~gez~ bit like a whore house. there are lots of people who stick elongated objects in there mouths and blow untill they are loved for what they are good at 020824
*nat* strings always look like puppets, like followers, with bob as the leader. They all move at exactly the same time and have a panic attack if they're wrong,the violins/violas bows block ur view, no handy if ur a small woowind player they think they rule the roost, but the truth i, us windy individuals hold the whole thing together 020824
~gez~ instead of our immoral bickerings lets pick on a section which nobody likes. the brass! they all smell and think they are so loud. blasting out wrong notes all the time up in their high and mighty positions. they're his favourite but yet his worst. one good thing the can throw stuff at the back of the woodwinds head, nobody can do that to me 020824
*nat* its really annoying when steven who plays trumpet trys to have a conversation with me, knowing i cant turn aound, and that if i do, bob will notice, and when tony starts to sing hey baby, knowing i hate it, then they moan at us because we knock their stands over, god they think theyre gr8. 020824
*LB* I'll tell u hu is gr8.....the VIOLAS!! We just kick ass! 020824
unhinged you know i just have no motivation this year. we all know how it is going to turn out so why bother with the fucking formality. i always thought of it as a team but since you are all out for yourselves we are never going to sound good. sure i respect what you do because there is only one of you playing your part and there should be twenty of me playing my part, but a bad attitude leads to a shitty performance. we could be so much better if you gave a fuck. 020824
devalis Hell ya VIOLAS! We get way too much shit and we have nothing to come back with. But I am agreed with unhinged, there definately needs to be more uniformity. 020824
~gez~ double bass kicks ass. well actually it dont. piano is the only real instrument. but double bass is so piss easy any moron could do it 020826
unhinged i don't know about that; i've seen a lot of morons try to play orchestral bass and fail miserably at it. 020826
~gez~ well im a moron and i've managed it 020827
unhinged well then maybe you aren't as much of a moron as you thought :)

i had my seating audition today. i guess it went alright. i'll find out tomorrow morning.
~gez~ first day back at orchestra, with lots of new faces to see, after a six or seven week holiday is my birthday. it's kind of sad, but i can't think of a better way to spend the day. i love you guys! 020830
~gez~ who says the woodwind are the part of the orchestra that keep the whole thing together eh?
well guess what i saw the other day. bob asked for a single violin and percussion, and who played. a clarinet!

you dont hold anyhting against me anymore, not now i have this new ammo to always strike back with
*nat* actually, bob himself sed we hold the orchestra together. Where would the modern orchetra without the humble clarinet - *joe style rock-on sign* woodwind rulez!!!!! 020911
*LB* from a person hu plays wind strings and percussion I would have to say that strings are SO much better!!! My saxomophone has buttons that tell me where to put my fingers my violin and viola don't therefore are a lot more difficult to play!!
This is why a STRING player is leader of the orchestra!!!
~gez~ ye. you go girl

im staying out of this arguement, because when i argue with nat, i always let her win
*nat* yye, thats what you like to think. Looks like ive lost this one anyway.
hang on.... i need woodwind back up here its 2 against 1
*nat* and n e way, y does i take only1 or o woodwind players for a good section, and about 70 for a string section?

answer that then!
*nat* i got a round of applause this saturday for my brillant WOODWIND duet

i redeemed myself
*LB* because they need more strings to drown out the wind!!! 020919
*nat* damn you girl!!! lol 020919
*LB* i think i've won!!! 020919
~gez~ and i didn't play a part in it 020919
Bum Blaster My bum is an orchestra! It produces a timbre similar to that of the English horn. Could it be that my sphinkter has uniformly separated to create a reed of human tissue? 021026
unhinged actually, the reason that there are about 70 string players in an orchestra as opposed to two flutes and two oboes and two clarinets etc. etc. etc. is because acoustically strings are the softest instruments and it takes that many strings to balance that many woodwinds. it has to do with beethoven and expanded orchestration and stuff like that; it has nothing to do with who can play better. 021026
*LB* oh hu asked u! 030511
megan back row viola fer life
we have a conducter with a mullet. it makes me laugh.
*LB* can i just say that we (concert orchestra) kick some serious ass!! To use the correct terminology we are OUTSTANDING and hav the certificate to prove it!! 030716
ferret orchestral_symphony 030716
june Yay, that's why I can't play in your band. 040202
what's it to you?
who go