me? hmmm.
seems like i've been cloned.
everyone, say, "hi norm!"
amy hi, bill...i mean, norm.

(one has to take chances, but joyce is a pretty good clue)
Bill Pulleez! I have been called a lot of things, but never "norm". 991210
minnesota_chris I dunno if this is so serious. . . I mean, best case they're making identical twins, worst case they're making birth defected people. 021127
Master Yoda hmmm, already begun, the clone war has 021127
tourist I heard on the News Yesterday that the First (Admitted) Human Clone is about to be Born.
An Italian Doctor (the same one that implanted an embryo in a sixty plus woman a few years back) Has implanted clones in three woman and it is now near the end of their Gestation period. We'll have to wait and see what any of this means. Perhaps, If a Woman can have a duplicate of Herself made, then Men can be eliminated, or reduced to Playthings.
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