Q Something is irresistible when to resist it is either stupid or divine. 041222
camille no longer resisting self
resist-not-able (stupid and divine)
resist able (stupid and divine)
mon uow ear resist table 050324
unhinged i make the move and he backs away
wants to know what we are
has to have a definition
i sit there seemingly disinterested
and he asks me to dance
'i'm supposed to be leading'
that's what you think
i was never good at letting men show me what to do

but i backed down
let you have your pride
even though i trust my own feet
to take the best path
i like to dance close to you
breathe_in your neck
my cigarette still in my hand
ashing over your shoulder

tequlia and weed
and i'm back in your bed
once_again you leave your requests unnamed
and i pretend i don't notice them
the alarm goes off the first time
i come back close to you
to breathe_in your neck
i would take a bite out of it if you would let me

the definition:
i want someone to be close to
and i like being close to you
unhinged and yet you resist
not sure what your issue is
but i know damn sure i have enough of my own

if you'd rather sleep alone
that's your problem
what's it to you?
who go