kx21 Politically Correct Answer:-

The Art of making people happy rather than angry or sad...

The Science of creating new SHIT?
johnny west No. Just recycling the same old shit, ad infinitum. 'Round and 'round she flows...until she plugs up the drain. 010311
kx21 PCA instead of PLA...

What is PLA?
mikey pla is whats called a typo! an error a goof a OOPS a DUH.

see: bonk
kx21 It may give you a suprise...

Searched the web for pla.

Results 1 - 10 of about 407,000.
mikey isnt the PLA also a right wing group in some country? it rings a bell hmmm palestinian movement or something? 010311
* Error is the Mother of Eureka!!!

From Hard stuffs to Soft Stuffs...

People's Liberation Army,

Phone Losers of America,

Participatory Learning and Action,

Prior Learning Assessment,

Pure Love Alliance, etc....
Danny People, lets agree,
profundity loves accidents.
farmfish pigs love acorns, they really do. just so nutty i guess. and "pla" would just be the way to explain it you see. 010320
birdmad people like accidents

(see them drive slow by the car wreck hoping to catch a gluimpse of a severed head or something that will traumatize them later)
lost its almost as if people want to be traumatized. That way they can have something to blame their sic and dimented ways on. I search for no such thing. I just agree that i am sic and dimented and that people are going to have to accept that. 010320
what's it to you?
who go