Brad In school, we avoided them like the plague. 000611
birdmad (resurrection) as someone who went to a catholic_school, i'll admit to missing the sight of certain girls in plaid skirts that were hiked up maybe just a bit too high

it's like the Red Hot CHili Peppers said: "Catholic Schoolgirls Rule"

that said, and a fresh bottle underway
i'm feeling quie like myself again
freakizh schools avoid any attempt to be an individual by making a homogeneous type of expression in clothes.

yeah, like in that simpsons episode.
jane i don't mind wearing a uniform...at least i get to make it my own 020607
jane damn it they're gettin so fuckin uptight! i've had the same stuff written on my skirt for two years now
and now they decide it's out_of_uniform

so i have to write out the whole goddamn uniform code

girl_jane I am an ex catholic_school_girl. I used to wear uniforms to school...including the skirts- 020919
~gez~ be in worldly uniform. be a conformitist. nobody will ever notice you. is that how you want to live your life

depends on what i am noticed for
Strideo tiger_stipes
Strideo olive_drab
jane o, the ol' blue skirt & white polo shirt. o, the days we would run in the sprinklers, wet shirts clinging to our newly-developed breasts. o the days of sitting with legs uncrossed to see if mr. s would check us out. no wonder the male teachers were all out of their minds. i would be too 050222
what's it to you?
who go