CheapVodka they stick me on it and now i'm a cliche, what happened to the days when they just let me pop a few lithium? 011104
anti-social butterfly was the only anti-depressant that actually worked for me. but it was scary, because i forgot to take it for four days, and i lost my mind, hitting a lower depression than i had ever felt before taking the medicine. and after forgetting to take it for four days i promptly tried to kill myself. that was scary as shit. and prozac made me sick. so i quit taking it. i hope it doesn't have the same effect on other people as it had on me. at least though, it made me happy for a while, when i was taking it. 011104
*nat* Anti-depressants, to be quite honest if i was depressed i would become even more depressed knowing that i was so depressed i needed to be on anti-depressants 020825
unhinged you were talking about prozac and paxil and zoloft and i just didn't want to have the conversation. somehow, you just aren't as engaging anymore now that any hope of ever holding you has been deleted from the picture. 020826
silentbob procaz_nation 020826
silentbob prozac_nation 020826
ninecat makes her cut. 050712
highanddry fluoxetine 050713
B~R i think i need it 070614
fix no no don't do dat, wait a minute, dats not the answer, what is the reason why you are not happy?

if you are sad, someone will help you i hope, maybe they will take you on top of a mountain and show you something. The world is supposed to heal you ! especially the most beautiful places on this planet. theres no real word to describe some scenes its just

mwwwaa ! perrr !

(prozac is eye wool, a quick fix and a company that makes it)
what's it to you?
who go