typhoid the race against the clock
has entered it's final lap
moonshine unbutton, unzip, unhook, undress... 000618
mmm sometimes i wish life had an undo button 010402
elisabeth i wish i could undo the past go back and chnge what i did so everythign would be better 010411
keeper undo my mistakes

take back my words

forget my touches, my glares

maybe you should forget me

perhaps things may be easier for you
work it make it do it makes us Control-Z 011015
Sonya the sullen feline the downward spiral of events that have plagued him and me.

Fate, you cruel bitch, undo the damage you have done. Never again will I depend on such a false belief...
. . 030601
jane i'm going to finish high school the right way
not missing senior luncheon or graduation or grad night
not missing senior picnic
missing finals
and graduating like the good girl i am
unhinged forgiveness

you cannot redo a thing that has been undone
notme everything done
nothing to undo
:) iLink:- The_Golden_rule 040705
nonlucid I wish there were a ctrl-Z for life... don't we all?

save and restore, if you screw up it's never permanent

but then I'd spend my entire life redoing it, always trying to find a better way that could have happened, and would never find it

And if it could be done only once, it would be either done too early or saved eternally until it's too late... and if twice, three times, always wanting "just one more time"
what's it to you?
who go