misstree a person who crushes puppies.

especially useful to have around if you're the type of person that tends to have puppies following you around and yapping at your heels all the time.
niska i have that happen to me all the time. where can i get one of these? 030904
blah-ze they're easy to make at home. all you need is a length of chain, say, about half a metre, a shotput, and three hours with a welder.

just make sure you clean off the viscera so it doesn't rust.
The Spork Hell, if viscera induced corrosion is an issue, just have it anodized or powder-coated.

I'm working on one that involves a pneumatic gun big enough to fire a harpoon with a manhole-cover for a head instead of a spear tip, and of course, failing that, i could always just opt to shoot_the_puppy_in_the_eye
Death of a Rose I am a member from the C.C.A.P.C. "Concerned Citizens Against Puppy Crushing" and we are presenting you a petition signed by our two members, requesting that you don't puppy crush anymore. We are starting a therapy group session were you can safely discuss your puppy crushing disorders, in a healthy way, with and this is the important part, no puppy crushing involved. Yeah, now hold hands and recite this mantra. God is good God is great.........get this god damned mutt off the motherloving leg or I swear..........ooops sorry. Back to holding hands and doing the mantra thing. 031009
simon pupp-y-not-/indelible lightness or small canines / taken after meals - puP-ie--Cerd / more at P&CD mostly post-coital-depression,
indications guilt CONTRAindications young dogs, feelings of lightness, dry mouth.
blah-ze had an image-beautiful girl walking along street, tacky 'sunshiny day' music playing, and a puppy happily dancing along behind her. maybe she's even singing, and the puppy sways in time to the music. then, she grabs a shovel, and beats it's brains out. to the rising and falling thunks of the shovel the music still meanders along in oxymoronic fashion. then, with puppyguts spattered all over her, she continues to hum the music and goes on her merry way. 031028
misstree that's better than most christmas presents, blah-ze. i will wear this grin for quite a while, and keep that little movie in a place of esteem in this broken down brainbox. thank you. 031028
notme how about an alternate version
where the puppy picks up the shovel
blah-ze mmm... revenge of the puppy. puppy on a rampage. all sunshiny_people are asked to stay indoors until this crisis is resolved. highly trained puppy police are on the trail of a black and white dalmatian puppy, aged fifteen to twenty weeks. 031029
Lemon_Soda Not what it means to me.

a vessel for inhalation of glory fog.
tonya most satisfying when they are crisp_puppies 040205
god outside, where there's a tree 040403
realistic optimist are you out there, puppycrusher? i miss talking to you! 040403
god free tonya!! 040428
thieums Puppycrushers are not a solution, since they treat the symptom and not the disease. Where do all those puppies come from anyway ? Did anyone make genetic experiments with dogs and rabbits ? Is it a government consipracy ? Are they out to get us ? Why am I still blathering at 5am ? 040428
what's it to you?
who go