megan the absolute love of my life... never have i ever felt this way about anyone, nor i ever will. forever in his arms i'll stay. forever in his heart, for ever could come and go, and we'd never be apart. 1 year tomorrow!! 021114
silentbob he left pency prep and went home and had the most descriptive few days i ever read. 021114
jane megan, i feel the same way 021114
jane except for the one year thing 021114
girl_jane If only he were real...

If a body catch a body coming through the rye...
silentbob So does Miss Tube of Wonderful have a name? 021115
Holden McGroin 021115
megan wow, we talked so much today.. about anything and everything under these freakin awesome stars. he gave me a necklace, it's really simple and pretty, just like him. he told me he'd love me forever. i wish we could spend all day and night, and every week together... too bad we're still in high school, we're old enough to be mature about relationships unlike most i know. his kiss tastes like warm cider. 021115
0of46 it would have been so awesome to meet holden caufield in real life, he woudl have be one of the most interesting people ever

too bad he was fictional.....
silentbob He actually wasn't fictional, he was based on a childhood friend of JD Salinger

Ok i'm totally making that up
megan we're planning on "watching a movie" at his house tonight.. ahhh the freedom! we are constantly floating in this in-between world of happiness and numbness... in this cloud 9 sort of thing where no one can take our happiness away. oh it is delicious, i wish i could just suck all the good times out of our lives with a gigantic straw (and not get any stuck between my teeth). 021116
megan his dad walked in on us making out, but for some odd reason it was ok. i felt at home in his arms. 021117
silentbob oh my god how embarassing
what did he say
Holden McRauch 021117
megan he said "break it up" hehe. as if we were fighting or soemthing.. the funny thing was we didnt notice at first, we were zoned ya know, and he started waving his arms around. then we all had a good laugh. they're pretty laid back people i guess. :-) 021117
girl_jane aww...I wanna make out with a comfortable boy...yeah-that one-you know who I'm talking about

That pretty boy that's oh so fucking perfect

*le sigh*

I need to find him first...
megan we didn't do naything today except see each other at school.. i have to work.. i miss him. comfortable is a great way to describe him, girl_jane, thanks for the word. comfortable... 021118
girl_jane you're welcome :) 021119
megan we kind of had a tiff tonight, it was about religion and how it's all so real to me and how he struggles with what denomination to agree with. i just wish soemtimes the world would be perfect... 021123
something tell him not to pick a denomination.
what he believes is what he believes.
megan thats what i told him, thanks something.. he understands.. we're on the same page now :-) and he went to church this morning. happiness is yet again on our laps. 021124
megan hung out yesterday... its thanksgiving today. im pretty bored sitting at my grandparents house doing nothing but eating and watching wizard of oz. lol.. that is one cracked out movie. that and alice in wonderland. lol. but anyways back to holden.. i still love him and we still share those moments, oh you know the type. the dreamy heart in your teeth type. yeah. soemthin like that. :) 021128
riot sucks 021128
moo i like ford MUCH better 021128
megan still comfy.. many laughs. nothing can take him away. 021205
megan wish i could see him right now... 021213
megan i miss him. why do i always find myself on here whenever i feel this way? 021230
megan we spent all of last night together to bring in the new year. he can put me to sleep simply by rubbing my head. it's like a lullaby, knowing that i'm on his lap and his arms are around me, and nothing can take that away. 030101
call_me_lydea who is megan? 030101
megan i am megan. 030102
megan so much. it says all i cannot say. all i cannot explain. the sheer perfection in a someone that makes me want to kiss him.
*kiss kiss* :)
megan i love you 030125
nomatter megan killed the holden page. 030920
pobodys nerfect Probably a job most interior decorators would prefer,instead of doing just half of it. ;) Oh boy am I in a weird mood tonight... 030920
megan megan made the holden page
so step off hun
pipedream holden caulfield, the first man who ever made my sister sit up and take notice :) 030921
pobodys nerfect megan--I was half tired and half bored by the time I got to blather last night. To amuse myself,I began to try and read words in a different way:
holden = whole den
I meant no disrespect to Holden the person. :)
megan no no not you pobody :)
the person that said i ruined the page
i was being testy with them :)
pipedream lets kill the testy person...chop off 'is testes (if 'ee 'as any)! hahahahahahahaha 030923
djstar i want to know what happened with holden and megan! i was so enthralled with the love story.. come back 050527
megan the story.
of course it would be through jaded eyes if it's through my eyes.
and of course, due to my severe histrionic disorder, it will be all his fault.

lately i have found myself believing that we are friends again. that we can sit and talk for hours and find some understanding in each other that neither of us can find in anyone else.

but, however, this is not completely true.

we broke up last march. if you want more details see



i am with someone new now. he has taught me a lot about myself. he has taught me that i have strength on my own, not derived from anyone or anything else. he has taught me that love is sometimes hard, and that disagreements do happen, and feelings do get hurt. and it's ok. it's not going to end just because of that.

i wish i could say some miraculous thing to say to end this, but it's still just me. little old me, sitting alone with her computer, listening to sad bastard music, still not sure how to be just ok, and feeling left out of society like always.
i guess i'll never quite fit
djstar thank you for your honesty. what a perfect way to end the story. all we can do is learn and grow, learn and grow... 050710
james Thump 150218
what's it to you?
who go