually, there's this thing called The Arthritic Turtle Race. that's right. a bunch of turtles with arthritis try to outcrawl one another. funny as hell. and i'm not sure if the pun there was intended or not. 010817
TalviFatin blbahumdalabublablmalahubbaablablala...TIIIMMMUHHHH!!!!!!! 010829
Timmy How am I doin'? Been a while since this racist fuck been here... 011216
Timmy nigs? 011226
frogger Hi 030727
my little secret it's timmie 030727
:) :) 080806
what's it to you?
who go