jane i remember back in eighth grade savannah and reema and i started to use the slang that we made from our typos

i still say "it's a piswee off" sometimes
just_inflate wrong name wrong place
wrong time wrong face.
and i fucking hate you.
and i fucking hate you.
pipedream i hate typos.
death to typos, maulers of the english language, pennant of the careless, symbol of the misguided. i hate cya and u and gr8 and y and 4 , BLAAAGH!

typos are the disgusting bits off the rubbish heap of slangy english. bleurgh. if you want to do the slang thing, use intelligent, funny slang like p.g wodehouse and roald dahl did. invent your own slang, like jane (that's quite cute actually, piswee off)...but skip the the typos...after smoking, i hate typos the most.
jane i hate what you're talking about as well, pipedream, but those aren't typos. they're convinience typing. gets on my nerves. it's a piswee off. 030505
pipedream absolutely- piswee off of the highest order
*high five*
crimson I makew them all ofg the time. dh851ybKiud57&JXqiuweuh#$%y

I hate typos. I want one of those computers that does the typing for you, and all you have to do is speak into a microphone.

Or maybe I am just careless and lazy.
crimson ...if that isn't proof enough: I misspelled my own e-mail address that last time 030724
jane that's okay...
looking back, i spelled convenience wrong.
ferret "...if you're boned during the summer, please call me at..."

hehe, actually it said "...if you're BORED during the summer call me at..."

a friend wrote that in my yearbook
ferret it just looked like it said boned :)

(and my tab button is broken! that's annoying!)
Strideo a keystroke error.

the difference between a typo and a misspelled word

typed to a guy of the same gender just a sex-

danm that c si close to tat x on the keyboard

i did not mene that
Whitechocolatewalrus I was trying to type duck once, but the i is right next to the u and I accidentally typed dick. It is now a stupid thing that my friend reminds me of just about every day. 031110
endless desire
"Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe"
cpgurrl yuo seem 2 be rgiht, my freind.

tehre is soemthnig 2 be siad 4 bieng samrt
To be Exact whitwash

peyton are the bane of my existance

in a silent way there aren't words for how much i despise these things. i know how to spell. i know the order in which i want the words to fall. i know what i want to say. but there are times the fingers have other ideas, and the mind isn't fast enough to catch on until it's too late.

those are the times that move me to spit dirty words at the computer screen and contemplate breaking those fingers to teach them a lesson.
in a silent way FUCK YOU EYES AND BRAIN. look at what the fuck is in front of you, you useless fucking fucks. see shit. stop fucking up. 130131
in a silent way i'm sick of these things. you win, brain. i quit. 130215
what's it to you?
who go