Tank izit iz mizuch fizun tizoo mizee tizo tizype lizike thizis izall dizay everyizday. mizakes wizords izall thize mizore bizeautiful tizoo mizee. 000719
Tank i just noticed that fatlip does this too. i never noticed that before... do noo do noo, do noo do noo, the twilight zone... 000824
me jamonky i'm the wizard of iz and oz 010718
freakizh an iz is a very small monster-like creature, normally white or purple. it has scary teeth (like pennywise's in 'It') and are evil.
this thingie is from "The Maxx" comic/cartoon.

years ago, i believed i was somewhat like them. so i started calling myself iz, instead of isabel.

my nick evolved, into iza, little iz, li'l freak iz, and finally, *freakizh* (not freakish).

and i've stayed like that for ages.
TK I want my spellchecker!! not all iz are evil olny the ones that cross over are evil and blackish purple w/ sharp teeth the ones that don't cross over are white thay usualy (but not always) seem to traveal in a hurd and think az one conective unit and can be more offten than not mischivious and some what less than smart, but not evil. 021224
screwing for virginity they are blind, those giants (i forget their names) watch over them and they tend to run off cliffs like lemmings.

and there are also air_whales which kick ass as well.
TK (sometimes I miss me) rember the whale that flew in the sky like the zepplin?

I want a pet Iz
freakizh you can have me if you want. 050826
what's it to you?
who go