sabbie i think i will change my name to this.

its so pretty.
depletion first thought killed by anticipation of the next 021014
sekhmet selective seratonin reuptake inhibitor
fuck it. fuck me too.
Flowers from Safeway Here's my new audioblathe:

Oh Sera Tonin.
Sera, you're so much more to me than just a delicious neuro-transmitting chemical swimming around in my cranium. Compared to you, everyone else is just a regular old bodily fluid. That's right. I love you, Sera. I love you more than T-cells. You are my cerebral lover. When you're with me, everything is absotively smurfy. But sometimes, Sera, I look around and find that you have vanished without a trace. No goodbye. No cute little note on my pillow with little x's and o's. You're just gone.
I ask around for you, "has anyone seen Sera Tonin?"
But the hypothalamus ain't talkin.
Where can you be, Sera? Why did you leave me? Can't you see that I'm miserable without you? I lie awake at night dreaming of when we'll meet again. My friends try to set me up with another girl named Mary Jane, but I know she doesn't compare to you.

Sera Tonin, won't you help me through the night
Sera Tonin, won't you make the wrong things right
Sera Tonin, won't you stay with me tonight
Sera Tonin won't you help me shed some light

What do you want from me, Sera? You breeze into town and everything's great, but then you're gone the next day. Tell more that I'm more than just a neural booty call to you. Yes Sera, I have been seeing other chemicals. I met a girl named Prozac, but she was just a rebound. It meant nothing, I swear! I love you sera, I'm your number 1 fan! Your tryptophan, if you will. What do you want me to do? I could climb the highest mountain and call out "I LOVE SERATONIN!" But it doesn't make you any more mine. All the gum and St. Johns Wort in the world won't bring you back now.
I've seen you around town, walking hand in hand with people with BMWs and cel phones. What do they have that I don't have?
Don't answer that.

Sera Tonin, won't you help me through the night
Sera Tonin, won't you make the wrong things right
Sera Tonin, won't you stay with me tonight
Sera Tonin won't you help me shed some light
User24 so weird that you were blathing this while I was writing my latest ask_use24 reply, gret minds think alike, flowers.. 030928
Flowers from Safeway wow, 24. I hadn't realized I had misspelled it. That's frightfully embarrassing.

Anyway, did you listen? What do you think?
User24 unfortunately, It was about half one AM when I was online last night, and me was very tired, and I have no speakers here at work, but I will listen tonight, I loved optimism, very moving. 030929
User24 and don't worry about spelling, I had to look up MAOI on google to find out what it actually meant (I did know it once, but it's been over 2 years since college..) 030929
oldephebe the wife of my now irrevocably and iredeemable business partner/friend gave me a weeks worth several years back
because of my helped but it left me feeling vaguely depressed and i threw the rest out..they were low dosage..
User24 flowers, you have talent!

amazing is all I can say, really.
whitechocolatewalrus hahahahahaHAHAHAHAhahahaha, i can't do anything but laugh. HEheheHEhe. this has to be the best thing i've heard/seen in the last three really really shitty days! I am happy now.
good job flowers from safeway.
blather spell check serotonin 031215
endless desire i prefer this spelling. but i never have enough. i think my body hates me. im so tired of medicine and switching and mixing and strange effects. i just want things to work right on their own. just come back to me and make everything better. oh the things you don't miss when you don't know you should. oh the things you do miss that you always took for granted. 031223
Flowers from Safeway That Sera, she's a bitch godess. She gives with one hand and takes with the other. I prefer this spelling too, although it was not intentional originally. (sorry, blather spell check) 031223
sometimes_she thinks Sera doesn't like her much. 031223
dozyn2 The cute little molecules dance for me
once again it drips
MAO to only kill that which makes us euphoric
SSRI to only perpetuate what is good
yin to your yang
doctors playing games
party kids testing limits
who deems it safe?
jenny enny dots roll_call_medication_poll 040205
max inside my head where the good guy lives
the good brain gives endless supply. The brain gets pleasure out of making seratonin active, as it gets pleasure out of other natural mind stimulants such as having fun in the imagination, smiling a lot. We know who we are, the ones that walk and smile when we are unaccompanied.
these two evoke peace which is extremely addictive and heaps more extreme than war
what's it to you?
who go