ass facely it all began on april 1, 1902 when young edith mtumbe was born in a remote congolese mission to a pair of incestuous dutch immigrants. 001115
ass facely the first thing edith remembered was a giant mosquito perched on her nose. it feasted greedily. edith's infant limbs were unable to smack it away. 001127
god britney spears. 010217
suzy The heathen slut who parades her wares will never capture the Prince. Renounce all evil, Edith tells the Spears girl, who quivers and vaguely wonders why she appears in the first memory. 010217
DannyH All nuns retard themselves. Its part of the deal. The mystery is why they always seem so happy. 010323
lost true, or maybe they retard themselves because they have voluntarily sworn to virginity. 010323
velvet spasm 010416
flo nuns don't retard themselves, they open their legs to the sainted cock of christ every night of their lives. what greater rush than the collective cocks of the trinity filling each usable oriface, or do nuns have more than three, being holier than thou. 010422
god most nuns are all orifice. 010521
god nun fun! 010524
god all the kids wanna be nuns 010825
ass facely nuns fucking rawk ass!! 011230
britney spheres i'm a slave for nuns 011230
gnat and so it was that the nun went forth and remarkably enough, nothing happened. 040514
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