dafremen r.dafremen

We ain't got much
But that's enough
Ain't afraid of the flames these days
Because we've been..burned enough
When times get tough
We pick it up
Reach out try to help one another get through this stuff
Reach out try to help one another with a little love

Who says bad times have to be so bad
with a face you know beside you?
And who says penniless ain't rich enough?
Long as we've got

No we ain't got much
Just gas to pump
Bills and rent and the check we spent
And our debts keep pilin' up

But I'm a simple soul
Until the day I'm old
leave me with these and I do believe I'll be
good to go
Leave me with these and I do believe..we'll all be good to go.

Who says bad times have to be so bad
with a face you know beside you?
And who says penniless ain't rich enough?
Long as we've got love

Who says sad times have to seem so sad
with the ones you love around you?
And who says penniless ain't good enough?
Long as we've got

(repeat chorus)
dafremen Latest videos from our 36 square foot practice space "The Shed":

lyrics: sad_ways

lyrics: on_a_roll

lyrics: factory_life

lyrics: " leaders "
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