Q I once knew a person who seemed to have an attachment to "a".

Turns out I know the person still, and the attachment seems to have developed into a fetish, albeit a warm and healthy one. Some might say it is beautiful too, and you could count me in that cabal.

I've pondered what an "a" fetish might mean. Freud and his adherents, and those for whom the DSM IV is like a modern, revisionist version of the Bible, Koran, Kama Sutra, or poetry of e e cummings, say nothing about it. Not that any of what they might say would matter. I know it is real from direct observation, not just rank speculation.
The fetish indicates a dedication to excellence, the best possible that can be or be achieved, the finest so fine that no money could possibly come even close. Certainly what I've seen of this person is consistent with that.

Copr. 2000
lisa_is_bionic I have a fetish for soap. 000526
MaryJane sparkles, glam rock, david bowie.
yum yum.
OM for every part and aspect of her, indeed.

but also a fondness for her pretty toes (especially when she wears those little rings upon them)
Raina Hi my name is Raina and I have a really sick fetish. I like guys who are slightly overweight, and I like to play with their stomachs. Even sticking my finger in their belly buttons. I don't receive any sexual gratification from it though, but I don't understand why I love to poke a fat belly.

I need help.
The Spork maybe it's some repressed Pillsbury thing.

misstree in one way, a thing that is representative of a magical concept or target; a doll, a statue, a dried flower...

in another way, something much more powerful, something that moves us despite our desires... the skeletons that lurk in the back of the closet... the thing that makes us wonder what's wrong with us... until one day, it breaks free, ripping itself out of flesh with an honest grin on its face...

what will you say when you stare your fetish in the eye?
Thyartshallshant I have a fetish. It's a good one too, its not sick. hehe. It's long, shiny, healthy brunette hair on a woman. I love it. Theres this one girl that sits in front of me in one of my classes, and lucky me, she has the sexiest, prettiest, most beautiful hair i have ever seen. And she even lets the brown curls lie on my desk and lets me play with them. I always wanna run my fingers through it. So soft and shiny. *eyes roll* Ahhhhh 010103
unhinged i even got a chill down my back for that one...thy you have been making me smile a lot today. my fetish isn't a very good thing for me. i like to fall in love with people who need help but it always turns out that there's nothing i can do to help them. so i guess essentially i have a fetish with hurting myself which probably isn't too far from the truth. 010104
mikey taboo taboo! my big fetish is anal sex. dont know why. no im not gay. people who say things like "one as is same as another" are homophobic and insecure. in fact i love gay guys. my philosphy is if guys go for guys it means their not taking the ladies!! GO GAY GUYS! i love you all! im writing this not sure if this subject is on here or not im guessing it is. if not oh well. im open minded. had some fantasies in my head felt like saying something about it. everyone has their desires and favorite sexual things. whats yours? i wouldnt mind roleplaying sexual acts either let the mind feel free! 010306
mikey long sleek black hair down a girls back during sex. yummy. in general long black hair is number one on my list but i love auburn also. 010306
java-jim I love thong sandals - the kind that have an ankle strap. Seeing them gives me a joy that is pure and electric. How great it is to have something so simple provide such bliss!!! 010417
owl accents, chains, and male gymnasts!!!!!!!! 010417
unhinged hands, big skinny hands with long slender fingers where every knuckle shows.

kip had beautiful hands
minivel I'm selling my hair. It has already been cut and I have the video of the cutting with a before and after interview that will go to whoever takes the hair. It was very long; 3 inches below my ass but I had just had it trimmed for my wedding so it was about 2 inches past the tip of my tailbone upon cutting. I need to measure the ponytail, and will before an exchange is made, but I would estimate (being not so great at estimating lengths) it to be about two and a half feet long. The ponytail is all natural color: dark brown, medium brown, and light brown with natural blonde streaks that grew from my temples. I grow thick hair and I took very good care of it. It was practically straight, though it did have a slight waving to it; it has never been dyed, bleached, permed, stripped or thinned and has only been exposed to hairspray once for highschool prom and a bit of the curling iron once for my wedding.
******You can see a couple of pics of me with my hair at: http://www.geocities.com/dna_books/hair.html *******
I have not set a price because I intend to accept the best offer I can find. I will put it up for auction on ebay and email all those interested about when the auction will go up.

minivel my email:
Madame Justine I have a fetish for David Bowie also. Particularly Life On Mars. Although right now, Diamond Dogs is my favourite album.
I also have a fetish for feet. That's my most prominent fetish. As long as they're nice feet. With hairy toes. then I can excuse anything.
Other fetishes I suffer from (is suffer the word?) are leather and PVC. Fairly standard stuff.
Obsessions I have are: Sack Trick, Rachel Stamp and my fiancee Joey.
Where is the line between fetish and obsession drawn though?
swirls of shimmering silver ~spanking~

That's all I have to say.
misstree a nice, bloody hunt. once they're captured i have no more use for them. 020128
lost my girlfriend has a lot of fetishes, but i think i have yet to find out half of them. 020129
phil I have a writing fetish, it turns me on, and turns my headache off, I listen to the words go by on the screen. I don't read ahead, I know you have to get started. The thought unfolds in my eye, watching patiently, hoping for that perfect line, to tip me off, let me give my direction away. Forcing myself down on her, taking my clothes off, carressing her, humbling her. Letting her know it was me, questioning her curves. Like an alien leaving her a way, thinking about her thoughts not mine, answering to my name, giving all that she asks, once, twice, until we can't stop. I want to ride your magic train, and derail at the station, I want to lick your lips and touch your heart with my hands, I want to soothe your body so you can melt into mine. And touch my graces, with your fine teeth, combing your hair, getting to know you turns me on. Turning you over, laying still letting you find your way, through your skills, to come back to me, that I'm writing. 020212
Phil the space is pinched together, drawing in closer to inside of the words. I can pinpoint precisely the area, the gravity, I see the force, the invisible finger pushing the paper. In the bottom center, where it says touch. Dadaism baby, it's all what you look for, not what you'll find. 020212
phil? you step back from what you're reading, making it look smaller.
Or is it just me?
ClairE Main Entry: fe·tish
Variant(s): also fe·tich /'fe-tish also 'fE-/
Function: noun
Etymology: French & Portuguese; French fétiche, from Portuguese feitiço, from feitiço artificial, false, from Latin facticius factitious
Date: 1613
1 a : an object (as a small stone carving of an animal) believed to have magical power to protect or aid its owner; broadly : a material object regarded with superstitious or extravagant trust or reverence b : an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion : PREPOSSESSION c : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression
2 : a rite or cult of fetish worshipers

my pen
my superstitions
you you you
god that's exciting. i never read that one 020530
freakizh yeah, fetish is more like into sexual estimulation on things,.. i don't know if characteristics of the persons you fuck are also considered.

but since we're on the subject..

i love men with long hair. it's almost like loving a woman but with a penis. they're not fragile, they won't cry nor be committed to you for the rest of your life, and certainly are hot. and you can just lay down and let them do everything.

no wonder only a couple of persons got actually surprised when i claimed i was bisexual.
shiva i guess you will never find out. 030506
Jessica the psychology major The only time something is a fetish is if you can't get aroused without whatever it is that thing is. 030507
oblivia i have a fetish for eyes. they have to be electric. they have to be expressive. i have a fetish for restraint. i love it. being completely overwhelmed by someone with no ability to move except for the occasional curl of the toes...yum 030706
Aimee mmmm eyes and calves (you know the lower leg above the ankle) mmmm the eyes have to just be perfect and safe and warm and mysterious and the calves have to taper just perfectly... muscles showing through isn't necessary, but a plus... mmmmmm yeah 030706
spytothemodernworld Wet panties arouse the the best and worst of us... smelling the sex of a woman is quite possibly a more powerfull aphrodesiac than power itself. It is the essence of this that makes my dick swell. 030712
kermits_perfect_rainbow_/^\ i love guys with accents. irish scottish british swahilian (sorry cant spell for shit or a doller). but anyways about these guys. i also like it if they have long hair only a little longer than shoulder length, but white or black that is the best. 040229
lightbeam I have a fetish for rings.
Can't stop at any ring stand without acquiring a new one. First thing people ask me is about my 32 rings i wear. Don't try to mess with me! Punches will be hard ;)

Got a fetish for rings too? (wearing them!) Drop me one!
lycrafiend I can't get enough of women wearing lycra. The tighter and shinier the more I like it. Through the internet I have found like minded people. For a long time I thought I was alone. People produce videos specifically for us. People capture video of old aerobics shows from the 80s. I now have 13 gigabytes of material and own my own lycra FTP. There is no end. I can't stop. 040426
minnesota_chris when I was in London, the fashion was Lycra tights, of bizarre colors. It looked like all these English girls were walking around with painted legs. It was amusing. 040426
minnesota_chris I was driving down the road and saw two women. The first was gorgeous. Her clothes fit her perfectly, and her body was gorgeous.

The second woman was older, closer to my age, and her body was shaped like a huge throw pillow.

It would be inappropriate or even illegal to date the first woman. But why in my right mind would I date the second?

needs to stop talking about it, and just move to France
Kiersty when my someone touches the small of my back. when my someone blows lightly on the side of my neck. when my someone holds on to my waist while laying down. when im laying down and my someone sits on me.when my someone runs their hand down my stomach. when my someone kisses my collar bone. oh i could go on... 040709
pigeon i always thought that fetish was spelled with two "t's" like fettish. 040804
globalfruitbat I thinkit's way more appropriate with two "t"s, pigeon. much more...coquettish. 040804
misstree is drunk again there si nothing coquettish about fetishes.

they're the ones that slip you mickeys and fondle you when you can least defend against it.

they're the ones whose hot breath ruins your sleep at night.

they're the ones waiting in the alley
that you know you'll pass by,
waiting, smiling,
and taking you by the wrist as you watch your feet in the wee wee hours,

they're the uncle's kisses you'll never tell about, the late night panty-sniffs you'd die getting caught in, the secret thrill when you hear that musical tinkle of a golden stream.

they're the things that don't make a sound in the night, and cover your mouth with their hand.

you'll keep silent about your fetishes,
because they have the power.
birdmad fetish - a specialzed trigger for arousal focusing either on body parts (i.e. foot, hair, particular breast or cock size, etc) or other external, non-corporeal accessories (food, leather, shoes)

for example, a few of my own:

short dark hair or hair put up, exposing the back of the neck

bare shoulders

body jewelry

a woman's toes, or the curve of her hips (especially when they are bare), or the sight of the space between her breasts (especially if they tend toward the small-ish side), or the gentle indentation that forms the line of her back from her shoulderblades on down

and sometimes even (and sometimes especially) little imperfections..because Sir Francis was right about that.
ugiug you'll laugh, but I have a fetish for dreadlocks... nothing sexier yum 040913
rebareba my fetish is tickling guys till they pee themselves 040917
iced out trish I have a fetish for vampires mmmmmmm 040917
Eye-lined Black-haired Beauties I have a fetish for accents on men only (irish, english, scottish, redneck) and black hair and black eyeliner on any guy will get my attention in a heart beat! I also love reading about men on men...im not bi or gay but it turns me on! And the one major fetish of mine is a guy with a great voice. If you can make me swoon with your voice I'll be yours forever. 040930
globalfruitbat lately the sound of buckles is really sending me buzzing... snap of a collar around my neck and there ya go darlin', I'm your perfect littl submissive.
make me bow to you, make me submit and you can have all of me
sic Focus more on the energy needed to be submissive. It is more than being dominate. It's greater than that of the big bang. (Double Meaning) When you once realize how much effort you put into it, at that point you become the dominate. Submission is another form of dominance, by allowing others to do so. 050306
. Impossibly tightly corseted waist and ludicrously high heels, long straight black hair, no make up. The rest is negotiable. 050307
hoseluvr I have a fetish for pantyhosed legs and feet on women. I would give anything to get a pantyhosed footjob from these women. I also get turned on when I see the same women trying on shoes. 051225
caresscoffee Boots, Muffins, Pudding, Jell-o, Sporks, Catgirls, Chuck Taylors, Pants, Fancy socks, Candle wax, Grass, Lips, Eyes, Belly buttons, Guys with long hair, Pale Skin, Red hair, Glasses, Strawberry milk, Chin Stubble, Facial piercings, Tattoos, Pain, Water, Vampire movies, the color green, Green m&ms, Blood, Sharpie markers, Rain, Daisies, Trees, Station wagons, Hands, Coffee, and the list could go on... i'll just stop here 051225
. Smooth skinned pretty young men convincingly dressed as girls. Long legs, short skirts, slim hips, big heels, big cocks.
It's a real fetish because it's the only way I get hard now.
EbilSporkMonkey Accents, Hands, big skinny hands with long slender fingers where every knuckle shows, Muffins, Pudding, Jell-o, Boots.. combat boots.. mistress boots.. the idea of having a mistress and licking her boots is really yummy, Chuck Taylors, Fancy socks, Gambit, Redheads, Glasses, Pigtails, Long haired men preferably black, Chin stubble... mmmm, eyes preferably green, Long nails, Mime-like makeup, Pale skin, Facial piercings, Belly buttons, Belly button rings, Ties, Hats.. like top hats and such, Pretty much everything green.. specially green m&ms.. they like pudding and jell-o are pretty much out of my diet, Lips, Candle wax, Daisies.. i often have the strangest most err wonderfully exciting? dreams about daisies, Sporks, Catgirls, Grass, Strawberry milk, Tattoos, Pain, Water, Vampire movies, Blood, Sharpies, Rain, Trees, Station wagons, beatniks, Guys named John for some strange reason and Coffee 060130
Dan I have fetish for women's wedding rings.It started with mom's ring then with any woman who wears one.It's a cheap fetish because I could just walk around a mall seeing all the married ladies and get real excited. 060904
triplesix I have a thing for corsets. Not the cheesy ones you buy in love shops, the authentic ones with gorgeous brocade and lacing. But it gets expensive buying them. I only have three in my collection and I've already spent over $500. 061111
pete the_color_of_my_underwear (not really my fetish, but this was right above that blathe) 061111
[:T_o_x_i_c___C_y_b_o_r_g:] I LOVE SATIN 061116
. a fetish deeply shared triplesix 061117
what's it to you?
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