you are the one. Dony lie... Vinny...
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this wasn't meant for me, was it? Call me egotistical.....
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I mean this for you, my blather_love.
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megan for a long time i thought someone was talking about me when they blathed, and when i asked they accused me of being full of myself or something. Don't worry about it
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Hi megan. I know what you think of people and Reading Vinies quote on here, he is looking viciously for you. He doesnt know it was you who put it up about him, or john for that matter. Do it again and they will find out. So shut the fuck up.
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is my best friend from new jersey - we spent alot of time doing drugs at stoplights in the car - thats the life its like coconut drinks for florida lovers
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i am unfamiliar to the ways of your heart i am lost in your eyes and each turn only reveals more puzzles- will you one day teach me your language? will you one day be my tour guide through your soul?
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i am unfamiliar to the ways of your heart i am lost in your eyes and each turn only reveals more puzzles- will you one day teach me your language? will you one day be my tour guide through your soul?
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blue star
megan is my friend to the max. And she misses thy. Damnit, doesn't marriage count for anything anymore?
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little wonder
i'm afraid not
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blue star
she's screwed up. I don't know how to help her. Her parents are trying to fix things for her, but she won't let them. Says they can't know, and that they couldn't help. But she's not exactly dealing either. What the fuck is wrong with her?
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it's so weird, seeing my name on here with entries that do pertain to my life... i know they weren't written, but we all somehow find a way to relate them back to us, huh? that name has become me, it's a part of me, but it is me at the same time... it's my personality... warm, loving, a lil spunky and creative, and quiet. i just wish other people would see that...
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she's lovely. her words make me tingle.
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jus wonderin.
Funy blatherer. Any1 else think so? HAHA
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blue star
you made me the thief of your heart
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...would not stop speaking jibberish (literally) on the coach all the way back to skool. GRR
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such a beautiful word. When heard, my heart picks up, and thumps a bit louder. I'm incapable of hiding the gring that appears on my face. Others can tell. Our goodbyes are extra long, because were both thinking the same thing: "goodnight, I love you." But we're not there yet... It's kind of sweet, but then again, such a stupid formality. Still, I don't want to tell her for the first time over the phone.
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You said you would send a copy of the blather project you were writing if we requested it by email. I did request it by email. Didn't you get it? ³
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cube... i am sorry, i did get it. my paper is not done yet, still working on it it will be done by next wednesday, in one week, and all who e-mailed me will get it. i am truely sorry for the misunderstanding.
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zeke gordon
Always surprising. Always amazing. Always assertive. Always fun. Always sexual. Always brilliant. Always beautiful. Always sensual. Always inspiring. Always comfortable. Always inticing. Always active. Always humorous. Always sarcastic. Always delicious. Always dreamy. Always grinning. Always cute. Always articulate. Always graceful. Always playful. Always desireable. Always on my mind.
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Mornin' Missy Megan. You're up mighty early. School today? ...
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megan megan megan what ARE you doing?
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one of my best friends. she knows what is good for her and for some reason she just won't do it. she has told me what she should do and then gone and done the exact opposite so many times i can't even count. her parents try, i try, she has even fixed herself before and it doesn't last. is there any chance she will get it eventually, or is it just hopeless?
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art choke
iam a megan, it seems we are all hopeless doesn't it? maybe its just me...
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i'm a megan too. we are all a bit hopeless, it's true. but nothing that can't be overcome, right? maybe the megans of the world are at an immediate disadvantage, simply for being megans. like edsel is associated with failure, we are associated with hopelessness. but certainly not helplessness.
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gerti rouge
my name is megan. people usually pronounce it "maygen." living in kentucky, though, i've just come to accept it.
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I was so lost without you, can you be lost and not know it? I'm so happy to have you, to trust you, to love you, and i'm so glad that FLUFFY makes you happy. I hope we never have to worry about eachother again. I will love you for always and there is nothing ANYBODY can do about it. You touch my heartstrings, and make them feel safe. Your one of the only ones who has ever been able to do that for me. Thank you for being exactly who i need. Which is of course the only thing you can be... YOU.
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Pretty music! music is amazing because it can make you feel at home, it can make you feel like it's ok to be you. Like the world makes sense. One song. sometimes one note. Anyways... I love you. and you always make me smile and laugh. my little techie side-kick. Like the meal... nevermind
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Thank you for all you've taught me, about people and myself.
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Thank you for all you've taught me, about people and myself.
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i have met such a ridiculous amount of megan's lately, and the more i meet, the more i feel like i am just one in the crowd. but my name is such a big part of me. i often wonder if everybody feels that way when they hear, or see their own name. it's the most familiar word to me, one without a definition, but my face as the symbol. i wonder who thinks of me when they hear "megan", and who just hears the name, and nothing else. i have an immense attraction to him, but he is already in love with another megan. and i see her and she is nothing like me. and i don't know what he sees in her. but i have a hard time understanding anyone's attraction to me also. i want so badly to see myself the way others see me, but it is impossible. everyone sees everyone differently. i feel something different every time i look in the mirror, and most of the time i feel like i am looking at somebody else. my mind and body seperate. megan. who are you?
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it's funny, one day a name means nothing to you. one day, it's just another word. until you meet someone and find that now, that name that was just another word becomes a thought always on your mind. it's funny. someday that name helps define who you are, because it represents an incredible part of your life. a name, a word that meant nothing to you, eventually means the world to you.
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was in my blather_dream last_night
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Beggin' Megan... that's what they call you. You stupid slut. You can't stay away from a guy who is taken? You wait for them to break up and then IMMEDIATELY plan a weekend at his house you stupid goddamn bitch? You will absolutely get what is coming to you... I'll ensure it.
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you used to be my best friend at primary school, an awkward three with your other friend. we both vied for your exclusive friendship. i used to be confident, self-assured and naive but when you said you only used me for my exam skills only a few weeks before we all left to go to different secondary schools, it shocked and hurt me. we didn't see each other throughout the whole five years of secondary school, and the whole of college either. it was only when you came in to where i worked that i saw you after seven or eight years, the best part of a decade. we looked each other up and down. you, pushing a pram, a whole six months shy of your 21st birthday, orange, with blonde hair and plenty of makeup. you, looking at me must have seen a pale girl with bright red hair twisted with red, pink and purple long synthetic dreads, casual clothes and no makeup. i think in that moment we realised how different we are to one another. you've never left your hometown except for holidays in all the usual places people go to abroad. you hang out with all the fake plastic sluts of the town giggling as scruffy, rough chavs drink you in with their eyes when you all go out in barely-there dresses, lowcut tops and tiny miniskirts. i bet you gave your first blow job in first year. or maybe you gave up your virginity to the first chav who asked. i realise i am on my high horse, and i have flaws too, plenty of them. but you represent everything i hate about my home town, and all i've heard about other small towns. you are an embodiment of all that i am glad i have left behind when i moved away. i wish you could have left and seen that there is a whole world out there, and you didn't need to settle with that chav and pop out a baby so you could be a cool 'trendy' mum, as a few of your friends followed suit. all of you in daycare together, "havin' a laff with the girls" maybe if education was better in our home town then you would have learned to spell properly and to reject the norm of our hometown; to get pregnant and settle down and go out on the piss every weekend down town in your skimpy garments with your fake tan. it makes me both sad and angry to think about you. i want to say i hope you're happy, but i can't. people need to know that there is more to life and you've settled (in every sense) too early. nothing but an orange, grammatically impoverished breeding machine. even now i don't feel much better for this rant. truth is, i have wished in the past that it would be as easy as that for me, just to settle down, get a job and pop out children on to this already overly populated planet. but it's too easy, and i would never be happy with that life. so i'll just be grateful that i don't have to see you.
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megan_rose one of my first friends. we played "dolphins" and joked about how we both had flower names and that "rose" was a princess name. kindergarten. years later we were maybe twelve and ran into eachother at a grocery store. the magic of chdhood was briefly rekindled and shared in a knowing smile and exited but awkward conversation. we wished we could hang out or keep in touch but kids don t get to choose and we didn t have phones or computers.
what's it to you?