jennifer "beauty is truth, truth beauty--
that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know"
John Keats
Sparticus and finally i think i know

"O for a life of sensation!"

thank you

Sparticus a disciple of keats 030627
jane i could go for a big juicy staek right now 030627
User24 hark! an elven storm from faery land 030627
jane qeu? 030627
User24 from Keats' 'St Agnes Eve'

I don't like Keats much, though he had potential.
Sparticus potential that was only beginning to be realized by the time he died

at 25

if what he did before that was not up to his full potential. . . the world has been deprived

kss keats may think that's all there is to know on earth, but I'm sure he never lost his car keys. 030627
IMHO keats would, have stopped being so damn wishy washy head-in-the-clouds-everything-is-beautiful after a few more years in the world, after which, he'd have used his amazing literary talents to rip the piss out of society, and become a great cynic. 030627
Sparticus and why is a cynic considered more real and amture than an idealist, or, as you put it, "wishy-washy head in teh clouds?"

whos to say that you still cant think everything is beautiful?

are we that cynical that we almost universally believe that the world is ugly and anyone who thinks diferently is either a) too young to know better; b) a naive waste of space; or c) just a plain moron?

that makes me sad. pain is the root of all cynicism, yet all it does is cause more pain, in order to breed itself. like all viruses, cyniscism is self-replicating

thinks everything is beautiful
Sparticus and why would you think, after fighting tuberculosis with the foregone conclusion of his own death for seven years that keats ever would have turned cynic?

this after nursing his brother to the grave via the same disease?

and that coming after burying his two parents?

and all whilst unable to be with his one true love because of his affliction?

keats would never have turned

we are all so beautiful. especially in ugliness
ferret was a poet 030627
ferret so was keats 030627
maybe? precisely for the reason that he'd have got sick of coughing blood every day? 030628
? and i thought he did get with fanny in the end? 030628
Sparticus he and fanny were never able to get together. he died penniless and nearly alone in rome

and my point is if seven years of hell and slow, painful death while watching all the others around you die isnt enough to force a cynic -- in fact inspiring more beauty and spirituality -- then why would he ever have gone that way?

does a person have to be a cynic to be considered enlightened?
stork daddy would keats talent make allowable his sensabilities in this new world. or perhaps his sensibilities would are not a steafast star. he'd probably see no point in poetry, there's little romance in it now. 040414
:-) sparticus; perhaps he was in denial, and had he lived longer, would have grown out of the denial, looked back on his insipid, rose-tinted view of everything and thrown up. 050916
stork daddy i'll tell you this much...rumi never lost his sense of beauty. keats in many ways was as enthralled with the mysticism of beauty. 050916
hsg1437 "beauty is truth, truth beauty--
that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know"
John Keats

for the Above, keats remains with truth. the world & all its fears cannot drag down truth to it. the world may only awaken to truth. this is beautiful. this is awake.

"that is all ye know"

because to know things other than what is true is to not-know. to see something other than beauty is to not see clearly.
MorFafu ! once i slep next to my best friend in a single bed..
i was a biot mental in those days..

my hair was sticking up like peter was even in the shadow...

i told you that you were Tinka Bell !

now come on girl !

i only want to put the hoolar hoop box under the car !
whats wrong with that ?

i know the book under the tree was mean but..
i'm just silly ..

always have been !

i only wanted a good job and a nice man !
MorFafu ! once i slep next to my best friend in a single bed..
i was a biot mental in those days..

my hair was sticking up like peter was even in the shadow...

i told you that you were Tinka Bell !

now come on girl !

i only want to put the hoolar hoop box under the car !
whats wrong with that ?

i know the book under the tree was mean but..
i'm just silly ..

always have been !

i only wanted a good job and a nice man !
what's it to you?
who go