Toxic_Kisses A She-He (A female that has a penis)
Or A He-She (A He that has a vagina)
Or even a Guy or Girl who has both reproductive organs.
You know, I got to thinking about it the other day, I really wouldent mind haveing a She-He lover, Az fer az I'm concerned I'd be getting the best of both worlds ya know?
Altho I wonder what it must be like growing up a Hermaphrodite, I mean think of it, if YOU were a Hermaphrodite what would your childhood be like?
herm aphrodite it was a harrowing experience 011216
nemo klinefelters disease
j_blue on the inside or the outside?

yes, how harrowing
silentbob i watched friends tonight. it was a re-run. But it made me laugh. except, i really like brad pitt, he has a likeability about his characters. but tv is not his game. 020207
pralines&cream he co-founded the "i hate rachel green club" and started the infamous rumor that she was a hermaphrodite ... i truly appreciate beautiful couples. 020207
girl_jane zwitter-the german word for hermaphrodite...hehehe...zwitter ions...chemistry class was good for something. 020211
reitoei hermaphrodites are very prevalant in norway. 020211
daxle hermaphrodites are extremely common in the plant kingdom 020211
Aaron i met a girl online from norway or one of thoes north europien countrys... she was raised as a girl.. her name .. or at least the name she was using is sarah klinefeltrer.. she didn't say she was a hermaphrodite.. she used the expression "wrong parked" she said she had it all.. and both of her lower organs worked.. she claimed she could knock her self up if she wanted... 020211
morgan are you a boy or a girl?
-imperial drag.
Strideo Hermaphrodite Education and Listening Post

H.E.L.P. is a support group for parents, family, friends and persons affected by Sex_Differentiation_Disorders. It is a source of medical information, literature and personal experiences. The goal is to connect persons affected by these disorders, to educate the public and medical profession, and to offer emotional support and understanding to those facing the decisions involved with these disorders.

Accepted definition: A person born with both male and female sex organs.This is a vague, confusing and inaccurate definition.

There are 3 labels of Hermaphrodites: True, Male pseudo and Female Pseudo.

All are equally genuine.

A person born with both ovary and testicular tissue, this could be 2 seperate gonads ( one of each) or a combination of both in one (an ovotestes). The genitalia can vary from completely male or female, to a combination of both or even ambiguous looking. The chromosome (karotype) compliment can be XX (female), XY (male), XX/XY (mosiac) or even XO (extremely rare). Those XX with female genitalia are raised female ( some have even given birth). Those XY with male genitalia are raised male ( a few have fathered children). The children born XX/XY or XO (with genitalia male or female are raised in the sex they look most like) ,Those born with ambiguous genitalia have many medical tests for the doctors to determine which sex they should be assigned. Doctors then recommend early surgery to make the child look physically like the sex assigned to them.

The causes are not known, The medical community does know this is a very rare condition but do not have accurate figures to how many people have this condition (depending on the literature between 350-450 known cases).

A person born XX with normal female internal organs but with "masculanized" genitalia. They can appear more male then female or a combination of each.

The most common is Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) it occurs approximately 1:14,000 births.This is when the adrenal glands overproduce testosterone. It also has been recorded that some persons with this disorder had been exposed to progesterone-like drugs before they were born.

A person born XY with testes (usually in the abdominal cavity). The external genitalia are usually female but can be ambiguous.

The most common cause is Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS). This is when the body doesn't respond to the androgen being produced. There are different variations: Complete (CAIS) , and Partial (PAIS). This condition has a variety of names and occurance rates..

megan i have a friend that is one.
he is a weird sort, he has all the right parts on the outside, but the wrong ones on the inside. his name used to be clint, but now he's going by alex.
we always wondered why he cheered with us and cried when we didn't get the trophy. i love him to pieces.
Mahayana I think you might have your words mixed up what you are referring to sounds like someone who is transgendered.

where their body parts are of one sex, however, inside they feel like the opposite.

hermaphrodite is including, or being of, both sexes. actually having biologically both sex's body parts and/or chemical make-up. of course there are various degrees of this occuring on the spectrum.

[not being catty just wanting to share]
megan don't worry, don't apoligize--- i could very well be mixed up.
i should have stated he has the physical parts of a boy on the outside (soon to be changed), but the physical parts of a girl on the inside.
misstree yep, both sets = hermaphrodite.

i think that there are different sets of love dieties that people follow, most men seeking aphrodite, most women seeking, i dunno, antonio banderas? aside from all my metasensuality, i think that my love diety would be a hermaphrodite... everything that a human is, in one human.
J4n3 3/\/6L158 it seems it would be a hard life to be a hermaphrodite, but they should consider themselves blessed none the less, i dont know what year the first hermaphrodite was born, but i am sure it was way before any of our times, think of how hard it would be if you had been born a hermaphrodite in the middle ages, or earlierer, i am sure that a hermaphrodite of today would be much happier than if they had been born then, thank God for the medical progressions that have been made since then. 040313
cliched teenage girl a hermaphrodite has both reproductive organs, but one won't work as well as the other 040313
cliched teenage girl and, no, they can't knock themselves up! that's bullshit 040313
Persona Greek mythology
Hermes, the messenger god
Aphrodite, the goddess of love
Hermaphrodite, the god/dess of self gratification?
what's it to you?
who go