Quintessensual I
is for indigo,
second letter of girl,
dark to grayish purple blue.
amy the washing color of a blather bath.
an inviting color to blathe under.
the blather night is somewhat dark.
for drawing out the heart.
moonshine Fire dancer on the beach 000619
kim and b.j. 000712
stan sweet elixer for the eyes
vanquisher of black and blue
phantasmal shades of berry pies
sipping tea to you
power through passion nice color, cool name 000929
Aimee my favourite color kid 010812
jane i am an indigo child 011010
Toxic_Kisses Mine too Aimee ^.^ every time I think or see indigo she comes to mind.
You know they never had enough episodes featuring her in Rainbow Brite
whoknows um.... i like the indigo girls 011101
ClairE jeans



that North_Carolina businesswoman lady we learned about in history

yeah she was chill
oren Those feelings...
Down to my shoes.

While I sit and cry,
Roll on blues.

Mood indigo.
amy & emily shame_on_you 011213
jisy let_it_be_jisy 011213
no reason combines beautifully with silver 020107
Mahayana: Zakah: Sassafrass/Cypress/&/Indigo

Sassafrass weaves tapestries
Cypress dances
Indigo makes magnificent dolls
and plays a wild violin

no reason reminds me of Portishead 020403
celestias shadow I always forget about this color. 040213
nonsensical indigo dances 040213
pooka the magic awaits time gets paused and eternity is next door 040327
lizendale "We don't have any more timeI apologize for repeating this, but we really don't have any more time, [w]e have no power. Please help us." 040411
Twizlex queer 050206
kim where am i? 050217
nautical smiles when yer a kid.
indian paintbrush,
desert weeds
acryllic dinosaur, put-put.

CHILDREN'S DREAMS rarely mean anything but the way the mountain hangs, like a shield from somewhere you don't know, one enormous shadow a reverse transistor, gives you somewhere to be..

means something.
milo a deep reddish blue
that stained all over
the day i met you
kimbo jones indigo where did you go? 050503
jane blurple 071107
what's it to you?
who go