miniver I bet they talk to themselves when people leave the room.

Will your new bible have talking scones in it, amy?
amy oh, man. Eat the talking scones. they're totally going into my Bible. 001128
caite they're suck such odd little things. they're like crust biscuits. and the name is weird too. english. huh 010123
caite such! such! the k isn't even near the h! aargh 010123
thea when i was eleven or twelve i loved a book called "welcome to the ark." now i think it was kind of stupid. but anyway there was a point where miranda ate a bagel- i think- and doug ate a scone. i'm not entirely sure what a scone is, but i like the name. 020820
jimisen at the county fair with raspberry jam
at the state fair with raspberry jam
not at the world's fair
Strideo Has anyone read that book, "Harry Potter and the Scone of Sorccery"?

what's it to you?
who go