tonya my name is tonya

i wish he'd let me eat that bird.
that'll teach those birds not to park in front of our house

just me here
just me and squillo

(oh yeah, and the tiny_apes)
squishy the dog hi tonya. i'm squishy, and i'm a dog. i know cats and dogs aren't supposed to mix, but you sure are pretty. i'll just lie here and stare at you, wagging my tail from side to side, until you figure out what i'm doing and decide to attack me. 010615
god i never knew they could talk. this changes everything! 010615
tonya it's really subliminal
(no words over this part)

god jeez, tonya. have you read it all or what? i didn't think cats could read either. i am stunned, frankly. 010616
florescent light I am my cats god
I never fail to remind him of this
tonya it's all telepathy

by the way

we need more pudding.
squishy the dog you haven't scratched me yet.
maybe you like me.
i'll go steal you some pudding.
narpth edith i met this guy from arizona..

did he pack your pudding for you?
narpf edith the avenue was packed 010617
Casey This is just another example of how god screws me over...I wanted to be a dog 010617
sabbie ahh, i'm so lucky. being surrounded by such fantastic ideas that make me smile for days... first baby_satan from how_to_find_me, and now i am gods cat. how grand.

i always wanted a grey cat named jesus. i always thought it would be really cool to go home after a stressful day at work and go home to pat jesus. i think it would do much to bring the idea of the divine down to a human scale, so that people feel better about interacting with their god, as opposed to just cowering at gods feet.

i also want a black cat named mort, but thats a different story, and just not as much fun, except for jesus of course, becuase then jesus and mort can play together.
tonya you're welcome

tonya i can't go into that room over there.

giant_ticks the size of apes sitting on the forehead of that statue over there.

saying something about a moat_burp
narpf edith i get that all the time. 011025
tonya good, i thought it was just me.

ClairE What kind of cat are you? How is it being god's_cat? 011129
tonya i'm a big_electric_cat

i wish he'd let me zap that bird over there
what's it to you?
who go