silentbob There is a piece of me missing. a large section of my mind, my soul, my body, and my heart are off someplace living a different life.
Whenever I'm alone with you, you make me feel like I am whole again.
But those times are so few that it's amazing to me that i can enjoy the time at all, instead of relishing in the fact that we are alone that i'm too excited to enjoy it.
i love the time i have alone with you.
and i have no idea exactly when i'll see you again my love.
forlorad not because i haven't seen you.
not becuase i haven't heard your voice.

becuase you are not there. it doesn't matter that you say you're not fine, or that you're fine..becuase either way you dont care what i tell you in return. either way you don't care if i am ok. and if i am. you say ok. and if i am not. you say ok. i miss you -- that one.
greenjade three thousand five hundred miles away
i miss you
i guess that i should

i need a phone call
i need a raincoat
i need a sunburn
silentbob i missed you again tonight
i tried to catch you
but you just fell through my arms
Oh, what am i to do? now that my fingertips are all alone again. now that my bones are broken, and my time has run out. and my heart is a bubble that's about to cave in...

dont hunt the hunter so i reloaded,
adjusted the scope
locked, cocked
and fired again

SaMaNtHa Jimmy...you mean the world to me...but you don't have the mentality to comprehend that...and that hurts. why can't you understand that our love was priceless, unique, and you will never give me to opportunity to show you that, or tell you that...to you i'm just another ex girlfriend that you won't even fucking talk to...why are you such a fucking asshole?! you don't realize how bad you hurt me, you don't realize that you tore my heart in half, you don't realize a fucking thing do you? or are you just like every other fucking guy in this world? why do i have to be so god damn stupid? why do i still love you, why do i miss you so much? why can't i let you go? why do i hurt so bad? why does it feel like i'm dying inside? i miss you, i love you, and i wish you'd give me a chance... 000901
twiggie this song describes so much. i think about how many times i've cried listening to it lately. but that doesn't say much, my sanity is slipping so i can cry to just about anything.

here it is, almost 2am. i should be sleeping. i should've been sleeping a long time ago. all of this work i need to do for tomorrow. i'm about to break. i have barely started, but it's all here, in front of me, everything. and i'm too tired to even look at what i'm writing now. this had relevance to the topic when i began and here i've gone rambling off once again. please hope that i have a snow day tomorrow, i need just one more day, one more chance before i shatter all over...
twiggie To see you when I wake up
is a gift I didn't think could be real.
To know that you feel the same as I do
is a three-fold, utopian dream.
You do something to me that I can't explain.
So would I be out of line if I said,
I miss you.
I see your picture, I smell your skin on the empty pillow next to mine.
You have only been gone ten days, but already I'm wasting away.
I know I'll see you again
whether far or soon.
But I need you to know that I care
and I miss you.

chanaka ow!
my fingers miss you
my knees miss you
my hair misses you
the lint inbetween my toes misses you
everyday i empty out the missing you that has accumulated from the past day
it seems that i have quite a collection started
time never seems short enough to bridge the gap
mareberry things fall apart without you near me. 001230
Thyartshallshant Pardon me, Mr Stellar. 001230
*Ziima* I miss you because
I am not bored of you.
I miss you because
I enjoy your company
I miss you because
I love you
I miss you because
you love me.
Deputy_Mayor I miss you dad!!!!!! my dad died a year ago Febuary 18th. 010212
G_wiz13 I miss you Susie, and I LOVE YOU !!!! 010212
kx21 Will consider You if you can show the following:-

There is an appropriate Relationship between Miss and LOVE...
chanaka the minute i hear the dial tone 010212
star syd RATS

Got it hit down
spot knock inside a spider
says: "That's love yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"
"That's love yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"
says: "That's love - All know it
TV, teeth, feet, peace, feel it...
"That's love yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"
"That's love yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"
tit but i hate you more 010322
Lucien I miss you my darling 010322
j_blue yeah 010322
Gabriel Fulwider mom why did you beat me
mom why did you fuck up my life
mom why do you fuck women now
mom what the fuck is your deal
mom i still love you
KKF she is miles away,
countries lie between us,
and as if that were not enough, God threw in an ocean too,
yet she is here with me,
in my heart,
in my mind,
in everyone of my thoughts,
in everyone of my wishes,
she is the reason i am now trying to constantly improve myself,
she is the reason i am changing the way i live,
the way i exist, for the better,
she is not just a woman, she is a lady,
i am filled with respect and admiration for her,
she completes me, she improves me, she is my life and i am hers,
we are a unit, one of love,trust,happiness...
...one of my friends just sent me an inslutive message over icq, whats worse is that they dont even know they are insulting me, so im going to stop now, what a jerk!.
lost i wish i could find someone that i felt that way about. Most chicks just wanna have sex with me, or use me for an arm peice. 010323
Erin I Miss...
Not only your touch
You smile
the way you look at me with that unpredictable face
Your smell that I could live with forever
How I always expect so much more and it always comes
How I get a splurge of joy when I picture you here
How you hold me and your warm breath mixing with your cool hands on my neck
How you sing and think i can't quite here you...I can
How I know you care so much even though you are afraid to show it
The way I could be anywhere with you and nothing would matter..
Your spontanious, fun and determined mind
The way you make me feel different than any other girl in the world
How You fufill every dream of mine even when you arent near
How you hide beneath a not so emotional shell yet I know you have lots of deep emotions you want to share with me
I miss not missing you.......
katie but i'll never admit it 010409
cazzi i miss the way you spoke to me,
i miss the way you listened,
i miss the way i envied you,
i miss the way life glistened,
everything was perfect then,
now it seems so wrong...
you'll never get in touch with me,
and so now my life will never be...
the same.
inferiority_complex i knew you only for a few months

i still know what you need

i doubt you would accept it from me if i could offer it to you

im glad though
elisabeth i miss the talks, the advice you gave me, the smiles, the hugs, but most of all i miss the sound of your voice. YOu have never realy left but we have drifted so far apart. I miss you already 36 days before you graduate. 010411
like rain. in a good way. i miss you with a passion that burns inside of me, with a heat to which i sacrifice my preoccupations. i miss you in a burning way that overcomes me and swells through my veins because i let it, because it makes me feel alive.

in another world, i missed you as pallid skin yearns for the sun, as the sky begs for the light of the stars. i would not let anyone, including myself, believe it.

i am alive because i miss you.
. too emotional. 010524
korie its been a few months already and every time i see you we dont speak i cant even make myself tell you all the ways i miss you every day and all the ways i dont miss you at the same time

you will never again have the right to kiss me before i fall asleep

you will never be able to stroke my scars and tell me not to plant anymore

the surface of my skin misses you almost as much as the surface of my brain

i cant even speak when youre around

my tounge is all tied in knots when i see you walk through the door everyone else says oh no not her again, and i just thinnk, you again

and still i dont say it

maybe youll read this

youve never blathered and probably dont even know that this place exists but still i write this in the hope that maybe youll see it and youll remember the nickname you gave me months ago
kardinal I miss you...you know who you are. I work with you but that's it. I have that feeling of anticipation every time i'm there, wondering if you will come up those stairs with a big smile because i'm there. Why am I so afraid to say anything? I can't seem to live long without you. 010524
unique butterfly those three words make me want to cry.
i miss so many people.
someday maybe i'll write them all down.
i miss you all.
you'll never know how much.
deb i dont want to miss you
yummychuckle twiggie--
i love that incubus song! i was gonna post it here until i saw that you already did...

yeah. miss you but I barely knew you enough to miss you when i first left.
but things change...
Logan ya things change, but are you sure they have. 010626
Special K Yes, I do. I miss your curiosity, your uncertainty, the way you guard your doubts and hide your enthusiasm. 010627
absent but still present i miss you my precious blather 010627
enriquecito i miss your experience of it all, the way you hide your insights and make manifest your exuberant enthusiasm. there's nothing quite like it, dear. 010627
enriquecito before you're even gone. kinda like the way joe is nostalgic for right now. 010708
lo i do miss you today. i hadn't missed you before, and then you told me and now i do. we are no farther apart- we have not seen eachother in nearly a month anyway. but until today i hadn't missed you. i hope all goes well for you- take care. 010716
lo i do miss you today. i hadn't missed you before, and then you told me and now i do. we are no farther apart- we have not seen eachother in nearly a month anyway. but until today i hadn't missed you. so now i say a temporary goodbye to lesson my own pain at the emptiness in my arms. i hope all goes well for you- take care. 010716
fallenhero ..i don't 010717
sabbie on the bad days, i think i would miss who i was, if only i could define it for myself.

and some days, even i wonder whats going on
OuT sometimes I call and hang up, sometimes I just think about it.

When I do miss you I realize just how much I really DO miss you. But usually by then I've found something else to occupy my mind and make me forget about you.

As time goes on I miss you less and forget about you more. Kinda sad, but reality.
Casey I miss you, but then I wonder if you really ever left 010722
Fire&Roses Your picture is the first thing I see when I wake up. A painful reminder that your not waking up with me. Your not even in the same state. but I console myself smiling at how things will be when you return. All the things you have given me... remind me that your not here, but I smile, because you'll return. When it becomes painful and my body burns and crys out for your touch when my mind screams your name in silence when your words and face echo in my dreams when I don't know what to do and the reminders of you make me angry I lie there my eyes closed my face in the pillow almost drowning in thoughts of you. And remember... you'll be home 010726
echo ah, cry come back, withdrawel 010824
translucent Even though you put me through all of this, I miss you terribly. Even though you shatter me, I love you. Even though I have been hurt like never before, I would like nothing more than to be with you. 010825
Aimee I miss you mom. I know you're just a phone call away, and that's why I called yesterday. I just needed to talk and I just needed to cry. I'm gonna be okay though.. I'll just miss you. 010826
Erin you in person standing here right now hugging me so tight would make me happy for the rest of my life.......If only life could make exceptions for people so much in love 010827
psychobabe i agree with you guys on twiggies idea of posting incubus's song on here. It was great idea cuz that song has so much meaning to alot of people also including me.

I miss so many people. Lots have left, lots have come, lots are just here but arent really alive.
I miss you
I just miss all you.
I miss so many more
its so depressing
not being
able to see the ones
you love so much
and miss.

I miss you danny you act like you feel nothing with me but i know you do. "you do something to me that i cant explain so would i be out of line if i said i miss you?"

I miss you erin your so far away but your still my best friend.

I miss you so much nathy, you always came by but eh things are stopping that from happening. Your a great friend

I miss so many its hard to think about it. this blather is so full of peoples emotions it suxz cuz most are sad but yet at the same time its good.

"I konw i'll see you again
whether far or soon,
But i need you to konw that I care
and i miss you"
psychobabe type-o-negative 010926
j_blue but what do i do? 010926
yummyC johnny. 010926
the one Tomorrow Ill forget your name
Ill move on--i'll live again
but as of now im stuck on you
forgetting what im supposed to do.
here i sit
lost in tears
how quickly you brought back
all my hidden fears
tomorrow i'll forget your name
i'll realize that im still the same
Just without you
just alone
all the things
youll never know
but as of now im missing you
all the things you used to do.
tommorow ill forget your name
but as of now i feel the same
whoremaster I do. and I wonder if you ever think of me, even though I doubt it. and I'm more sorry than I know how to say. I tried a couple weeks ago, but you never responded. I miss you more every day and I have so much I wanna tell you. if it were a couple months ago, you'd laugh your ass off at some of the things going on with me right now. I hope everything's going well with you, and I just wanted to tell you again how sorry I am for being the way that I am and that I think about you every day and wish I could take it all back. I miss you so much and I am so sorry. 011023
translucent your smell is haunting me... I miss you. 011024
My starlight a star bright my starlight a starbright shining on me
I see you, you see, no matter how it seems, knock knock, you came and you left my heaven when you stept, out
you shut the door and now my heaven is no more, react on that with no fact
I can´t say no more then any other before when I miss someone that one, so

nmb I never rid that image from my mind, the empty shell they wheel past me as I sit alone in the early morning lobby of the clinic, smell of old coffee and a squeak of the gurney, your body shrouded like they did with Jesus, but you didn’t even believe in a god.

I miss you, mommy...
lost i missed my girlfriend today. she had to go to the orthodontist and stuff and the town we live in is so small we have to drive like 50 miles to do anything so she didnt come to skool. 011029
mmm blather... oh how i missed you 011030
vampers i cant take this, you come you go, i miss you when youre here. i fear when youre cell phone rings, that its them telling you its time to leave once again. i never know when youre coming back and how long youre staying for. i dread taking that walk nearly twice a week up the hill to your car only to turn my back so you cant see me cry as you drive away, going to god knows where. i dont want to let you go. i hate watching you put on your uniform just to go back to base. i miss you. 011116
DannyH But my aim is improving. 011116
ClairE Still.

Even though I'm not allowed.
Even though it doesn't get me anywhere.

Even though I keep drifting in and out of missing other people so bad.
There are other sexy boys.

I don't know how I keep coming back to someone like you. No offense.
nemo llama 011211
hey now! i miss you too.
lets try to work this out.
it couldnt make things worse.
whoknows actually, i dont anymore.
i just feel bad for you. its almost pity. im so afraid youll be this way for the rest of your life and never be happy.
ClairE Do you miss me? 011217
Jenna already. 011217
ClairE because I'm listening to a good song
and because you're not here
and because you were

and because you don't mind me saying these boring things, I couldn't be happier.
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge you_miss_i? 011220
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge what about
[w,x,y,and z]
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge i miss *U*

like the _niverse would

[your universality intrigues me]
kerry "i miss you... but it hasn't happened yet, so special... but it hasn't happened yet..."
that's a good bjork song, one of few.

maybe i don't miss YOU, maybe just the fantasy f you, the NICE you, and kissing you... maybe. and then i see you and i don't miss you anymore.
the one i missed you and it hurt. and i finally had courage to tell you all that i thought and now you want to be with me and i realize- i was so wrong. I dont miss you and i dont want you back. im sorry 020110
ClairE I miss you, too, baby. 020110
girl_jane I miss you, Bobby. Why'd you have to go to college huh? Oh well. You're coming home soon. bobby my bobby...you're the greatest 020207
silent storm Please don't let my fuck up come between us. I miss the connection I thought I had with you. I miss the only friend I had who might have had a chance of understanding. I'm not saying the right words. I never do. But still, I miss you. 020207
j_blue but now that you let me talk to you, it isnt so bad really

i still miss being near you from when i wake, till i pass out from inebriation; but the pain isnt as sharp, not nearly

i dont want us to become less than special

i dont want to become your aquaintance

you understand that, dont you?
<> if you can see through my lies here, then you can see me

i've moved on. i admit it-- i was in love with you. i'm in love with someone else now. i could never love two people at once. i could never love two ANYTHINGS at once. that's why my kitty is so sad.

but you can see me? can't you? yes. yes you can.

i think about you still. not like i used to-- i think you know why. i don't think i need to explain or justify this to anyone, least of all you.

it's just that i feel hurt, i think. we said we'd be "friends" forever, no matter what.

you didn't remember that part though-- did you? it was all or nothing. either i was your lover, or i was your nothing.

that was your choice, in the end... i guess i wish it was my choice. i wish we were still friends.

i wish you could meet the woman i'm marrying. you'd love her, you really would. and maybe you'd even be glad i'm out of your life. i was never any good for you, you know.
Logan("yummys") definatly 020227
Mateo a lot 020227
Syrope i miss how you hurt me
i miss crying over you
i miss the emotional yo-yo you had chained me to...
i miss praying that you couldn't tell i was crying again over the phone...
because now i'm just empty.
i'd rather be full of the hope and fear, anger and sorrow, longing and desire... the emotions you stirred in me.
the one Aaron. I talk to you every day and see you more than people would expect but i miss you all the time. The way you smile. The way you tell me all the sweet and cheesy stuff that noone had room to say. I feel like i really have found happiness. in the least expected place. I just love the way it feels to be with you. and i miss it when you aren't around. 020228
blueberry i_love_you 020228
daydream believer i miss you already. three weeks alone seems an eternity. 020319
Photophobe Been watching so much TV
I'm thinner than I should be
I'm like a waterlogged ball
That no-one wants to kick around anymore

An all day morning hair-do
That no comb can get through
It's all granola and beer
A calling card and a silk cut souvenir

I miss you like sleep
And there's nothing romantic about the hours I keep
The morning when it starts
I don't look so good
Now I got a heavy heart

I talk a lot about football
And girls I kissed in Grade 4
I piss off my friends
And digging a hole just staring at the floor

Now every t-shirt's got a wine stain
I'm loving cigarettes again
I know every tune about guys and girls
and hurts and hearts and moans

I miss you like sleep
And there's nothing romantic about the hours I keep
The morning when it starts
I don't look so sharp
Now I got a heavy heart

It's just a low rent paying, palpitating pulp under my shirt
But there's a weight that's sitting
Oh God it hurts
Oh God it hurts

Been watching so much TV
I'm thinner than I should be
I'm like a waterlogged ball
That no-one wants to kick around anymore

I miss you like sleep
And there's nothing romantic about the hours I keep
The morning when it starts
Oh my heavy heart

-You am I
Syrope how much i miss you has become part of me, im comfortable with it. i used to cry and whimper, but now i look back on the first time you took me home and i got you lost, the week we spent at the beach, and all the times i thought i was completely happy, and its ok. i wish i could do them over again, and thats why i miss you. i dont think i could create memories with you now that would mean as much. i do want to be your friend. you'd be the first, you know that...but i want to. sometimes you make me so angry, but it would mean a lot to me if we could make a friendship work. i miss who i was with you, but im working on moving on. be gentle... 020320
continuous ache i miss the love that was unblemished.
the bruises have healed, but the scars on my heart remain.
i'm not sure that i could come back and feel all those things again.

i miss you.
mahayana & i always will
{until} i am with you
& even than ill prob still miss you for a little while longer till my mind & body knows that i am with you for good
& i always will
{until} i am with you
& dont have to rush away
anywhere far far away from you

i miss you within every flutters ::blink::
indie.chickadee ...so much, and I just saw you 2 hours ago. 020509
kill rhythm i miss you so much. i miss being in your arms, i miss seeing the smile you used to get when you saw me walk in the room, i miss holding your hand, and playing with your hair, and going to your house, and visiting you at work, and you kisses and your hugs

i miss it all

i miss being loved by you

but now i know that it is time to move on. as hard as it is going to be, i know that i cant sit here and do this anymore. i dont know HOW im going to do it, but i swear that i am.

and i will always love you
more than you know i feel it in my throat 020603
heylove i feel it in my throat 020603
princess i miss seeing you walk through the front door. 020604
wanderling when I miss you, I feel good...to know that you're still there inside me. when i forget to miss you i feel better. 020702
erinicolejax I don't feel good here missing you. I ever though I would understand what not being able to eat or sleep is like but I do. I just need you SO much I can't breath well when I know as hard as I try you won't even look my way you won't talk to me I don't know why. I miss you so much. 020702
Dafremen I'm going to write a poem to a tree I happen to love now. 020703
Persona What did you do to me?
If I caught a bit of the way you smell if I didn't catch the curve of your lips in my mind
it would be painful
If I had said the things I'd wanted to if I hadn't tried to be so tough
it would be different
If your encouragement had come sooner if your worry had never come at all
it wouldn't have been a chase
I miss you, but I can't tell you that
counterentity I already miss listening to your gentle voice, telling me everything is going to be alright.

I miss the way you make me laugh, make me smile, make me forget about the reality of my life.

I miss having you by my side, and am quietly_furious for giving up the opportunity because of my pride. And now you're gone, gone to one who doesn't quite understand you as I do.
lycanthrope i must admit, you occur in more moments of the day than i'm comfortable with,
a priority i don't remember deciding.
and i feel deeper for you than i let on.
you're sinking down, past brambles
and intertwining with words
and myths
that started when i was a boy,
you're darting from core to core.
and do you hold this cold war
up as i do,
because we think
it's necessary?

if you only knew what i really wanted.
i want everyday i see you, to turn into the melting of lips and body
that we call a lapse in memory
when the morning comes.

i want unabashedly to use words mistrusted by those who seek
the futile detachments
and incomplete systems
of mathematics and science
and art
to be whole,
to be unrelated, yet somehow pervasive.

i want to dip my hand past the hiccup of your hip, to grasp your shoulders and see their slight topography bend.
i want to look at your back,
with the eye of a mapmaker
but mostly a reckless explorer.
i want to feel the distance,
and push,
feel the coarseness of the stopping point poised like a mountain temple under warm coiled spheres
giving softness
and tailbone
giving context.
the relative motion paralax
of a word like ecstasy.

and i want to see the stopping point again in the sudden
billiard ball swing of your breasts,
with a motion their own,
resistance, the dismay of matter more than inert
that led eventually to dreams.

i want to feel the progress.

but mostly, i want to be necessary, and assumed,
like air and food and water. elemental. beyond individual preference to abstraction.
constantly the exactness
worth a name.

i want to twist around words
know in two languages.

to become so present,
that it seems my physical form
that is less real.
that stops too soon.
that must always.

i want my distance to be anguish.
i want you to feel like i do.
and it's something i'll never admit.
the message lingers
because it knows,
i've a twisting labyrinth body
to get out of.
stork daddy god you're pathetic 020816
cheer-up-emo-kid jess
jessie standback
~gez~ i miss you when im not with you. ten minutes after you've gone it kicks in. when will i see you again. whats it going to be like from now? no more summmer holidays. not easy to arrnge things from the day forth. how will i cope 020826
stir-fried after a good meal theres nothing like a cigar.
I miss the moment, the one im in right now....
Forever change!
Syrope i miss you, but only the you i thought you were 020918
silentbob does anyone even miss me at home? maybe i'm being a little sadistic, but i want someone to ache for me being gone 020918
Shane I miss you even before you're gone. When the thought sneaks into my head, that eventually you will have to leave. So I hold you tighter and savor every moment til then. 020918
nocturnal nuh-uh. I don't! I'm glad...no, ecstatic that I haven't talked to you in forever. even more so that you couldn't care less about it. seriously, I honestly don't care, I don't miss you AT ALL!!! 020918
imaginary friend I miss you...

...but does it reall matter?

In the end.

We'll never be together.
counterentity Friend,

can we not have what we once shared?
Can we not laugh at the same jokes, smile in each other's company, giggle and talk like we used to?

Must we throw glares at each other?
Must we tear the other apart?
Must we let our differences separate us?

I wish for the friendship we once had,
the friendship past,
the friendship I wish to regain.

So if you are ready,
I will be to,

Patiently waiting ...
Syrope i miss you bobby, even though you havent sent me a tape yet. i dont miss my home. im only two hours away, but i feel like ive escaped forever. i hope i have. 021002
me i miss you more than you'll ever know. why did you have to leave me here bruised and broken? dont you know that i love you? 021221
c.o.r.e. i miss your smile
i miss the way you look at me
i miss your voice, your laugh

but what i miss the most is that childish way of thinking that we are gonna be alright, that we are gonna make it through, that you love me the way i love you.

i miss being happy!!!
Nathan88 this was our first sing that had any meaning behind it...now there are many more but i will not forget waking up to it that one morning...it was simply amazing 021222
scuzz I_hope_to_find_you 021224
jane it's true. i tried to deny it, deny myself...but you were still there, watching my every move. i waited for you, you waited for me. but nothing got done. the distance retained itself. i'm sad, but i'm not. it's not like i'm doing anything to help our situation. i'm mad at you for not being more persistant. although i have to say out of everybody, you were perfect with the trying. sater tried way too hard for something that was unattainable. and with you and i, i can't think of a good reason for not letting it happen except, well,...no, i guess i can't think of a good reason. just the feeling i get when i'm around you, i guess. i guess if i'm even questioning it at all, it's not right. right? i'm just asking for affirmation that will never come. i will never be appeased. i'm tired of waiting. i miss you 030119
mona loves you I honestly and genuinely miss you
I haven’t talked to you in at least a week
I haven’t really talked to you in at least a month and a half
What happened to our friendship?
Is it my fault?
If it is can I fix it?
I shouldn’t sound so dramatic, its not like you won’t talk to me, you just haven’t.
All I want to know is how you are, where have you been, what have you been up to.

I just miss you

I would call but I don’t want to bug you and I don’t know how you
I would email, but I don’t even know if you would care.

This is the most random shit I have ever written; it’s all just random thoughts.
Random insecurities that relate to you
I am over thinking this
I am over thinking this!

All I wanted to say was I miss you, and I hope you maybe miss me a little bit too...
megan the pregnant pause
filling the void,
where i used to know you...
and what i have come to know.
Raina Okay, maybe these people above me were fooling themselves, but I know exactly how I feel.

I don't miss YOU per se, but I really do miss what we had.

am I wrong?
Insat Sometimes to realise you miss someone and to come out and say it loud to them, means more than actually telling them you love them.

You usually love someone 24/7, sometimes without much thought, but when you know you miss them, the love is thought about again.
jane it's been awhile? a while? i never know if it's one or two words. well either way, it's been a long time, what seems like eternity since i last saw you. i have to apologize for the things that i said, especially since you were the only one who was there for me like i needed someone to be. you're the only one i'm not afraid to admit myself to. actually, i didn't have to admit my emotionally neediness to you at all...you saw right through me from the beginning 030405
ClairE Daniel broke up with Mer today and it's making me so upset, I think because it reminds me of how hard it was for us when we first got together. I'm reading sad stories with happy endings and listening to Etta James' "At_Last" and wishing you weren't at the other end of the state. I wish you were here with me. It feels like you always have to go once we start shaking out our demons. I hate that I have years to go before I finish school. I hate the thought that my life isn't under my control. Maybe I'm emotional due to hormonal causes, but all I can think of right now is how much I miss you and how much I want you with me, it's almost as if I'm afraid of losing you, how badly I want your skin under my fingers. 030511
:-* still and often. 030514
Bizzar Sitting awake. Its 1:34am. I really should get some sleep cause I have school in the morning. But all I can do is sit and miss you.

Days since Ive had the priveledge of looking at your face. Its getting harder and harder to sleep without you. Are you thinking of me? Have I crossed your mind?

Tired of playing these games. Why cant you just give me the chance to love you the way she did? Why does my love scare you? While you can so easily admit to the love of your past.

I hate you so much for the pain in my heart, for the way that you make me feel less significant. For the way that I know I can never live up to her in your eyes. But all I can do is wish... and hope that someday youll love me the way you loved her.

I miss you. And I miss the way it used to be.
Amithyst Sey Blade i miss you
barely been a day
i miss you
holding me in your arms
i miss you
kissing me on the cheek
i miss you
whispering sweet nothings to me
i miss you
why does summer have to be now?
i miss you
and i can't believe you and i are together
i miss you
thanks for always being there
you miss me
don't worry
i'll be dreaming
and we'll meet there.
kirtap i miss you.
Been around the world, looking looking looking for somebody who could at least be a temporary replacement, somebody who could take my mind off you for just a little while. Now i have to go home, and there you'll be, not waiting for me, but lying now with another man and out of my reach.
kirtap i_miss_drugs 030606
endless desire i_miss_you
but don't i always?
it's nothing new
and i will miss you more
as the days go on
less and less of you i will see
and it breaks my heart to think about it.
but you tell me not to worry
and not to dwell on tomorrow
and you say that we will do wonderfully
i'd rather believe.

please don't let them take me away.
ShilohLives I will always miss you even though I've finally said goodbye..You will always have that piece of my hear and I will always miss it therefore I will always miss you...you were my first...I miss the way you smell...I miss the way you tasted when you'd have those mint's you used to like and then kiss me. I miss you stupid lies that you were soo fond of telling.I miss you atupid obsession with naming youre skatebords Shelby.I miss the way you used to act all tough guy and how you "don't feel pain". I miss the sound of youre voice. I miss youre warm arms. I miss youre clothes. I miss the way we connected. I miss you..do you miss me? Nevermind I don't think it really matters...I miss you.. 030623
ShilohLives I will always miss you even though I've finally said goodbye..You will always have that piece of my hear and I will always miss it therefore I will always miss you...you were my first...I miss the way you smell...I miss the way you tasted when you'd have those mint's you used to like and then kiss me. I miss you stupid lies that you were soo fond of telling.I miss you atupid obsession with naming youre skatebords Shelby.I miss the way you used to act all tough guy and how you "don't feel pain". I miss the sound of youre voice. I miss youre warm arms. I miss youre clothes. I miss the way we connected. I miss you..do you miss me? Nevermind I don't think it really matters...I miss you... 030623
Dafremen see also:
Paranoid_Kiittie for the person i recently lost and cared about. still care about. will never stop caring about...

~*Can't you see,
That I wanna be,
Here with open arms?
It's empty tonight
And I'm all alone
Get me through this one

I'm writing again, these letters to you
Aren't much I know
But I'm not sleeping
But you're not here
The thought stops my heart

Do you notice I'm gone?
Where do you run to so far away?
I want you to know that
I miss you, I miss you so

No more looking, I found her...*~

Do you know that this is how i feel? Can you understand that this is not some sort of pathetic attempt to try and make you feel bad? Do you honestly feel the same way? Why cant you just tell me? Please...why cant you just tell me...?
girl_jane I think I miss you, but I know it's really just the idea of you that I miss...I'd still like to have coffee with you-just to make sure. But I can't do that. You're with her. 030630
Dustin* If only I could tell you how much I miss you. My head is filled with thoughts of only you. My mind is clouded with confusion and my heart is heavy with fear that I might never stop missing you. I don't even know why I am missing you.....second best is not something to miss. Remembering the good and shutting out the bad is something I'm good at. Maybe I should stop being so good at it and then I might realise that I have no reason to miss you......If I could run and never get tired, I would. I would run so far and so fast that I would forget to feel. I would stop missing you. 030702
elle being so far from your beautiful laugh, i miss your smile you held me so close with. 030718
ItGirl I refuse to miss you. I refuse to be sad that I will never punch you in the shoulder and tell you you suck. I don't want to believe that I will miss your doom and gloom. I deny that I miss the name calling, the crude jokes, and the sick sense of humor. I won't miss the sarcasm or the negativity. I won't allow myself to miss you. 030718
afraidofherownname i really should, shouldn't i? 030727
Cami225 It's the worst at night, or when im alone, or when im in a crowded room. Its worst when its sunny out, or when it snows. It hurts the most when i'm sitting in scilence, or with everyone talking, or listening to music. It hurts the most when it rains, when i laugh, when i cry, when i see you, when your no where around.
Because everything reminds me of you. And my thoughts are always on you. You left me with a million promises, where did they all fall to? The last time we were alone you looked at me so softly, you held me so dearly. Why did day light kill all that?
I miss your sweet kisses, and your loving touch. I miss the look in your eyes that said you would love me forever and always.
Your just to scared to stay, you don'd understand your heart anymore. I know we will meet again, but then i fear it will be too late. I love you, i still do, and i always will. I hope you enjoy life, but
I Miss You
celestias shadow listening to a tragically beautiful song and reading these people pouring out their hearts makes me feel like my insides are melting in a slow, glacial way. i can literally feel it. i don't have any losses, any slivers of glass in my heart to feel what some people here do. but if it means anything, i send my heart to yours.

"when the night is overcome
you may rise to find the sun"
Ni i dont know why
i dont know how
but i do know its true
though you wouldn't believe it, i needed you
i still do
it may not be obvious to you but i am dying inside
i miss you as i have never missed anything before, will never miss anything again
except perhaps happiness
i miss the happiness... the happiness you brought me
i miss the times we spent together
i miss everything about you
every song i hear, everything i see, reminds me of you
and makes my heart ache
i dont know if i will always feel this way
maybe i will move on
that way i can move on with my life
but for now (and forever?)...
..i miss you...
(my love)
will you ever come back to me?
i can but dream

the shades have gone down...
misstree mighty kindly, celestias. i'd send you some shards, but i fear they're all in a little deeper than i can extract, and the flesh has healed around them. i don't know if i could feel my heart beating if there weren't the little aches to feel. 030922
celestias shadow *whispers 'i love you' to everyone here* 030924
Afro Its been so much time and I still miss you. Do you ever just look up at the same stars I'm looking at and wonder if I'm thinking about you. I do. I dont know why after all this time, but I am. If I could just snap my fingers and make everything the same as it was when we were happy together, I would. The only problem is, I can't remember when the last time was that I was happy. I just hope you are. I miss you. 030925
little wonder fuck.
it's really bad right now, and i couldn't tell you why. it bothers me that i do, because i don't think it's mutual. i was doing so well, and then i just kind of collapsed. i wish i understood why you were doing this. time time time. i need to have more patience. time will fix everything.
shivers i lie in bed
hug my dog
wishing it was u instead
i hate leaving
i wish i could stay in unity
maybe i could see u just a little bit more
i wish i could have at least been there for lunch

i do love u
it seems quite simple now
just in case u wanted to know
the k that once was I could be bounded in a nutshell and
count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have had bad dreams.

If that's the same as missing you, consider it done and done. I can't cook without you, can't watch movies without you, can't hear music without you... I ask only the luxury you afforded yourself; please let me sleep in peace.
once again I missed you last night when I waved goodbye. I missed you yesterday when I said hello. I miss you all the time. 030928
izzybot * i really miss that feeling of just being able to call. to tell you whats on my mind.. or ask you what your thinking about. we hooked up the other night, but that was after i let you go. it wasnt special i was just fucked up and wannted to be with someone.. because i let you go. since i did i want something, but not you, i miss it, but not you, well i miss the old you, till your a fucking bastard now. fuck off, i know why i let you go, and i had fuck hooking up but i really wannted your friend, you know, the one that hooked us up.. i liked him and then u talked to me so sweet,, i duno what happeend but i totoally was into you, so much i didnt want to do anything about it, then it got lame and youre lame, fuck off, but if you ever wana hook up again.. call .... some prostitute cuz your jsut a piece of shit. your friends comming over tonight, sorry i dumped you guy, but you just gota get some things right in your head before i can call you again. 031016
nomatter i miss myself 031017
TalviFatin ...I whispered...staring into his eyes as he busied himself...

But all I heard afterwards was a huffing and staggard breath. I thought it consisted of a "me too"...possibly a "i missed you too..." But i couldnt tell. He was physically occupied...It burned at me to say "Hmm?" But then I thought that would be pretentious and almost force him to reply. I felt empty.
smurfus rex ...every time I see your picture.

and since there's one stuck in the visor of my truck, that's pretty much every day.

I'd move back to Oklahoma if you wanted me to. And you know how I feel about Oklahoma.
sylphide just that little bit.. but it hurts. 031119
Adriana daf.
second line somehow,
all this time.
pete sometimes i just miss me 040403
Staind_And_Souless I do I do I do 041102
Syrope what is this, entry 5?

i just stared at her
i thought
that maybe it wasn't
...that it was just
who had this problem.

not her. she's one of them.
she could have anyone she wants.

do you have the slightest idea how luck you are to be missed? are you going to appreciate her any more THIS time she forgives you.

i didn't think so.
maybe the rift isnt between the unpretty and the pretty.
. CUT 041103
meg Is that alright with you? 050704
x twisted x so much.
there are no words really. it just hurts.
anne-girl . 060219
concha i just thought i'd let that hang there, for a few moments. try it on for size, even though we both knew right from the beginning that it would never fit the both of us.

or maybe it was me who knew that.

seeing as how i never let you try it on anyways.
megan admit it 060313
jordie more than words. 060518
Emptyness Alive angel
more than i can admit
more than i want to admit
more than cope with
falling_alone i especially missed you tonight
when my mom ripped the letter to herbert fry, because she knew him and didnt want a letter sent to him, even if he would never know who sent it, and even if he did i really doubt he knows who she is.
inside, the message came from the harry potter pillow, and it's so fucking beautiful, or maybe i'm being overly sentimental, but i loved it even though she ripped it down the center.
i dont think she knew how much that hurt, even if she was trying to be funny....and i think the sad song playing from my stereo is making this worse. i have no idea what song this is even though its something i downloaded onto my ipod.
you make me babble after long periods of not seeing you.
you going to read this soon, because you always read everything i write and then bring it up at awkward times, and think
this sounds like a love letter.
but its not, or at least not in that way, becuase i do love you, even if it seems like i've been avoiding you, but i'm not... and i will try to make it wednesday night even if it means i have to run away for a few hours.
Emptyness Alive i miss you so much
i miss your smile
i miss your touch
the look you gave
the hand you waved
all forgotten
i have loved and lost
hoping to love again
Just me I miss you. I miss you so much. It's not healthy. Seeing you every few days should be enough. It's not. I don't know why. It scares me. 080225
stork daddy indeed. 080225
just a dream i am feeling estranged without you. 080225
stork daddy a bit undone. 080225
no reason already

(it hurts to admit things)
unhinged it's like part of me is missing

i hate sleeping alone
hsg stuphed_animals help 080625
no reason it's so hard not talking to you 081011
no reason your voice on the phone and how nice you sounded and easy to talk to you were
i was reminded of it all
and you are
which makes it all the harder
unhinged you pulled my birthday gift out of your wallet and i was a little dumbstruck. and also very happy and intoxicated from having so many of my friends in the same place, bringing everyone together.

i impulsively hugged you close, whispered_in_the_ear 'i miss you'

and you seemed sad yesterday anyways, said 'i miss you too'
dafremen ...David. The years creep by so quickly these days. It seems only yesterday when we were walking down the sidewalk, talking about life and the living of it. It's hard to describe the nature of this gloom that I've been soaking in the last couple of days. 40 years old tomorrow..almost half of it spent taking care of you, your sisters and your mother. And the only consolation of those years spent alone among my own family is the relationship I had with you. I wish it weren't so. I wish that I could look back and say that there were times that meant as much to me, but it just isn't so. And now I'm afraid you've been lost to the winds, and that it's only a matter of time before you move and move on. I was never afraid before of anything but dying without knowing what it is that I'm here to do, but now there is another fear wending its way into my heart: the fear of losing you, son.

It's a solitary path I've been on all of these years, and perhaps this is just another chapter I'll have to experience..watching the past once again disappear into the vault I keep for forbidden memories; the painful ones that I won't let myself recall anymore to relieve the pain.
shulamith i see you in the face of every stranger and i wonder if this vague familiarity is longing or resentment. 081013
agaga spent 2 much time lookin' at T ... V 081013
In_Bloom Even though you're very near 081014
no reason we still talk on occasion but it's never the same 081019
Somebody that I used to know I lied to myself
About you.
I told myself I could let you go
Just some high_school guy I dated.
That's all.
I was wrong.
I miss you still.
More than I ever thought possible.

I guess you're first love never leaves you.
Even when he leaves you.
They leave a broken trail of splintered glass.
Pieces of my heart.
I can't piece it back together.
Neither can he.
Neither can you.
unhinged sam

no_no , your first love never leaves you. some of it wears away in the passing, other parts come into more prominent relief. the way a mountain crumbles unexpected, haunting. ( le_petit_mort )
caresscoffee I miss him.. I still love him.. I was certain he was the one I've been looking for my entire life but I guess I was wrong.. he doesn't seem to feel the same way.. so I try to get over him like everyone says.. I've been trying for two years.. and every day I miss him that much more 081020
past how matching my tone and character in letters like you do in person, those rare times we're close enough to meet, makes you difficult to forget. 081020
SleepieCloud I don't.
I don't.
I don't.
I won't.
Miss you.
SleepieCloud I do. 081216
ode_to_a_hummingbird Daily
Dig Lazarus Dig
no reason i can't help it 100620
unhinged you are breaking me down
the next time
a strange area code shows up on my phone
i might answer
a clever disguise I am so bad at breakups. I could talk myself back in at any time. I am really trying to do it the right way, and I wouldn't go back now that B knows, but still, I miss you. 120228
. actually
i think i miss
the me i was
when i knew you

so much bad shit
has happened since
that nothing about me is the same

like if
i heard your_voice again
it would be the spell
that returned my heart to me

we both know
that's bullshit
so now

i keep my feelings to
Lemon_soda Fire and water can love each other 230422
Lemon_soda Fire and water can love each other 230422
Lemon_soda Fire and water can love each other 230422
Lemon_soda Fire and water can love each other 230422
Lemon_soda Fire and water can love each other 230422
Lemon_soda Fire and water can love each other 230422
Lemon_soda Fire and water can love each other 230422
Travller I have started to be reminded that transitory rehab friends are exactly what they seem. Still stuck in an awareness that subsumes their own.

Tried to do this shit again during the 2022 christmas, hanging out with drug addicts, cons, mental twitchers... artistic tri-sexuals, raped young guys/women (and listening and empathizing made me want to isolate most of the time).

Going back into rehab for three months, just guys. Going to paint some, sketch some, maybe write some.

Oh. And other shake ups. Not for me to reveal though.

Take care blather for another little while.
what's it to you?
who go