http://www.adbusters.org/home/ My mom works in advertising. She has always been scared that because I study art, I will end up making ads. I think I'd rather die than advertise for useless things that people will buy so that the corporate ruling class can make more money.
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advertising is the alternative to thinking
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a shop near where I work carries that magazine, btw, whome.
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white_wave is easily amused
This is a true story: Yesterday i was in the produce department looking at the fine selections of red, juicy tomatoes. i happened to notice one from a company called "uglyripe". I thought, what_the_hell_dude? this is what the small label on the fruit said. Uglyripe Heirloom Tomatoes "The tomato that tasted like a TOMATO" So what do all the other tomatoes taste like if not what they actually are?
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oops whitewave did it again
that was supposed to read "The tomato that "TASTES" like a tomato" *thinks she'll never go into advertising or have a proofreading ability*
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"It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper." -Rod Serling
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i wonder if a day will come when art historians will look back on the 20th century and consider the impact that advertising has had on the arts. a subtext of advertising is the strange beauty of much of it. divorsed from or in spite of it's attempts to effect, cajole and coerce us, we all have (i suspect) favorite ads which provide intellectual or aesthetic delight. history seems to be excellerating as information infrastructure advances. i wonder if the patronage system used to fund the arts in previous ages is at all comparable. in most cases it was aimed at another form of dissemination: religion.
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I think you're right... a lot of history's great artists were just making a painting for some rich guys. But since they were such artistic geniouses, they changed the world, by making_art_for_the_man. The patrons didn't like Rembrandt's "Night Watch".
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purity of motive is rare. idealism aside, we all live and work in an infinite multitude of spheres of influence. the economic relativity of epistemologies and the unending choices of the frame of reference we use to evaluate the topology of our world with are so interconnected and contextual that we cannot possibly separate our daily condition from our judgement. how then do we navagate the calculus of social value to predict future generation's point(s) of view. we scorn advertising because of context. how will history judge it?
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good points. Who woulda thought that bell bottoms would come back?
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Piso Mojado
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btw: technically the sticker ww refered to is marketing or merchandising, not advertising.
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the girl in the commercial walks (saucily?) up to the guy... you know how it goes, right? they dance ("dance") to the throbbing music, sweating from the exertion, heat of the bodies, yes. Her shirt moves up, you see a beer label... Sleeman, the cause of her perfect happiness and i think that probably when i look at the beer in the dep (or grocery store) i might think that one's better (than even the other one with the cool name or the pretty label) because i know if i contribute to the income of the owners by establishing my role as a consumer with a preference for a certain brand of beer then i'll be sexy and happy and confident (and drunk, leave the inhibitions behind) right? It will change my life. It will be perfect. I ridicule the concept, but know some less vocalised semblance of the idea will go through my mind as i look at the shelf (and if vocalised, can be rejected) and i will remember that it's idiotic and intentionally pick another one but deep down inside i know that if i'd picked the one in the ad i would have had a better time hell, I can't buy beer for a couple years anyway (legally, that is, as we all know that one's ability to choose maturely for one's self is purely determined by whether one is older or younger than eighteen, unless you're in Ontario, in which case you become incapable of this) so it doesn't really matter...
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what's it to you?