silentbob you feel this tightening in your chest
this clenching in your stomach
and finally there is clarity
Xipe Totec the blood splattered stones at chichen_itza

stretch myself out upon this altar so that the sun may continue to rise
randomly recent ! 040123
lick hand me the 5/8" Ted, this baby isn't on a regular beat. 040123
mj just the word itself evokes pain.
usually pictured as a result of unrequited love, but what happens when you have to do the wrenching yourself?
unhinged gutwrenching


the fact that after all that time and investment i realized what a truly childish venture it all was and i am ready to finally walk_away .

that you cared so much about somebody at one point and it can all dissolve into intolerable hate that keeps you up at night. even worse, that person doesn't deserve it for the selfish arrogant face they put to the world; don't deserve any more bleeding hearts when all they cause everyone is grief. keep on googling you stupid fuck. cause as long as i have tried to keep my heart open for you, you take what i have to give like it's some bottomless well that you don't have to give anything back to. i'm not talking about the pills or the fake kind words you say when other people are around. i'm talking about being a real human being with me. which you haven't been since you sold out years ago. so the childish empire is crumbling, but you want to leave some shred of hope for all of us fans. for the rest of them, i was more than a fan a long time ago. fuckoff fuck_off fuckoff

you have twisted my heart and my stomach into knots for too long. but you were the first one i loved. and you are the first one i truly hate.
what's it to you?
who go