drew it's all been said and done before, of course. i guess we unconsciously think it would be boring if we didn't have anything -new- to say or do, so we conveniently -forget- as time goes by. but really, how boring that sounds... 980915
allie is only bad if you have the same bad idea but good ones can also be over used to point where they become bad. repetition is not good. 990411
alida the big red wheel spins arround, and arround, and arround, and arround... 990825
deb sometimes a good form of therapy...

for example, in Good Will Hunting...

its not your fault
its not your fault
its not your fault...
gunshy endless loop of meaninglessness...Hey! Life is repetition!...I guess it is if you believe in reincarnation. I'd hate to be reincarnated, when it's over I want it to be over. no more. Fineto. 991214
witzaufIhnen hold for
feel for
love for
touch for
hate for
the love that
shatters into a thousand
pieces like his fist
into my face.
Midnight Bliss and i wonder, day to day, i don't like you, any ways...i don't need your shit today, you're pathetic in your own way. i feel for you...

and i wonder, day to day, i don't like you, any ways...i don't need your shit today, you're pathetic in your own way.
i feel for you...

...uoy rof leef i .yaw nwo ruoy ni citethap er'uoy ,yadot tihs rouy deen t'nod i...syaw yna ,uoy ekil t'nod i ,yad ot yad ,rednow i dna

...uoy rof leef i .yaw nwo ruoy ni citethap er'uoy ,yadot tihs rouy deen t'nod i...syaw yna ,uoy ekil t'nod i ,yad ot yad ,rednow i dna
birdmad again 010930
tricky repetition teaches humans that repetition teaches humans 020219
Mateo repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition 020219
silent storm the comings and goings of us never seem to end 030616
god patterns 030616
the patient i_must_keep_reminding_myself_of_this 030616
Rowbes was here 030616
Rowbes was here. 030616
Rowbes was here 030616
User24 is hard to avoid in this random mush of words 030701
you are getting sleepy and drowsy ... so drowsy, so sleepy ... you are getting drowsy ... you are getting sleepy ... so sleepy ... so drowsy ... 060120
what's it to you?
who go