cyb If you ever want to know what these magical arches tastes like just eat a bag of skittles. 010129
monadh are fun to chase 010314
dB Man, the blather is slow today. 010314
monadh yeah eveyone is out chasing rainbows 010314
monadh everyone rather 010314
unhinged i was chasing sheep... 010315
florescent light ...are magic.

Can you see it?
ellen cherry charles the way the light shines through the rain that falls as a sheet between us
through the sparkling drops I can see the sparkle in your eyes
I try to hide behind my hood but you reach out with your voice
a pair of ghosts
we are connected by filaments of brilliant color, you and I
squigglybee i love rainbows. i love multi-colored things. rainbows are really pretty and they're so nice to see after a storm. 020705
Louie rainbows make me happy 031201
pipedream are supposed to be a gay indicator. pffft, i hate unecessary innuendo for regular things/words/images, especially for such a pretty one :P 031201
f because if you can
why can't I?

you Hebrew headfuck

the answer is intense not steal.
f and I have you know,
that girl was a boy that wore blue shirts and rode across continents to see me, she isn't the tallest or the most foolish of people.
f I want potatoes not books on opportunists 160204
f we do have potatoes here but they are little and you can't put them in the microwave ands have them with cream cheese. 160204
j in_rainbows 160204
what's it to you?
who go