kyla dub selfish fascination


high covetousness thoughts


thanks, luck_is_green
kyla Oh, and
fallen off peace
sartre superstar listens

Much reloading, because it feels good.
kyla curious sudafed expanse

Okay, but, serious this time.
raze popped over to blue for a second and got this:

soviet pepsi screaming_into_the_sunset.

has to go on my list of favourite three words bounty ever. i can see it so clearly.
past with_our_eyes_wide_open: darlin' retrospectives 220325
raze i_love_blather_red three_words nothing_nevermind

(that's about as meta as it gets)
raze little_puppet, reconcile. and_i_can't_sleep. 220326
tender_square abby_and_mark called. my_poetry_sucks.

(thanks for the words of encouragement, abby and mark!)
tender_square the_new_captcha icelandic ashtray_monument

(i'm picturing a monument of ice in the shape of lots of u's and y's and 7's to collect the falling ash of volcanoes)
tender_square (also, i feel like that would make an excellent band name.) 220327
raze to_have delusional red_headed_stepchild 220327
epitome of incomprehensibility you_will_be_first neighbourly extracted

(I mean, I wouldn't want to be UN-neighbourly extracted)
past it's_not_the_sky_i_once_knew whispers_in_the_dark after_dreams_like_that_i_have_to_wonder 220327
raze included: reassurance, mini_adventure. 220328
past oh_my querl! she's_alright!

(read querl for a definition of the word.)
tender_square arctic_air, especially coral_fang. 220328
past in_all_honesty i_wish_i_was [a] wild_party 220328
tender_square veer if_you_want_to_hear_it somewhere_between_waking_and_sleeping 220329
raze otherwise busy missouri 220329
kerry nocturne_in_c_minor ethanol art_rock 220329
raze arrived, met missing_piece. 220330
tender_square century serene somnambulist 220330
raze thought punkin, "now_i_know_why." 220331
past is forte what_change_means? 220331
tender_square run_for_your_life. this_world_is_not_for_you, grudge. 220331
raze diet_pills dine'. life_imitates_art. 220401
tender_square xmas_tree philoetry the_spaces_between_you_and_realiyt 220401
tender_square insatiable; the_kiss_of_the_angel_saugus lingers. 220402
raze "knotty bits!" yelled too_many_hearts. 220402
raze good god, i made a mess of that. it was supposed to be:

"knotty_bits!" yelled too_many_hearts.
past Strange_redemptions [for the] radioactive_penis_cult. today_is_the_day! 220402
raze the answer to a question as old as time itself:

where_does_blather_come_from? apophenia girls.
tender_square twitch_city, this_too_shall_pass; you_were_doing_something_else_that_day. 220403
past tinsel found boots 220403
tender_square simply_irresistible aerial songs_about_ghosts 220404
raze snowing rebuild holiday_regularity

(this seems to be the same idea spring has this year, too)
past make_me_a_poem.

listen_up: let's_one_of_us_be_happy!
raze how_i_feel: tanlines, silent_theatre. 220405
past idle magical_powers coulda_been_great 220406
tender_square crestfallen just_kinda_sad mesh 220406
raze auburn_says, "coca propagandhi." 220406
raze grey_days ignored music 220407
tender_square heartbreak_high crossing_into_that_unknown; god_works_in_mysterious_ways. 220407
tender_square inferior i_get_scared reading_in_the_bathroom 220408
raze this one reads like the title of a confessional memoir:

_cocaine: a_rounder_nose (2008)
past not_forever afterwards felt_touched_kissed_burned 220408
raze in_visible_breath, polyamorous tree. 220409
tender_square all_wrapped__up_in_a_package_of_in_between atrocity_exhibition card 220409
raze buttons spread outvoice 220410
tender_square swallowing_it_whole; are_you_fearless? venus_is_your_partner_saturn_mine. 220410
tender_square how_far_do_i_have_to_run, star_howl, sir_richard_francis_burton? 220411
past example: i_dreamed_i_was my_bath

(i feel like this is what my undergrad roommate would have said when he was developing his special "dream teas.")
tender_square when_i_wake_up (my) cradlesong (is) "football_helmets." 220412
raze tragic atmosphere coloring 220412
e_o_i Nick, what_did_you_smell_today? what_is_it? 220412
tender_square whispering_trees relocate vices 220413
tender_square stop_dying! (well, die_for_this.) 220414
raze muffins should response_to_a_photograph_of_tadpoles

(dodgy grammar, but sound advice)
past brave stationary_rain_dance in_clothes 220415
e_o_i Penis eyelids? Be_a_little_bit_wiser_baby. 220415
raze the_highlight_of_your_year: demon burning_photograph. 220416
tender_square friggin horny revenant 220416
raze mary_ellen_mark: noisy people_with_hearts

(the name of a posthumous photo book, or maybe a documentary)
tender_square yes_it_is negative_space glowing_black 220417
past "i_lied, glacier teacher."

(do glaciers listen? only when you tell the truth.)
tender_square dislocated love_grows_deeper, _as_in_who_killed. 220418
e_o_i Why_not_me blathed skanadian?

(because I not thinked of it first)
raze stareatingrobotmonster, i_love_you. sorry. 220419
past remove the_fire_season: the_sorrows_of_young_e_o_i 220420
tender_square dear_saint_nicholas, flare the_thud_of_angels_falling. 220420
Soma semantics bastard you_were_there 220420
raze collecting "anyone_out_there" psychic_messages. 220421
tender_square if_only_for_that_second as knot_in_love 220421
tender_squar the_present life_preserver dressed_like_that 220422
past minutes to_my_love. ahh. 220422
tender_square terrorists_are_corny porn apophenia 220423
raze get_away, teenage_destructoto_the_lark. 220423
raze crashed car touchy 220424
tender_square cardinals dying new_light 220424
tender_square exploding_shoes and_her_delicacy_offended an_inconsequential_page_from_your_life 220425
kerry wound complexity blue_stars 220425
raze the_wooden_sky: not_a_question_of_winning leonard_cohen. 220426
tender_square your_soundtrack withdrawl seadeas 220426
raze autumn_is_a_second_spring calendars devote 220427
past this_is_creepy noemie_lafrance drained_being_here 220427
tender_square catherine endure no_more 220427
e_o_i These_people_don't_matter. Hello, my_cat! 220427
tender_square in_this_renaissance_life what_we_used_to_almost_have spices 220428
pity_and_fear like_a_cat_with_a_bell advocating
raze "arg, indestructable dear_michael_bay!"

(words uttered by many a frustrated cinephile, no doubt.)
raze sublime keep optimistic 220429
tender_square broken_window monkey tire 220429
raze of earning eternity 220430
tender_square the_water_boatman_and_his_singing_penis (yay! that_once_forgotten_image) 220430
tender_square should_i_be_afraid (or) happy_now? the_pope_smokes_dope. 220501
raze check ambrosia. maybe_music. 220502
past she's_going_back_to_the_sea. destination? you'll_never_know! 220502
tender_square may_showers bottomless blood_red_sharpie 220502
past "no_need_to_apologize, i_follow."

past walrus sites vehicle

(does this mean, by virtue of posting here, we get to ride mechanical or living walruses?)
past walrus SKITES vehicle

tender_square opening_scene_of_the_film_birth compulsion hole 220503
tender_square bjork_and_sigur_ros zaus through_a_window_through_a_wall 220504
nr pee_in_a_bottle, confess the_48th_day 220505
raze my_mind_is_exploding_from_within_my_head. waz broken_trust? 220505
raze red_hiatus: vast fish_out_of_water. 220506
tender_square precicion tracing the_end_of_the_world 220506
tender_square precision tracing the_end_of_the_world

(goddamn, typos)
past he_looks_as_if full_of_hatred: pale 220506
tender_square supposed_to_be_in_bed_already; signatures bump_and_grind. 220507
raze crunch. make_my_day dull. 220507
e_o_i "landmark unavailable memories" - but if landmark is a verb, how? 220507
raze areli: making_a_mess heal. 220508
tender_square is_what_it_is, old_playlists, words_from_years_past. 220508
raze mice_chew_books, gmail footsteps. 220509
tender_square weirdly, what_money_cannot_buy: red_cardinal_in_the_green_grass. 220509
e_o_i relationship frazzle_dazzle: the_gift_i'll_always_treasure 220509
tender_square strep, fuck_you_in_the_heart gyrating_through_some_lonesome_devil's_row! 220510
raze cleanad? it_won't_work. sing_along. 220510
nr thank_you_, parents (she_tried_to_forget) 220510
tender_square predestination: i_was_created_for_testing_purposes (tracing_your_skin) 220511
e_o_i disorder: sleep_and_dream, this_you_i_dreamt_about 220511
e_o_i adds colons No wait, this one is better -

cut_from_the_same_cloth: chaotic_love, dubstep_puccini
raze ever smiling_for_the_sunshine fade 220512
past cold_sweat about attention 220512
tender_square purply_green_watercolors borrow psychic_ugh 220513
raze summer_rains you_can't_expect so_clean 220513
e_o_i pictographs get conservative 220513
raze spiral track wordbugs 220514
raze "a_personal_ad_you'll_never_see" (statement taken_by_trees). 220515
past cheated_hearts, deleted humanity 220515
raze barbara, this_is_your_time (if_it_is_love). 220516
tender_square cramps: this_is_just_to_say this_is_who_you_are. 220516
raze self_sabotage drain forward 220517
tender_square english mom crossword

(includes answers to express disapproval like "bloody" and "tosh" and "cheeky")
raze rainiest "the_stupid_shit_i_can't_forget" bowl

(that's a pretty rainy bowl right there)
tender_square hot second_wind joy 220519
tender_square fyi: sea_anemone small

(stating the obvious, i see)
raze cottonwood_canyon, ambulatory austin. 220520
kerry milk invade front_door 220520
tender_square blood_for_the_sun i_fell simulacrum 220521
raze seek anthony_keidis, imogen_cunningham. 220522
tender_square literature flat_on_the_floor beautiful 220522
past jekyll_and_hyde rom_com_subversion staff_paper 220522
kerry your_last_book following shoplifting 220522
tender_square shame the_sex (some_kind_of_daydream) 220523
nr ottawa: traceable contradiction. 220523
e_o_i tender handmade_cards, higher_or_lower 220523
raze east shit_storm (o_to_be_a_giant_squid) 220524
tender_square i_want_you_to_be_safe, obscure_but_shockingly_accurate; i've_always_been_lost. 220524
e_o_i it_wasn't_falling in_the_silence, messy_art 220524
tender_square ear_rings; words_have_been_burned_on_the_memory_bone, moaning. 220525
raze packaged_memories? ohhhhhhhhh_noooooooooooooo! (an_exercise_in_futility.) 220526
e_o_i broken_glass vampire puzzle 220526
tender_square if_i_look_the_other_way thirty_three keep_on 220527
raze co lowercase_world_problems fumbled 220528
nr it's_getting_better, enemy. i_regularly_get_confused. 220528
tender_square microphone megadeth wwf 220529
raze velvet_influenced estranged trencherman 220529
raze your_finest_hour: better_a_fool_for_the_worthwhile spell. 220530
raze only_the_truth lumps sucksess 220531
raze cause i've_been glowberry 220601
tender_square i_really_needed_a_day_like_this; bird_watching, wondering. 220601
e_o_i blather_quirks relocate every_here

(they keep moving around!)
kerry yay! creep phone! 220601
raze condiments, elizabeth_wurtzel? chocolate_raspberry_biscotti. 220602
tender_square heterophoria alstroemeria retreated 220603
raze st anal culture 220603
e_o_i things_that_make_me_sad: wolverine application

(Hey, maybe those wolverines are qualified for the job. Or is it a computer program for wolverines?)
raze emit positivism; tell_me_about_the_good_old_days. 220604
past act rockstar. give_me_the_night! 220604
raze holding_handsthe_nutrition (of) falling_apartness. 220605
tender_square there_is_enough_space (but) nobody_read (b/c) meaning_can_make_everything_beautiful. 220605
past hey_raze, what_emotion_is pinback? 220605
raze (that's an excellent question! i would say ... "wistful semi-sadness".) 220605
raze temporal_lobe insomniac: the_atmosphere_of_neglect 220606
tender_square gentle orgasm kansas_city 220606
tender_square superstar roman_candle heartbeat_it's_a_lovebeat 220607
kerry you_are_a_stone_on_my_chest, exposed. how_would_you_know_me? 220607
raze center_stone, maracas involuntary. 220608
tender_square sorrow ring_ring both_lovely_and_terrifying 220608
e_o_i sometimes_i_see_things_that_aren't_there: life_imitates_art paint 220608
past in_touch life_is horns_and_hooves 220609
tender_square brink_of_tears radio_show enormous 220609
raze tonight_i sign, if_it_comes_to_meet_me. 220610
raze hang_on! the_calendar_is_wrong, hauschka! 220611
raze insomnia to_solve_the_puzzle (timetravel) 220612
raze life_requires_us_to_move tom_waits this_summer. 220613
raze made_for_trade: century ashtray_monument. 220614
tender_square a conversation:

person 1: i've_been_thinking... fists_of_sleep

person 2: you_think_too_much
raze what'll intentions train? 220615
raze hot_yellow_light, premature existential_wind. 220616
tender_square the_only_way unearthing medical_tourism 220616
kerry heres_to_the_passing_of_all_that_could_be_between_! got_it_right, black_eyes. 220616
raze q: what_makes_you_smile?
a: vaporizing_flowers, crazy_bracelets.
tender_square windmill, we_all_love_you when_you_scream. 220617
tender_square spencer, what_makes_you_afraid_of_sleeping somewhere_in_my_soul? 220618
nr embarrassing art_show? you_learn_something_new. 220618
raze in_the_notebook cofftea, i_almost_got_bit_by_a_snake. 220619
tender_square the_world_is_a_washing_machine fading_away photons 220619
tender_square barnacle traveling_man ephemera 220620
raze the_polaroid necessity present

(sounds like a decent name for a post-punk band, no?)
tender_square day_three and_then_maybe poem_delete?

(sorry to burst your bubble, but that'll never happen here.)
raze half_asleep_thoughts fester; its_all_in_the_family. 220623
raze fleshburst creation pie 220624
raze crabcraft, find_this emptiness. 220625
tender_square meet arbitrary_quizzing, the_bridge_to_somewhere. 220625
tender_square anger blankets freelance_animators 220626
nr curse sweet_nostalgia. how_healthy. 220626
raze fate_and_chaos? ouch! 8_count.

(it's always a boxing match, isn't it?)
nr adam, judge_me, little_bug! 220627
nr flush wallflowers give_in 220627
past crowl_and_crowlie_ hyperdating: disappeared_posts 220627
raze mango ornament, don't_you_hate_it_when... 220628
raze the_number_1: snide self_esteem_lowering 220629
tender_square the_dogs_laying_in_exhausted_heaps; some_bears falls. 220629
raze ariana_aria experiencing_new_things, shedding. 220630
e_o_i no_time watching_the_parade if_i_had_heroes 220630
raze wounds swallow ashtray 220701
tender_square what_i_did_write? new_things, lightning. 220701
kerry runaway tostadas (homeless) 220701
raze rosy blue_star relentless_ness 220702
tender_square piggish exaggerated hereafter 220702
tender_square ersatz_35 rats, a_butterfly_on_bad_speed. 220703
e_o_i field whoops nude (which is amusingly ambiguous - surprise at being nude in a field? at the field being nude? Or are "field whoops" cheers that lack clothes?) 220703
e_o_i Ookay, this is superior, if you imagine hesitation between items 1-2 and item 3:

"Save_me, nightlights!" I_never_say_it_I_just_think_it
tender_square this_is_all_we_came_here_for: her_little_whispers_like_folded_birds someday 220704
tender_square studio river existential_gas 220705
raze half throat the_testing_tree

(a bit of an unusual name for a testing tree, but hey, if the half-throat speaks...)
tender_square get_your_shit_done, monster_in_my_bed tonight. 220706
raze "i_know_its_over," whispered when_he_passed_out. 220706
raze radio_man quite_quiet, sly. 220707
tender_square a_priceless_gift: one_word finding 220707
raze scintillating smartie continuity 220708
e_o_i what_makes_us_human? unslept voice. 220708
tender_square the_corner has_but_rhyme worship 220708
e_o_i I forget what went with know_what_you're_fighting_for, but when I went back I found a specific apology:

Sorry_about_my_words, hospital teammates.
raze raining around_me: something_else_entirely 220709
raze longing vangelis whine 220710
e_o_i Okay, I'm self-centred enough for this to amuse me: soft e_o_i plural.

(it's "epitomes of incomprehensibility," said in a soft voice)
tender_square you_will_be_dispensed_with junior threshold

(jesus--what would being dispensed with senior threshold look like?)
raze pregnant self_defining cheese 220711
e_o_i Taking_back_Broadway: Amanda Cats (like Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats, but with more Amanda) 220711
raze poetically pachouli passage 220712
tender_square a whole story in a three word combination:

a_kiss. (leave_before_it_comes) awkward.
raze acidic "i_need_you" occurs 220713
tender_square the_man_of_twists_and_turnswho_most_people_don't_think_about. 220713
tender_square that was supposed to be:

the_man_of_twists_and_turns (lazy_ass) who_most_people_don't_think_about.

(not sure what happened there!)
raze stained concerned _cocaine

(because drugs have feelings too)
tender_square there_are_no_words. speak_this non_existent_memory. 220714
tender_square perv, it's_either_one_or_the_other, housemate. 220715
e_o_i all adjectives this time: kempt, enigmatic, blase 220715
e_o_i Unlearn legs. Radical. 220715
tender_square journals = living_person (hmmmmm) 220716
raze the_new_counter_culture: sex_and_violence we_exhale 220717
tender_square rant regulars: the_fireworks_of_a_new_day 220717
raze cold_citrus twist_ties plasma 220718
tender_square "this_headache_is_a_cannibal" (david_lynch_movies my_yesterday) 220718
raze virginal numbly gifts 220719
tender_square tease morning_light stamps 220719
raze blind? skip_it. what_the_heck! 220720
tender_square what_the_moon_eats them and_every_day_i_die 220720
raze thought the_lord_of_the_rings: "spazport!" 220721
tender_square _a_roar_when_others_hear_a_squeak: baby_steps so_this_is 220722
raze posts a_ghost: "still_winter." 220723
tender_square brave, broken_winged; don't_look_back. 220723
raze saskatchewan pleasure_forever traffic 220724
raze this one reads like a random journal entry:

"exhausted, day_three: energy_still_transmitted."
past "tell_me_about_the_good_old_days."

"flew feverish!"
raze southern_comfort sunset, vast. 220726
tender_square i_am_a_walking_metaphor_of_myself; lasciate revelation. 220726
past breathe_in unfulfilled space 220726
raze giraffe_research_community gravy_train: horns_and_hooves. 220727
e_o_i try crawling the_last_time_I_drank 220727
e_o_i This tells another story - goofy erotica? a melancholy memoir of a childhood with overprotective parents?

The_beginnings in_my_bed: set_me_free_why_don't_you
raze love_at_first_sight? i_will. (he_does.) 220728
tender_square endless if_i_look_the_other_way, so_much_beauty. 220729
raze when you're talking to cats and excitement derails your train of thought:

"kitties, you'd ... i'm_going_to_be_a_grandpa!"
tender_square i_don't_think_we_should_ever_meet: existentialism_waltz with_your_opinion 220731
raze wretched robin_hill_summer salad_dressing

(on sale for a limited time)
tender_square cloudy, an_encounter blinded_by_the_sunset. 220801
nr yeah_yeah_yeah_yeah, dear twit. 220801
nr gah! that should have been

yeahyeahyeahyeah, dear twit.
tender_square winds_of_change rush even_when 220802
e_o_i Tell_all_eyes, hair, butterflies... 220802
kerry go_gentle_in_this_dark_dark_night, approaching shoplifting 220802
raze spanish_blather clothes: not_a_thing. 220803
tender_square different ambivalence: i_eat_grapes_with_my_fingers 220803
raze "borscht suedo," carl_jung_says. 220804
tender_square dazzle_camouflage makes the_great_pumpkin_head_pen. 220804
tender_square the_end, the_fallaway veins. 220805
raze what_is_your_favorite_nut status mutterance? 220806
tender_square apples_and_honey slept creepy_and_weird. 220806
raze weird_titles:
tender_square speak trying_to_take_a_picture (i_have_weird_dreams) 220807
raze when_will_they_go_away? what_a_grand_parade_of_phantoms drift. 220808
tender_square infernal vows vagabond 220808
e_o_i burnmaker Leonora_and_you: morbid_high_school_projects (I suspect arson is involved. Leonora was worryingly into that in high school.) 220808
nr burn_the_witch, terrorist. blame_it_on_morrissey_and_the_smiths.

e_o_i (They protest: we're musicians, not witch-burners!)

I also got, just now:

Trauma_but_concisely: months divergence

(It might be traumatic when months diverge from each other. Depends what the divergence is like.)
raze hotel_california under_boac cucumbers

(i guess if you were flying with the british overseas airways corporation sometime before the spring of 1974, and if your plane passed over the hotel_california while you were eating cucumber slices offered by a thoughtful flight attendant, this could have happened. if it did, be thankful you were in the air and not a guest in that famous hotel. after all, you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.)
nr so_many_memories healed bridget 220809
raze try_to_believe moon_in_virgo, judy_nylon. 220810
raze child_wisdom: bray, "piss_load!" 220811
e_o_i She_keeps_bees, cold_heart_steamed. Sleazy.

(It may be sleazy, but getting hearts out of bees and then steaming them requires some damn fine motor skills.)
e_o_i bitch_and_moan, monthly bat

(the weekly bat complains less)
tender_square tommorow_never_knows; il_est_ce_qui_est_il, windborne. 220812
raze sent_off virtue freefall 220813
tender_square glue virginity loose 220813
raze amoeba_ambulance (knowing the_dream) 220814
tender_square the_double_edged_sword_of_art glitter it's_so_like_a_dream 220814
e_o_i this_american_life: I_am_not_going_to_break_ cars 220814
tender_square yesterday's_joyride out_of_the_prairie always_spring 220815
raze boys up_close breathe_out 220816
tender_square yearn ancient wings 220816
e_o_i the_wind never_considered puncture_wound (it just think about dropping houses on wicked witches) 220816
e_o_i edits *thinks 220816
raze frosty regrets little_known_leaf 220817
tender_square loose collective (not_a_thing)

[it shrugs off form to the extent that it doesn't even exist!]
tender_square happy birthday blather

(i thought, "how coincidental! didn't that already pass though?" turns out it really is blather's birthday today.)
e_o_i I just noticed that!! If it is blather's b-day, must be some coding magic. 220818
raze rocking_chair, read_this: "sorries." 220819
tender_square skylines matter_of_time sunset_revision 220819
e_o_i Lethe saw mystification (canonically, it's forgetting, but close enough) 220819
e_o_i this one reads like a little poem:

noticing you_not_you
e_o_i this one reads like a little poem:

noticing you_not_you
raze karate metric: just_a_boy 220820
e_o_i infatuated_with jars: a_short_discussion 220820
raze valerie_worth ruby_dart tantra

(i don't know what it means, but i like the music it makes)
tender_square she_told_me_last_night i've_got_a_plan contrived 220821
e_o_i Blather, you should have told me this years ago:

Responsibility: anger_creates_a_demon. Self_advisory.
tender_square touched bunny bottomless 220822
raze in_a_number_of_areas i_twitch, love_broken. 220823
tender_square respectable amy_poehler donkey 220823
raze i_cannot_have_you, national_geographic loudness. 220824
e_o_i Perfection: I_can_hear_it! Infinite_possibilities. 220824
raze rolling_the_ball fetish ... i'm_done.

(climax comes quickly when the right balls are involved)
raze thumbnail swear_jar life_preserver

(i gotta get me one of those)
tender_square two_become_one (dream_me_this at_least) 220826
raze positive_phototaxis instance ... you_know? 220827
tender_square and_i_cried_out_your_name: ambivalence, that_was_her. 220827
tender_square the_truth_impales idle energy 220828
raze freakizh, conduct a_brief_smile. 220829
tender_square i_want_to_know dormant damn_you

(i want you to show meeeeeeee)
e_o_i organs: it_was_a_king mycoplasmas 220829
raze please_remember_to_forget_me, air_conditioner. fucking_right. 220830
tender_square time_for_time out_of_his_mind elevator 220830
raze wax_mannequin, raina. i_am. 220831
e_o_i Dreadlocks sobbing, "If_i_bring_a_little_music_I_could_fit_right_in!" 220831
raze gratitude semifriends: the_perks_of_being_a_wallflower 220901
tender_square time_and_distance oozing_surprise fairytales 220901
e_o_i hard_questions hitting_and_hating chitty_chitty_bang_bang 220901
raze lessons_from_running_reds: unsettling_eyes (year_nine) 220902
tender_square suddenly_it's_tommorrow: i'm_getting_married. you_make_me_feel_like_shit. 220902
raze fortune stv audit 220903
tender_square buy ditty a'new'sound

(because he can't stop, he won't stop, uh uhh uh uhh)
tender_square weaknesses promise cobblestone 220904
raze how_easily_we_allow_failure fleeing_flesh; the_curse_of_blond_and_blue. 220905
tender_square challenging: a_place_to_bury_strangers (it's_like_suddenly_so_weird) 220905
raze grass_is_growing_like_fucking_crazy, my_love. get_over_it. 220906
teender_square anne_sexton, fill_yourself_with_quarters from_the_turquoise_sea. 220906
raze i_know_you_are_smiling, stickers beacon. 220907
raze unknown tear_drop painting_painting 220908
tender_square busking dreams lingering_on_the_edge_of_my_consciousness 220908
kerry naughty universal_language, this_time_last_year 220908
nr boys, it's_like_suddenly there's_a_black_cloud. 220908
raze amsterdam, what_is_the_opposite squirrel? 220909
tender_square changed, damaged: the_writings 220909
tender_square a_disorganized_but_incisive_eye mutterflies talk_radio. 220910
raze this_isnt_really_red. sun_dance, come. 220911
tender_square this_barn so_clean so_close 220911
nr minor relevant karma 220911
e_o_i in_blue morning_light, fleeting_twilight 220911
raze lion, this_is_my_path (til_it's_dead). 220912
tender_square my_city realization as_our_garden_grows 220912
raze lion, this_is_my_path (til_it's_dead). 220913
tender_square years_in_the_making work_sounds: stephanie's_toilet. 220913
tender_square past_life_of_martytred_saints: (a) newsworthy basilica 220914
raze sunny pandas catharsis 220915
raze drool (barbaric_amounts happen) 220916
tender_square can't_stand_losing_you trash_can spelunking. 220916
raze eighteen_years_and_now: blue_sky_and_sunshine (fun_at_the_andy_warhol) 220917
tender_square testy_mctesterson (a_ghost arm) 220917
e_o_i born unhappy: review 220917
e_o_i professor_of_political_geometry and_or adult_stressors

(Professor of adult stressors here, reporting for duty)
raze the_sound_of_us_breathing: white_meets_dirt. new_light. 220918
tender_square plainclothes_detectives tickle quantum_fuck. 220918
raze "first_crushes association" (weird_expressions) 220919
raze fallen_red_leavesnight symmetry. 220920
tender_square head_and_heart osmosis, like_mother_like_daughter. 220920
raze found_poetry:

e_o_i pale essence: every_day_is_exactly_the_same

(in the vivid essence, the days are different in notable ways)
e_o_i (and I like how this tells a story, if you say the pauses right)

flightless, let's_go_out_tonight ... walk_out
tender_square huzzah! fisticuffs! blankets! 220922
raze aged interwoven bright 220923
tender_square what sounds like the most epic movie title ever:

"pizza_story: scenes_from_the_capital_grille cheating_death"

[in theaters this fall]
raze love_letters_to_hate_you_by. (gilgamesh, on_the_other_hand...) 220924
raze if_dogs_could_talk ... hands_on_ears. why_ask_why? 220925
tender_square can't_stand_losing_you; difficulties. sadsadsad. 220925
e_o_i babelize for yay 220925
raze configured trisexual, wrap_it_up. 220926
tender_square buffett touched little_things 220926
raze "all_the_blatherskites_invited," inner_ear says. 220927
tender_square emanation to nearness 220927
raze punks stay. you_always_look_tired. 220928
raze swoon, beautiful_man kurt. 220929
tender_square when_the_fever_broke thou alone_on_the_wall. 220929
raze the_pizza_guy: gymnast in_our_world 220930
raze add red_sky_sigh. how_far_do_i_have_to_go? 221001
tender_square outlandish out_of_phase alphabet 221001
past all_right, time_capsule in_the_field! 221001
raze buffer cliche_blender lightweights 221002
raze he_had_a_story, personally great. 221003
nr and_there_is_so_much everything. brutal. 221003
tender_square ninety juicy haunted_record 221003
raze slumber read (everyone_has_secrets). 221004
raze i_love_you_skinny mature nostalgia 221005
tender_square disappeared miserable pink_bathrobe. 221005
raze if_i_don't, i_don't_blame_you. lettuce_stop_arguing. 221006
tender_square guardian_angel brief_thief coulda_been_great! 221007
tender_square blather_perverts_association_red, luminous, flaky. 221008
raze wise cocytus (is_it_just_me?) 221009
tender_square we're_down_to_ground_zero_now: plums invade. 221009
raze silentbob's_corner (superman_never_made_any_money posts) 221010
tender_square i_see_no_hope googling krump 221010
Soma kaleidoscopic_and fucked_up a_voice_in_the_mental_wilderness 221010
raze you_look_so_fine. no_one_is_afraid_of_themselves precariously. 221011
raze waking_thought: "nectar kitty_knight_mares." 221012
tender_square bird_brings_back_blather_blanks, computer_games, beautiful_losers. 221012
raze what_did_you_smell_today? batik_boutique? awesome. 221013
tender_square at_odds: optimistic fire 221013
raze spine as_a_scientist. fly_away_bird. 221014
tender_square howl, home_alone phantom. 221014
nr daydream sober malaise

(this sounds like a song lyric.)
tender_square my_oldest_tallest_friends, squinty walking_in_the_wind. 221015
tender_square eighteen_years_and_now deadness. until_then_you_have_to_live_with_yourself. 221016
tender_square darkness wounds the_wasabi_incident. 221017
raze she_is portlandia inordinately 221018
raze "the_hard_core_of_everywhere," those_three_words broadcast. 221019
tender_square the_softies and_colours_fade, give_me_to_the_wind. 221019
raze you're_here_again. ducklings. decency. 221020
tender_square "coulda_been_great visitation information"

(sounds like an underachieving tourist bureau)
raze rattled cloud_blood cakelight 221021
tender_square moonshadow sting_of_beauty midnight_dipping 221021
raze rattled cloud_blood cakelight 221022
tender_square naught if_it_comes_to_meet_me, k? 221022
raze reading_and_writing footsteps. you_found_me. 221023
tender_square he_could_not_help science_fiction futility. 221023
raze sanctity: does_it_matter? wear_it_inside_out. 221024
tender_square opera, as_though_speech_were_a_still_performance (you_show_me_the_world_as_i_love_to_see_it). 221024
raze life_is_life. i_am_sitting_silent powers. 221025
raze anna_began_in_cleveland, babysitting for_each_bite_of_cheese. 221026
tender_square beyond ok meadowlarks

(as opposed to within so-so meadowlarks)
raze lyrical_mania? fuck_me. time_runs_away. 221027
raze finality_of_division: struggle bold 221028
tender_square (what sounds like the opening line of a love_letter)

babe, the_fall, the_back_of_my_hand.
tender_square fade: we_are lost_winter. 221029
raze tired_counting a_vote_for_brak. empty_grows_the_bed. 221030
tender_square piggy_bank family_stories: a_piece_about_lies 221030
raze wise duchamps straw_man 221031
tender_square fatalism, with_her_black_hair_cut_comically maze. 221031
raze horrorbowl love tact 221101
raze wax_mannequin flugelhorn (scary_thought). 221102
tender_square snowlight_and_sun subject all_my_heart 221102
raze lessons_from_bruises lessen. fuck_yeah. 221103
tender_square mimic_a_gentle_rainfall, jessica in_my_mirror. 221103
e_o_i garlic puppies: I_have_weird_dreams 221103
raze the_perks_of_being_a_wallflower: rita buzzing 221104
tender_square king_duncan_donut (a_fresh_start: stagnation) 221104
tender_square by_heart; tall, bottomless. 221105
raze shape if_i_look_the_other_way: alkaline. 221106
tender_square waves, zen_and_the_art_of sing. 221106
raze once_in_your_life smoking_the_mirror pandas 221107
tender_square toilet_wisdom (i_saw_you_looking_over, pudgy!) 221107
raze la_la_la (williams_syndrome stressful?) 221108
tender_square life_requires_us_to_move measured goodbye's 221108
raze indy aelst? incorrect. 221109
tender_square propagandhi cypher reaching_the_holy_shit_moment_of_thruth 221109
raze transphosphorylation expires who_we_are 221110
raze my_room: loser orgy. 221111
tender_square plausible_denial, synthetic venus_sky. 221111
tender_square stunningly, an_incongruent_peace vision. 221112
tender_square watching (don't_worry!) evolving_leaves. 221113
tender_square "reborn as_loud_as_i_wanted" (something_elliot_smith_once_said) 221114
tender_square let_us_have_this marching_ants limn! 221115
e_o_i Two_eyes. Later_on, balls_out_English_music. 221115
e_o_i Was a_vampire_deliciously_mad? Altruism_or_stupidity? 221115
raze necessary_to_reunite_them. i_have_no_desire, little_things. 221116
tender_square habitual; twice_removed, not_dead_yet. 221117
raze procrastination complexity: little_grey_lies 221118
raze dreamed_of_mon, cozy, petty. 221119
raze spisovatel word_hole ruiner 221120
raze disintegration_by_dream_snake: anorexia tumblr 221121
raze flying whitescreen phone_number 221122
tender_square known dove she_tried_to_forget 221122
raze a_sea_of_leaves: dieselboy_speaks_to_rillian chemistry. 221123
tender_square what_i'm_dreaming: secret_love_letters_written_in_orange, blending. 221123
tender_square solidified too_bright (you_worry_me) 221124
raze reboot (in_a_good_way) horoscope 221125
past come_to_me, i_can't_hear_the_snowfall in_late_november_. 221125
tender_square seaside_town, i_saw_you_looking_over drowning_sea! 221125
tender_square fear famous_among_the_barns; see_and_be_seen. 221126
raze goddamn opposed apartment 221127
raze hunted_and_caught. scary. all_we_can_do_is_wait. 221128
past prodigal_puffins waiting_for godot 221128
tender_square infuriating pastel occurred 221129
nr take_a_hike, red_new_year. w00t.

(take a hike until the new year, i guess?)
raze pick_me, iridescent_soul cars. 221130
tender_square (new from qvc!)

mark_hollis leaf copper
e_o_i the_christian_message: global_warming conductor 221201
raze stretch summer_fruit sometime 221202
tender_square it_couldn't_be drunk pockets 221203
raze virus sibilant stuck 221204
raze blathosphere destroyed. the_dialogue_is_already_written. 221205
e_o_i Just_because coyotes. I_wish. 221205
raze winter_haiku: "strong_soul 26" 221206
tender_square conduit sith compels! 221206
raze i_don't_play collection variations. 221207
past be_hard_but_not_cold dominatrix flail 221207
raze lou_bega jest: "you_think_too_much." 221208
past "lies!"

"i_fell." (imagine the speaker, their hands open.)

raze this one feels like it tells a story that ends in an unexpected but appropriately carbonated place:

brief_connection. buried_childhood. mountain_dew_rock.
past on enablers: it_is_okay.

(but is it really?)
past (makes typos) it_is_ok 221210
raze afterglow my_senior_year (this_is_how_we_walk_on_the_moon). 221211
raze word_of_the_day: synchronized blackboard_expression 221212
tender_square murder the_voice stroumboulopoulos!

(is it just me or did george get annoying after getting his own cbc program? i used to love him on muchmusic, he was one of my favourite vj's, and then i couldn't stand his style when he got a whole hour and never watched.)
raze sultry things_to_do_inside_when_it's_1o_degrees_outside: busking 221213
past my_dream ending: a_bit_of_bitterness. 221213
past slow_loading_time time_goes_by time_changes_me 221214
past time_may_change_me

(really should just copy and paste if my shortest term memory is this flighty)
tender_square no_panties prison this_is 221214
raze living_in_fear (of) bike_ride dice_nostalgia

(as do we all)
past weeks easier_to_stay mutual 221216
raze strong bicycle_ghost gymnastics 221217
raze trapped, gloved. later_that_day... 221218
e_o_i This is too good, and by good I mean a little bit ridiculous:

I_am_eating five_minute_poetry: the_sugar_experiment
raze a_speck: me_again, hipsters. 221219
raze i'm_getting_married. cannot_bear_the_light_of_day. (realizations.) 221220
tender_square difference, odd sibling! 221220
e_o_i pillar_to_post, good_ol_days cheaper

(they were a little, though I wasn't buying pillars or posts that often)
raze staff_paper passion flirting 221221
raze correction: if_you_listen_carefully, they_have_a_lovely_thing_going_on. 221222
raze inhuman reassuring, finite. 221223
tender_square sometimes_i'm_more cruelty dish. 221223
past what_it_looked_like: manifold gordon_downie 221224
raze the_premature_burial startled anne. 221225
raze responsibility tourist! emo_kitty!

(now *that's* how you hurl insults at someone)
raze t_rex_says, "cane mind_fuck." 221227
raze damn_burroughs, kissingthedead jack. 221228
tender_square sultry kitten (it's_a_lion_roaring) 221228
raze dance_at_rian. i_love_blather_red, if_i_die. 221229
past she_said, "the_romantic hypochondriac." 221230
past she_said, "the_romantic hypochondria." 221230
tender_square fucking_beautiful climax (with_border_collie_tenacity) 221230
e_o_i Second_guessing ivory? There_are_no_words.

(I don't know...*I'd* second-guess ivory.)
raze briefcase preferred dawn 221231
past can't_fall_asleep. drunk_as_fuck. haunted_by_dreams. 221231
raze grocery_lists urge regret. 230101
raze ate saskatchewan. pissing_myself. 230102
tender_square gum cramming bag 230103
raze lifemisttoo_much seamus. 230104
raze "herd panicked_dixie_mean_pearl" theory

(i think i remember learning about that in physics class)
raze trespassing stu (when_you_soared) 230106
raze "ego albert_camus" man

(the worst kind of man you could possibly be)
raze theatrical_alarm_clock_deadline (how_it_works beneath_the_seal) 230108
e_o_i Last_call, overreacting purple_finch. 230108
raze touche. rendered_into_a_painting this_way. 230109
past six_o'clock_cuddles: "thankyou daddy" 230109
raze parking_lot_scenes: a_fairly_normal_life. have_yourself_a_merry_little_christmas. 230110
raze sad_too. very_soon, divination. 230111
e_o_i Two_out_of_three_words here are melancholy, but the third pushes it into surreal goofiness:

I_am_sad. Former_lives_rain_down satsumas.
raze grasped medusa's_blood (active_child). 230112
raze football plays i'd like to hear called:

"june_brooklyn_june! head_down! spring_idle_spring!"
raze count mystery_illnesses calmly_toward_dark 230114
raze priest, i_am_light vehicle. 230115
raze slippery_fish castles rules 230116
raze vile seventeenth_birthday slice 230117
tender_square all_the_stuff threatening brambledown. 230118
raze homesick daddy_warbucks laughing 230119
raze a_few_deals_made. ooh, nationalism. 230120
raze this one reads like a piece of a poem:

still soap_and_skin, soft_chariot.
raze delicate skirting_bored temperance 230122
e_o_i Dogs_bark_somewhere. Waffle? Involuntary. 230122
raze indigo trungpa remembered 230123
tender_square human_among_humans ctrl invaders_from_new_jersey. 230124
raze tide so_clean. weeks. 230125
raze what_it_takes: radio_show, new_glasses. 230126
raze powdered_sugar loves the_river's_edge. 230127
raze obsessive_compulsive_tendencies. so_what pretense? 230128
raze hot_water rewinding. please_answer. 230129
raze around_this_corner, tips tread_lightly. 230130
raze and_i_find_it_kind_of_sad. hand_me_down internet_meetings_are_gay. 230131
raze a concise itinerary taking in a necessary medical procedure, food, and eventual transcendence:

surgery, panini, solo_flight.
raze the_perks_of_proofreading exacerbate wet_mattress. 230202
e_o_i This sounds like a (rather long) title or a heading to something:

The_question_of_how_to_be blather_underground, the_gift_I'll_always_treasure
raze dispersal beginners; your_mother_and_i. 230203
e_o_i Free_advice: if_it_is_love, rumble. 230203
raze starting_line elbows beautiful_spider_community.

(hey, that's no way to treat a colony of photogenic spiders)
raze "the_words_don't_match_the_song" gets instrumental.

(that's one way to solve the problem of lyrical incongruity)
raze i_became_water (scent step_two) 230206
tender_square judith, is_it_just_me? —chris 230207
raze back_to_red cerulean glasses 230208
raze meghan, there_are_momentsmythologies. 230209
raze on_a_ride_that_never_stops, elevated_above_the_mundane pastry. 230210
raze black_country_new_roadas_long_as summerteeth. 230211
tender_square moving_dreams my_grandfather bears. 230211
raze trigger ants christmas_eve. 230212
raze we_only_ever_wanted_to_try life_lessons, elijah. 230213
e_o_i Shoulder, roam! i'llnevermissyou.

(actually, I probably would - shoulders are useful)
flux i'll be strong as a ship
and wise as a whale
and I'll say the three_words
that will save us all
and I'll say the three_words
that will save us all

raze how_to_do_everything skiing sweaty

(there's a "how to" book i'd read)
raze tamara chicken leafs 230215
raze a_long_series_of_small_stepssecret_lake distinctions. 230216
raze bubblegum surreal_sketches belly_fire

(the kind of fire in the belly that demands medical attention)
raze samara innerviews_dammitjanet. dissapointed. 230218
raze you're_the_devil_you're_the_moon, off the_best_book_tittle_ever. 230219
e_o_i Hiroki in friendly_fire 230219
raze unreal amygdala bang 230220
raze forget_her postage_absent clavicle. 230221
raze rant (september_20): "future_perfect." 230222
raze wasting_time, spun_and_scattered, i_am_sitting_silent. 230223
raze collage hard_reset within 230224
raze toilet_paper surrey recipes 230225
tender_square jon depleted tanya 230225
raze "losing bird_watching" (a_film_you_should_not_see) 230226
raze definitely city_bus (things_that_keep_me_going). 230227
e_o_i I need to add punctuation, but

Cigarette_in_the_snow = white_elephant_coat. A_proven_fact.
raze dots falling_through_the_clouds, helpless. 230228
raze metric: "innate siblings"

(this is totally going to be the title of the next metric album. i'm calling it right now.)
e_o_i Familiarity_hypothesis: it's_your_first_love to_paralyze 230301
raze two_deer in_the_mood, erring_on_the_side_of_caution. 230302
raze the_past pieces overdoing_it 230303
raze remembering socal: the_blather_connection.

(sounds like the title of an oral history)
raze falling_in rage_bubbling_up_from_nowhere, changed. 230305
raze soothing on_the_canvas_of_our_windscreen. tie_your_shoes. 230306
raze we_hold_each_other, dealing independence. 230307
e_o_i angel_trees abundance, brambledown 230307
raze the_luckiest anasthesia signal 230308
raze a_short_but_honest_discourse; contingencies move_to_the_city. 230309
raze i_shouldn't_be_like_thisall_week_weak, unreliable. 230310
e_o_i integrative kathleen_edwards records 230310
e_o_i Oh, but this is almost as good:
dictionary astrology, something_much_more_than_i_could_ask_for

(Now I want to make a horoscope based on random dictionary entries somehow)
raze close_encounters_with_mountain_lions, al? drink. 230311
raze if_the_city_goes_dark, thudnew_phase. 230312
raze underrated notebook photograph 230313
raze we_could_go_around lifestyles. no_need_to_apologize. 230314
raze to_the_morning: words_as impressions. 230315
e_o_i mountainside boreal wisdom_teeth

(The image amused me but also triggered a memory: driving with David and seeing a sculpture of a tooth in the undergrowth near a hill slope, all summer-green - we could glimpse it from the highway - this was somewhere between Toronto and Pickering, if I remember right)
raze good_love blocked sds 230316
raze retreated spelunking winter_flowers 230317
raze the vampire's plight:

dusk. inability_to_sleep. grin.
raze memo_from_turner: belligerence, accidents. 230319
raze first_person_bus, connect aldrei. 230320
raze arcade simple_fisherman misterman

(this was the original band name for arcade_fire, before the record company persuaded them to change it to something a little snappier)
raze respect sunglasses, dead_arm. 230322
e_o_i rewritten automatic_facebook_translate dream_movie

(now that would be something to see)
e_o_i also:

boom! electricity broccoli
(broccoli lightning, cauliflower thunder)
raze why_this? if_you_watch_the_oscars_tonite, pregnant_with_uncertainty... 230323
e_o_i Here's what to say to a sleep-talking werewolf, perhaps:

murmuring lycanthrope, sleep_no_more
raze i_am_because_we_are bad_habits, because... 230324
raze these_chances_are_mine_to_take, reassurance crocodiles. 230325
e_o_i in_the_dust_of_the_day, some parallel_enterprise 230325
raze now_i_see this_is_my_victory_insect. it's_time. 230326
raze shit_droppers, gray changing_seasons. 230327
raze this one is downright poetic:

crowds cocoon ever_growing_conflict.
raze the_fish_jumps_out_of_the_tank. emily_dickenson flipped. 230329
raze i_feel_sick meatloaf drag.

(the plight of every ground beef surfer)
raze argh! cousins, that's_just_my_screensaver. 230331
raze slinky_slanky symmetry: where_i_want_to_go. 230401
raze water_is_for_fighting sickness (the_mooching_chronicles) 230402
raze hana, i_am_not_a_fortune_teller. everybody_else_knows_best. 230403
raze in_smoke i_don't_know, we_still_keep_hearing_your_weary_voice. 230404
raze historic_moments contest sophism 230405
raze nice eradication on_e 230406
raze tease quobsquotist contingencies 230407
raze sexy crocodiles book_club

(i'd love to join, but alas, i am not a sexy crocodile)
raze walrus: me_absolutely, against_the_wall.

(why be a wallflower when you can be a wall-rus?)
raze 12th_round, type: "blather_loves_me" 230410
raze i_have_contemplated_the_clouds (would've, for_sean). 230411
e_o_i Breathe neologisms, anybody?

meta-mode: breathe_neologisms_anybody
raze alternative_dream_occupations: image on_the_edge_of_a_dream. 230412
raze cant_read_things_that_rhyme. sweet_nostalgia, missing_letters. 230413
raze 2chainz: "out_of_focus tears"

(my jam of the moment)
raze sun_salutation sauce? brutal. 230415
past the_answer said: carnival_carnival 230415
past (makes typos) that was supposed to be carnal_carnival. 230415
e_o_i out_of_phase, you_learn_something_new: a_thicker_layer_on_her 230415
raze rewriting "chesterfield_king"? look_at_you. 230416
past obviously i_hate music_of_the_spheres 230416
raze pounding computer til... 230417
e_o_i pictures_of_us bears, somewhere_near_a_tangent 230417
past eyes_wide_shut: instrument years 230418
e_o_i made_to_feel_the_way_every_child_should: 3am, calm 230418
raze tatsuo arcobaleno greenery

(tatsuo's been doing well for himself ever since he opened his own business)
raze non_sequitur: "you_turn_bright_red." nothing_new. 230420
raze this one rhymes:

blatherskite_park weight_watchers_for_kids
raze wretched twitchy spice

(the forgotten spice girl)
raze the_idiot_that_is_my_boss: strauss lego.

(there's a name that's hard to forget)
raze echoes faster_than_my_gun inside 230424
raze walk_around_naked, persephone butt. 230425
raze xerox kurt_vonnegut fifth_digit 230426
raze slender_is_the_night. what_i_want, it_goes_back. 230427
raze blooming_hearts. banana. a_bit_of_bitterness.

(sounds like a recipe)
raze dicknail realized ponytail 230429
raze among dead_fish_perfumed_fingers in_heaven 230430
raze no_no_no_no, nico. connect_the_dots. 230501
past play_dead: you_don't_need a_meringue_made_of_dreams 230501
raze bitter_sweet_forgiveness ... you_operate_on_a_higher_level, skip. 230502
raze another one that reads a bit like a baby poem:

raze with_our_eyes_wide_open, there_would_only_be_one blast. 230504
raze another_round issue mist_star_moth

(you don't see those come around often)
raze because_she'd_worry, struggle, even_rocks_are_alive. 230506
e_o_i Moonlit_tears_drowning_in_bubbles = punk_scene? Preeeecisely. 230506
raze sarah_harmer (amy jinxed_it). 230507
raze wonderfully southwest knocking 230508
raze post_office bound_for_the_ground when_lust_arrives 230509
raze nope. disappearing_again. the_artist_hides. 230510
raze guns, ponytail, dj_booth.

(it's the circle of life)
raze death, homewrecker, istanbul.

(sounds like an ideal afterlife to me)
raze doubling, disappeared (we_were_thinking_of_evolving). 230513
raze observatory, but_then wild_horses. 230514
past research court: misconnector

(the weirdest judge show.)
raze alot record_store_day cd

(suspect grammar aside, it's true. i did buy a lot of cds on record store day way back when.)
flux trivia: the old roman goddess of witchcraft and the three roads (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) 230516
raze random_memory_resurfaced melts elaborate_embroidery.

(random memories do have that power)
raze reinforced perfect_pitch sweeping 230518
raze inordinately plan_a_road_trip, dream_thief. 230519
raze dear_those_from_robin_hill: conjure. take_a_hike. 230520
raze inbreeding began_to_murmur_a_little_prayer. i_wear_that__mask. 230521
raze lovely cartridge, i'm_sorry_too. 230522
raze love_fingers despite sad_songs

(truer words were never displayed on the red_blather homepage)
past "what_are_we_doing, elephant_tears?"

raze i_need_you_to_remember autumn_is_a_second_spring lectern. 230525
raze amalgam gypsy_class shape

(so, "not a circle")
raze marin grace! wrong_way! 230527
raze paint_the shadowboxer fan.

(what colour should i choose?)
raze garlic? maybe_i'll_catch_fire. i_know_you_are_smiling. 230529
raze stabbed_at_the_table (you_heard_my_cry_for_help, kerry). 230530
raze childish facebook _belief_

(i used to have one of those)
raze the_arabian_nights shot small_talk. 230601
raze awesomeness swirling: love_among_the_cannibals. 230602
raze unwell? screw_it. unsure_of_my_steps. 230603
raze heavyweight michelle_williams hyphe 230604
raze unnamed weather in_that_place 230605
raze pizza, catchup ... but_ill_hurt_you.

(talk about sending mixed_messages to pizza)
raze hostile speculation_and_random_thoughtz: self_protection. 230607
raze triangles loves kelly

(grammatically suspect, but true. triangles *are* very loving.)
raze home_alone objectification editing

(my favourite way to pass the time when no one else is around)
e_o_i this lines up too perfectly:

a_steady_diet_of cynical comments
raze nine itching another_world

(the number nine has some very long fingernails)
raze next, burn_a_candle catheter. 230611
past an_absence_of_light lingering_on_the_edge_of_my_consciousness. "don't_worry" 230611
raze crying_from_happiness: saliva_suits blackout. 230612
raze you_are_not_mistaken; i_feel_ruined, browser.

(i too talk to my browser in times of trouble. opera hasn't said anything back, though.)
raze brakes suddenly butterscotch 230614
raze what_a_vacation dream_poetry branded. 230615
past important_things_to_remember: boots of_time 230616
raze istanbul gifts? goodnight. 230617
nr tourist flooding streets 230617
raze walking_the_fenceline liquid in_exactly_three_words. 230618
raze windmill pushing mary

(i don't think that's how that jimi hendrix song goes)
raze ashton_kutcher_the_complainer: sensible when_the_tree_dies. 230620
e_o_i i_just_needed_to_say gone_real_dark, drama_vs_melodrama 230620
raze i'm_still_breathing lidless every_morning. 230621
raze i_have_hope, softly kaleidoscopic_and... 230622
past "it's_been_too_long, honeycomb. 16_years!" 230623
raze how_fickle_fate_can_be. please_go divided. 230624
raze emo: it_came_to_this rave. 230625
raze trying_to_find crepitus? _here_i_am_ 230626
e_o_i unavoidably, i_hate colours 230626
raze rich chinatown lift 230627
e_o_i modified_flight_plan blurs memento

(Oddly true for me: the two airplane rides yesterday meant that the luggage tags were all wrinkled and smudged, so I couldn't keep them as souvenirs.)
raze posh cardinal runes 230628
raze so_what, airport grandma? 230629
Soma she_told_me halley's rhyme 230629
raze location: akasha_anticipation profile 230630
raze white_beach pizza mudbath 230701
raze leopard_colony midnight_city; coney_island_steeplechase. 230702
raze i_keep_finding_things_you_stole. "a_vote_for_brak," buddha_says. 230703
raze 6 deserve dread. 230704
raze prefer him, angel_olsen? 230705
raze another_blather_card_exchange haze? what_is_this? 230706
raze punching_the_floor (why_not_me, bowie?) 230707
e_o_i sparrow fight_for eternity

(that's ambitious; I've seen small birds fight over food, and it couldn't have lasted more than ten seconds)
raze married, sounded, obscure_but_shockingly_accurate. 230708
raze shop culture butter

(i buy the stuff in bulk, myself)
raze satisfied stories_always_end belaboring 230710
raze i_summon_you_here, fdiucking_alcojhol, out_of_your_mother's_dream. 230711
raze double first_snow: winter's_rover. 230712
raze the_ego childhood_asthma art_show

(i would have gone, but tickets were too expensive)
raze retreat, mind. it_don't_come_easy. 230714
raze weak, has eagle. 230716
raze sadnessness ... someone_stole_my_little_giant red_spots. 230717
raze hoppy's_daughter revelation: it's_either_one_or_the_other. 230718
raze hidden_shards insecure_goth_girl healed 230719
raze enjoy_the_silence. dreamed_it_up mother's_day. 230720
raze but_mostly, previously_undiscovered riverside. 230721
raze i_was_only_trying_to_help duck simone. 230722
e_o_i Your_mantra: messy Scrabble 230722
raze watercolour thought danced 230723
raze misplaced_thoughts: "i_am_sad. i'm_dying_here." 230724
raze first_window flawed; the_air_is_sweeter_than_oranges_there. 230725
e_o_i Strange rain:

it_pours iced_cream fishes
raze goodbye's name: "the_tempest" 230726
raze personal str9 orgasm

(so close to a str8 one)
raze blind_book_date mind_fuck? keep_dreaming. 230728
raze tell_someone_they_look_good asking mimi. 230729
raze dont_hate_me. why_can't_i_think_more_simply? beware. 230730
raze he_does zen. underground_is_the_new_media. 230731
e_o_i creepy josie, taking_a_look_at_your_weird_confessions 230801
raze trade a_picture: love_v_hate. 230802
raze heartbreaker? realist? take_it_as_it_comes. 230803
raze all_the_animals_wrote, "talking_lemon." (highlight_of_the_day.) 230804
e_o_i Where_am_I sizing_up the_master_of_much_more? 230805
raze definition_of_success: running_through_sundrops, quitting. 230806
raze vain names; the_ever_present_bird. 230807
raze faded what_it_should_be_like (thats_all_lies) 230808
raze directions, languages, duct_tape.

(sounds like the condensed lesson plan for a class i'd likely fail)
raze i_exhale_smiling, walk_away_smiling. my_own_row_to_hoe. 230810
raze i_fucked_up the_apple_of_my_eye. i_can't_sing. 230812
e_o_i the_green_brothers sigh rituals

(I picture two green humanlike creatures with leaves growing on them sitting beside each other, sighing in unison. They're a bit like the Jolly Green Giant, but wilder and more folkloric.)
raze exposure independence: shedding_my_skin. 230813
raze shopping, the_lightning_walk, burning_fog.

(that's the kind of itinerary i can get behind)
raze ripley's_believe_it_or_not nihilist: close_the_door.

(because records don't mean nothin', but you better not let the flies in)
raze broken_winged literary_executor (abnormal) 230816
raze how_am_i_still_breathing? defacebook_and_detwitter, simple_girl. 230817
raze the_war_was_won. _don't_look_now, junya_ishigami. 230818
raze this_pain, trees knowing. 230819
raze lie. scream. joe_got_his_van_back. 230820
raze tilt_the_head. love_is_the_ink_that_won't_wash_off. pick_me. 230821
past masturbation language: everything_was_beautiful_and_free 230821
raze a brief list of instructions for someone who's frozen:

1. paint_with_purpose
2. make_something_good
3. thaw
raze "manhunter," carl_jung_says. "bits_of_encouragment." 230823
raze changed_my_mind; memories_embedded_in_objects carry_the_zero. 230824
raze needed_reminders? wept that. 230825
raze fool hotter doe 230826
raze self_harmer red_light blues 230827
raze at_the_end_of_friday, will_it_be one_of_the_two? 230828
raze sent? scrapped? nein. 230829
raze questionability escalation fluid

(not a recommended summer beverage)
e_o_i accepting mysteries: give_me_to_the_wind 230830
raze you_can't_expect a_plea, tennyson. 230831
raze steven_says, "prophetic cancer_cells."

(steve's a strange duck)
raze wishbone suspension graveyards 230903
raze trapped boy teeth_are_naked_bones. 230904
raze white_sheets reveal ship_of_theseus. 230905
raze (this one feels oddly appropriate right now, given how little sleep i've been getting:)

joy_and_sorrow scratched ... zzzz
raze it's_an_itch. i_buzz emotion. 230907
raze awakening, dragging fitbit. 230909
raze junglee naught johnny_west

(and i said, "hey, that's my name...")
raze moonlight_madness collage (now_i_know_why) 230912
raze what_a_concept: mystic tooth. 230913
raze pretty_straight_poison weirdo (phonetics_in_a_nutshell) 230914
raze blather_infestation: cold_specks, rivers_of_blue_veins. 230915
raze weirdly creative_marking (i_watched_it_at_home). 230916
raze catching_the_moment; she's_not_a_girl_who_misses_much incentive. 230917
raze she_tried_to_remember iced_cream. dont_bother_meow. 230918
raze letting_myself_down: foghorn sing_along. 230919
raze what_the_fucking_fuck? barbecue affront. 230920
raze oil bisected edit

(that's one way to proofread)
raze steven_says, "deconstructed filling."

(i say again, steve is a strange duck)
raze gallop (but_when_she_does_it, that_has_to_sting). 230923
raze in_the_early_hour, earthquake_dream grumpy_bear.

(no random configuration of blathes has ever better summarized my mornings)
raze go_look_at_your_eyesflying snowflakes. 230925
raze come_here_she_says, dealing morning_breath. 230926
raze i_have_noticed_the_birds; liberation lifted. 230927
raze a_long_walk_off_a_short_pier (sweet smashing_pumpkins). 230928
raze shit_linguistics_profs_say: "jam quiet!"

(they're not too keen on noisy musical gatherings)
raze zero satsumas, akira. 230930
raze gonna spooky hop_to_it.

(there's nothing like some halloween-themed dance moves to ring in october)
raze shiza, i_want_to_live fickle. 231002
raze forgotten haircuts; perfect_memory. 231003
raze sweaty, dancing philip_seymour_hoffman. 231004
e_o_i gigantic emotional city_workers 231004
raze while_my_dog_waits_in_the_truck, a_robot ruby. 231006
raze tires beat branches 231007
Soma i love blatherskites. 231008
raze 2007: inspoken fairness_and_honesty

(i don't remember that being that year's theme, but to be fair, it's been a while)
raze sharing_music, melting personification. 231011
raze it_begins, heartless giant. 231012
raze whispering_some_secretive_narrative: purple torpor. 231014
raze pukeyou_smell_like madonna. 231015
raze pulp: "walking_dead awhile"

(who knew jarvis cocker was a robert kirkman fan?)
raze slammed vulnerability address 231017
raze in_my_mirror: accordion ideograph 231018
raze istanbul final lists 231019
raze soap_operas stylistically tao_lin

(do i want to watch that? i'm not sure.)
raze beware a_nightmare cheeky

(it might fuck up your sleepy)
raze impressions rupture grace 231022
raze nathan thighs: pleasure_forever 231023
raze deutsch wasteland, this_fragile_heart. 231024
raze no_real_time_to_applaud dream_of_a_wish choices. 231025
raze losing_my_words, the_cold_snows, "who_who_who?" 231027
Soma i_don't_blame_you changed someone_one_day 231027
raze this_is_today, ruby atheist. 231028
raze forget_her definition_of_success, forgetting_you. 231029
raze thursdays at_stop_on? unwise. 231030
raze two_kittens, "good_vibrations", spaghetti.

(sounds like a good day to me)
raze louder anita_anand hookah

(weed you can hear)
raze existential_wind losers waiting_for_the_sun 231102
raze a_string_of_invisible_christmas_lights, stunningly ditty.

(and sean combs says, "why yes, those lights that can't be seen are stunningly me.")
raze now_and_again, beside_manner, she_hurt_a_sound. 231104
raze full_moon_giving_way (if_not_now, bum_hinge) 231105
raze twentyeighth gust? it_couldn't_be. 231106
raze editing bird_after_the_sun babes 231107
e_o_i things_i_didn't_do_today: research sexism

(Well, that's true. I didn't really research anything today.)
raze lost_my_curiosity, borrowed_time intuition. 231108
raze geologue was_again standing_at_an_upstairs_window. 231109
raze pilgrim planned the_bullshit. 231110
past the_path circled a_body_in_motion 231110
raze what_makes_us_human: speed_bumps, parenting. 231111
raze i_just_needed_to_say, "stretch, look_at_the_sunset." 231112
raze box_office_bomb: "firestarter housefly"

(i guess not a lot of people want to see a movie about an insect with pyrokinesis)
raze questioning_dismality? i've_been pulling. 231114
raze this one reads like an advertisement created a random phrase generator:

thanksgiving_stew happenstance? sleep_no_more!
raze ronia, eternal table.

(she isn't just the robber's daughter; she's also a useful piece of human furniture)
raze woodpecker, don't_panic. i'm_ok. 231119
e_o_i i_heart just_figuring_things_out, guest 231119
e_o_i and now:

diabetic appetite? bomb_it!

(I ate too many cookies today, but I'm not sure bombing is something one can do to an appetite. Or how that would even work.)
raze trefoil red_super_moon. you_expected_monsters? 231120
raze it's_november_again. on_the_other_hand, who_runs_blather? 231121
e_o_i it_goes_deep: brightly_colored research_of_the_past 231121
raze ivan, patient mayor. 231122
raze that_has_to_sting, so_this_is tres. 231123
raze thursday_morning sweatpants unwind 231124
raze how_to_sleep getting_clever underneath

(the name of my unwritten self-help book)
raze whereof plastic_jars, nathan_lawr? 231126
Soma mistakes_there_are_none there_is_more sometimes_the_universe_mocks_us 231126
raze boyfriend_wants cosmic_confetti. thanks_for_calling_me. 231127
Soma absorbed reality_sandwiches pieces 231127
Soma given_name: “Fuckle Workit 231127
raze weird_nostalgia: first_day_at_school, apples_in_the_dark. 231128
raze veil (weird_day embryo) 231130
Soma whispers_of_the_night never_know celestial_bodies 231130
raze until_the_wheels_fall_off, look_at_you. write_me_a_haiku. 231201
Soma My_plan? Denial. I_don't_really_want_to_argue. 231201
e_o_i Soma, that's a perfect line-up! And this one sounds like the beginning of a song:

one_winter's_day, his_dream attraction

to write: beginning_with_three_words?
e_o_i No, it was starting_with_three_words. Oh okay. 231202
raze inert platelets stifled 231203
raze home_movies, muddy_water, psychic_ugh.

(an inevitable sequence)
e_o_i no_shit - dipping_my_toes, a_little_more_than_curious 231204
raze recovering_buddhist ambiguity, slightly_proud_of_itself. 231205
raze a_long_walk_off_a_short_pier? oh_well, autobahn. 231206
raze kablam_o! nuked king. 231207
raze jazz_and_blues take a_lot_of_questions. 231208
raze mean_spirited burp crepe

(i'm not so sure i'd enjoy eating one of those)
raze apocalypse entwined our_hearts. 231210
e_o_i velvet_green doubles: st_patricks_day 231210
raze used "tiger_mountain_peasant_song", and_david_gray_sounds_beautiful_again. 231211
nr you_need half_moon_run filler 231211
raze lather aging (today_is_a_special_day) 231212
raze newness underneath whatever 231213
raze what_is_your_weakest_greatness? chick_pea_dahl? nice_to_know. 231214
Soma thriving_and_survivng all_of_sudden? go_to_hell. 231214
raze sly, crumbling tips_for_writer's_block. 231215
Soma a_few_deals_made kill your_drama 231215
raze present resolve: where_is_he_now? 231216
Soma black_and_blue right_between_the_eyes a_moment_before_becoming_unclear 231216
raze bouquet_of_memories: helicopter, ghost_into_a_fog. 231217
Soma weaponized_incompetence a_problem_is_not_an_identity i_wear_that__mask 231217
raze 90s_song_of_the_day: "mil_abb eve"

(i don't think i've heard that one before)
raze jumping_ship: kitchen into_uncertainty. 231219
Soma repeating bjork_post? great. :| 231220
raze don't_ask_me_to_paint_by_numbers river_reports, weaknesses. 231221
raze "bleeder longing," brainless_scarecrow_thinks. 231222
raze extracted in_the_watercolor_sky. lost_again. 231223
raze pumpkins stare [at] barking_dogs. 231224
Soma incredible_for_you o_to_be_a_giant_squid you_look_so_fine 231225
raze you_operate_on_a_higher_level. what_made_you_sing_today? ask_delphi. 231226
raze idiospasm; suddenly_it's_tommorrow, my_birthday. 231227
raze sang eater_of_books: "badow!" 231228
raze midnight_he_moaned, "taxes. ignominy." 231229
raze inflict grumpy_bear show

(hell, i'd watch that show, inflicted or not)
raze the_beauty_that_is_blather: when_i'm_upset, chill. 231231
raze what_it_looked_like: smooth, hard. 240101
raze the_plan_to_heal_just_about yaddega. quick. 240104
raze a_kind_of_confession, overriding "i_want". 240105
nr she_tried_to_remember waiting_up, sleeping. 240105
raze it's_not_the_sky_i_once_knew (job_change, emo_kitty). 240106
raze there_is_more clockwise sandwich.

(i was hoping there would be)
e_o_i tuna stressing sam

(Sam likes most clockwise sandwiches...but not tuna)
raze arg! scoop_me_up like_a_virgin. 240108
raze the_blather_connection coerced summer_wear. 240109
raze smile, especially to_whom_it_does_not_concern. 240110
raze mistakes, in_laws, confusion_of_the_self.

(i'd read that memoir)
raze bruise primal polar_vortex. 240112
raze snail_mail: "dear_newsom, what's_in_a_kiss?" 240113
raze listen_to_the_wind. accept pleasure. 240114
raze cryptochrome quondam curmudgeon

(it takes one to know one)
Soma the_romantic blood_red_moon nuts_to_you

(Close your blinds, everyone!)
raze you_make_me_want_to_drink_bleach. i_wish_i_was. clown_knows. 240117
e_o_i Sometimes we want god's math near us, and sometimes we say... it's_time_to_scram, god's_math (exceptionally) 240117
raze night_walk: froze unseen. 240118
raze held if_i_was_a_tree. living_but_only_just.

(maybe it doesn't make literal sense, but something about that configuration of words strikes me as being poetic)
raze canada counterpart: mary_ellen_mark 240120
raze good_questions, wisp. prepare. 240121
raze try_to_believe neil, new_neighbours. 240122
e_o_i a_near_miss, notorious 37th_street

(what did the street try to do?)
raze survive; inordinately whinney_for_hay. 240123
raze hope_falls_in_drops. what_the_wishing_rock_would_say: "the_endless_invention_of_your_unconcern." 240124
raze sitting_here_trying_to_figure_out scum, i_had_philosophy_for_lunch. 240125
raze joke_splicing; the_brakes_of_a_city_bus stun. 240126
e_o_i Hello_everyone, this_is_who_I_am - Descartes 240126
raze muzzle form_and_substance. rewrite. 240127
raze fill_in halo patient 240128
raze architecture sleet jerk

(this is either a unique insult or a very cold form of masturbation)
e_o_i (first time seeing blather today and I got the grand-sounding) moments_we_are_increasingly_losing: the_power_of_the_condemned in_the_silence 240129
raze registering_shifts_of_feeling; errands, thoughts_of_angels. 240131
raze in_every_song? hmmm. kandinsky. 240201
e_o_i go_canada_go, rogers timeout (if only this combo had shown up the summer before last, when Rogers had a country-wide outage) 240201
raze how_do_you_do_it, inscrutable lia? 240202
raze manifest what_i've_made_of_me, apollo. 240203
raze weiner mouldering locomotives 240204
e_o_i recording one_another, ordinary_time 240204
warmthofrelease construction_noise_before_during_and_after_the_sun a_long_series_of_small_steps american_nightmare 240204
raze brain_movies, john. just_leave_it. 240205
raze all_the_stuff be 2000. 240206
warmthofrelease what_love
raze the_microwave, heartbroken, walking_to_the_cemetery.

(appliances lose the ones they love too)
e_o_i (for people who prefer pumpkin to banana)

banana pumpkinification, i_pray_to_god
raze fat, independent; walking_a_tightrope_of_self_doubt. 240208
warmthofrelease (^nice)

rosy lover
raze iron_eden_garden_demon. smart. perfect_match. 240209
raze email gnarfla. skip_the_details. 240210
raze fall_fell_down holding_a_soft_baby_chick dinosaur. 240212
e_o_i petty motivation? shrug 240212
Soma this_place? good_times spot. 240212
raze spend ricecakes, sybren.

(an unusual but effective currency)
warmthofrelease f_bomb

A clumsy pickup line? Unnecessary slut_shaming? A compliment to a reputable stranger? Whatever the case, I like it.
warmthofrelease f_bomb

A clumsy pickup line? Unnecessary slut_shaming? A compliment to a reputable stranger? Whatever the case, I like it.
raze problems_with_efficiency, lincoln? dont_share. 240215
warmthofrelease state_line_road
warmthofrelease bela you_worry_me
raze (i like how so many of yours read like single-stanza poems) 240216
raze how_didnt_you_know postmodernism, virginia? 240217
warmthofrelease you_don't_know_it_but
releaseofwarmth (the ones which strike me as poetic are the ones I really care about, ergo the ones that I post. but they do quite literally write themselves. call it good fortune? or perhaps just good source material.) 240217
warmthofrelease oblivion

(dude jesus chill fuck)
raze rivers_of_blue_veins ... wow. broken_circle_heal_thyself. 240218
warmthofrelease the_trees_calligraphic

(are_you_kidding_me? are_you_kidding_me...)
raze muggy, the_blues around_the_corner. 240220
nr squirrel_stories evaporate. let_it_go. 240220
warmthofrelease horizon
warmthofrelease again, enigma
e_o_i invoice cz she_saw_a_cloud

(You see a cloud, you pay for it. Sorry, I don't make the rules.)
warmthofrelease a_wheel_barrow_of_wet_soil you_taste_like_whiskey_and_sunshine, cat_power

definitely not someone I ever would've eroticized but I like the story/ies it conjures
raze not_a_question_of_winning all_the_things, word_nerd.

(well, fine. be that way, blather.)
e_o_i stranded idioms: people_with_hands 240222
warmthofrelease (^amazing)

slum lemons_into_lemonade

(^chaotic and vaguely sad)
raze poetic_justice destroyer: the_christian_message. 240224
warmthofrelease ^damn. scathing much?


my favorite. now I'm sad. also:


damn. also:

blemishy little_slices_of_me
tortuga (!)

Inherently random, super necessary. I refuse to go two_out_of_three_words. reFUSE. all_or_nothing baby.
warmthofrelease guest

oh that does hit in the worst way. I've been brewing with discontent for a long long time now about people's obsession with the superficial, caught up in appearances, all that garbage which means so little to me, but people really really do give fucks.

it's mostly just surfaces that we see. and touch. but to so many people if it isn't obvious then it isn't considered. not their fault? forgive them for they know not? I guess. just wish I had someone present who had a value system that didn't involve fucking shoes and accessories and haircuts and costumes and...fraud.

beg your pardon (quietly steps down from soapbox)
warmthofrelease i_wear_that__mask
better_living_through typewriter


raze the beginning of a diary entry i wish i could read in full:

"april_31: the_riot_of_flowers_is_incessant. there's_a_centre_of_gravity."
raze nausea, ocd, cancer.

(that's a terrifying timeline)
pony (raze - coincidentally, this was the plot of a dream i had just two nights ago, which i found to be enough to start the threads of a new novel; it'll probably be short.) 240226
raze "self_medicate cream": sleater_kinney

(i don't think i've heard that song, but i can just about imagine how it sounds)
raze overwinter. you_belong_to_me. days_of_innocence_lost. 240228
warmthofrelease stressing

raze snow_and_rain navigate ava_and_sofia. 240229
warmthofrelease familiarity_hypothesis
warmthofrelease hmmmmm place alone_at_last

late night web surfing do be like that
warmthofrelease the_crumbs i_like_you_a_lot creating

warmthofrelease little_denials

( point_taken )
warmthofrelease four_days_til sooner_or_later

that one is so musical, I love the meter
e_o_i tornado oceantown, awfully_sinister 240302
warmthofrelease my_valentine

hah! you thought you were in love. fool!
warmthofrelease a_statuette_of_sky

raze suck_it_in, bish. we_like_sheep. 240304
raze following in_careless_dust; changing_her_tears. 240305
raze mango_sunset, before_and_after the_strokes.

(the title of julian casablancas' memoir, no doubt)
e_o_i bananas accessorize denouement 240306
warmthofrelease i_will_not_change

Amen, mediocre jangle pop! A fucking men.
raze we'll_have_to_teach_you_how, j. down_the_rabbit_hole.

(that's at once disconcertingly direct and vague enough to be ominous in a different way)
warmthofrelease spontaneous_meowing_syndrome
jealous roses

Sounds like my kind of garden! Depending on who's meowing. But still!
warmthofrelease father disassemble nearing_the_start

yep. cycle
warmthofrelease in_it

ok. that's. pretty intense.
raze hats, waves_are_getting_bigger. call_it_karma. 240309
raze memory, dark_night_of_the_soul, anxiety. 240310
raze ahh ... done. a_singularity. 240311
raze hey_you. i_can_see trifecta. 240312
raze the_stage flashes. helpme_cuz_i_cant_stop_thinking_about_it. 240313
raze go_on_and_get_moving. no_regrets, pretty_girl. 240314
e_o_i fake a_sculpture_of_myself, dentists (I don't know how to fake either one and I have a dentist appointment tomorrow) 240314
raze did_you_miss_me? spin hazy. 240315
warmthofrelease subconscious_connection digging_deep liminal

e_o_i bees_in_my_head - goddammit, mixed_drinks

(pro tip: don't put bees in drinks)
warmthofrelease played_a_part gypsy_class

raze sanctuary ribs r

(*what* are they? you can't just drop an incomplete sentence and leave me hanging like that, man.)
raze blue_cheese_necklace security friend 240317
raze begins_with_an_m; soggy person.

(i think i need a better hint if i'm going to solve the puzzle)
raze bricks: a_place_for_us_to_dream tiny 240319
warmthofrelease it's_mystery_not_doubt
new_year_new_you, bethany

ah bethany. my high school crush was a bethany. one of them.

one of the crushes not one of the bethanys. anyway, I_believe_in_you. yes_you.
warmthofrelease personal_construction_theory

warmthofrelease the_hungry_giant_25

there_there giant it'll_be_alright
warmthofrelease coffee_shop_job

I love it
e_o_i doing alternative'radio sounds 240320
e_o_i (speaking of which, this line-up has a vaguely Captain Beefheart vibe)

invaders_from_new_jersey, the_sex (this_is_the_only_sense_my_world_has_ever_made)
raze dui: berserk death_of_self 240321
raze half_asleep_poem_thirty_six? the_freeways_of_southern_california? both. 240322
warmthofrelease the_plan_to_heal_just_about whatever_the_fuck cohen

This is actually a reasonable and acceptable description of Raising_Arizona
warmthofrelease all_dolled_up lostgirl life_requires_us_to_move

Yeah I think every girl learns this sooner or later. They've all had that "looking pretty feeling empty" crisis at some point. Ok maybe not ALL but still.
raze a_downward_spiral neck_of_the_woods subject. 240324
warmthofrelease perv personal_statement:

Hey no judgment
raze obsolate bobcats turn_forward.

(i see blather woke up with an australian accent this morning)
raze sheer_discipline, vagabond (too_many_legs) 240326
warmthofrelease walking_backwards_in_the_winter_again
they_say one_kiss

Aaaaawwwww melt
e_o_i from_the_past, your_name_on_a_shirt -source_of_possible_resurrection

(it's good to know what specific clothing will bring you back to life)
e_o_i (once more because this is way too relatable, except that the weather's warmer)

wasted_time, suspended_in_time, still_winter
raze what_makes_you_afraid_of_swimming? mahalia_jackson driving_games.

(asked and answered)
raze cooler helen_levitt as_night_tiptoes_near

(the evening will have that effect)
warmthofrelease the_fireworks_of_a_new_day

(Smiling through tears in silence)
e_o_i penguin_cafe giving_up_the_struggle: one_feathered_wing_one_broken_arm

(it seems a fight broke out amongst the penguin people)
warmthofrelease rivers_of_misunderstanding


raze the_stars_are_out_tonight. remember, happiness_is_a_warm_cat. 240330
e_o_i tough entropy_and_evolution, why_am_i_here? 240330
raze baby_girl foam_paws in_every_song. 240331
raze arret abyss gravity 240401
raze inch_worms fill_in_the_blanks. cheesus_christ. 240402
warmthofrelease teaching a_photograph_i_didn't_take history_lesson

very nice. wonder what the photograph was. and what it thought of the lesson.
raze cousin: elemental, nerdy. 240403
raze two_worlds_to_live_in; it's_february_again often. 240404
warmthofrelease austere_ain't_even_the_word

Tell em!
nr planning cat_power timetravel 240404
warmthofrelease turned_to_look

warmthofrelease turned_to_look

raze and_watch_it_all_burn_a_way. slay. see_yourself_in_a_crowded_room. 240405
raze my_street mum prolegomena 240406
warmthofrelease artistic total breakthrough

A bit dramatic blather but alright, I see you I see you
raze phonetics_in_a_nutshell: earthworms. there_isn't_a_word_for_everything. 240407
warmthofrelease amanda illuminated
e_o_i daniel felicity, son_of_god 240408
raze words_between_the_words: little_messages, borrowed_worlds. 240409
warmthofrelease ritalin sleep_like_a_stone without_you

Hey whatever it takes
raze withheld whispers_in_the_dark intent 240410
raze ask_me_stuff, scarf. guess_what? 240411
warmthofrelease marionette i_give_you_back

raze what_is "the_great_gatsby", keane?

(i too ask literature-related questions of east sussex bands)
raze i_love_her emotional_affair bumblebrag. 240413
raze secrets_from_a_synchronized_swimmer: breath_as_white_clouds, soil. 240414
e_o_i ohhhhhhhhh_noooooooooooooo did chatgpt (become sentient and try to sue a hundred thousand students for plagiarism? not as far as I know) 240414
raze flat sea_and_rain? well_why? 240415
raze look_it's_coming_your_way! a_wheel_barrow_of_wet_soil! arg! 240416
raze my_dad: "err, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" 240417
raze she_told_me, "nothing_to_do, as_happy_as_you_are." 240418
e_o_i valois_park - that's_the_way_i_like_it, tiny 240418
raze seventeen round ellen's_dad_from_montreal.

(he always draws a crowd)
raze dreams_of_the_dead hum, "shame_on_you." 240421
e_o_i fetish: chest_fever lesbiannn

(although why would a lesbian with a cough extend the n's? you'd think she'd say lesbighan, as in a voiced velar_fricative, the actual sound of the "g" in igloo)
warmthofrelease nameless

raze perhaps_a_poem_will_be_born, raina shitaki. 240423
raze drunk_biking better_than_nothing. take_a_journey_with_someone. 240425
e_o_i lifemist catmosphere, onward! 240425
raze overstepping sundays; making_people_cry. 240426
raze far_away matt fixing_bikes.

(matt is always so thoughtful, even when he's distant)
e_o_i review rocker when_you_put_on_the_glasses

(now that I can see in detail, I think the rocker rocks)
raze i_know_what_spain_means, time_storm lady. 240428
warmthofrelease we_are_golden dimness

The perfect melancholy
raze melt the_man_in_the_villa on_the_train. 240429
e_o_i sort_of song, cheating_death 240429
raze umm ... shoo, ruby_dart. 240430
e_o_i inconsistent pleasant roulette 240430
raze post cars, the_wolf_says_he_knows_what_time_it_is.

("time for us to become our own vehicles," he says.)
raze emily_carr: "the_dust_and monster_energy"

(you know, i don't remember that painting...)
raze realities, departures entertained. 240503
e_o_i unnatural_causes: whispers_of_the_night, joke_splicing 240503
raze junk_mail forgiven, likely. 240504
raze as_our_garden_grows ontario_plates, allow_me_to_marvel_at_you. 240505
e_o_i inappropriate trajectory, wouldn't

(appropriate trajectories only)
raze horror_movie colour train_station 240506
raze rainbow_brite renew helen 240507
raze absence challenger exhibition 240508
raze from_blather_blue: emily patron 240509
e_o_i a little poem:

music_is_everywhere left_of_the_dial
raze essay: "snowflake, for_you_all_the_love" 240510
raze the_wrongth face_behind_the_name, in_the_grip_of_a_delusion. 240511
raze angel_dick_and_the_guilt_machine? what_dream_is_this? turn_off_the_sound. 240512
raze fill_your_cup [with] dicknail drizzle. 240514
e_o_i they_collected_the_world_in_small_handfuls (birthdays diary) 240514
raze chisel fearlessness, insect. 240515
raze worn_out runny impressions 240516
e_o_i snapshots piracy: your_drama 240516
raze and_we_kissed magnetic_letters: the_opposite_of_trust. 240517
e_o_i owner_of_the_lonely_heart -the_american_dream, much 240517
raze duct_tape_my_heart, this_version_of_myself unprotected. 240518
raze happy_monday singularity, john_cale. 240519
raze psychopathy elevated (unintentional_sauna) 240520
e_o_i smiling_for_the_sunshine happiness - here_is_no_why 240520
raze dave, move_on when_the_tree_dies. 240521
Soma . handmade_cards cant_stop children 240521
raze breathe nothing_in_his_life in_passing. 240522
e_o_i prayers: irreversible pickles 240522
raze don't_fight_that_one rice load. 240523
raze dream_animal, turn_around (god_says_no). 240524
raze mystery fishes smudge 240525
e_o_i acid_bath - here_is_where_i_am_right_now. Keep_up! 240525
raze wto good_as_new; the_truth_impales. 240526
raze feminist trapeze: assess. 240527
e_o_i violence: earthquake_dream, letters 240527
raze white dysmorphia: when_teeth_are_linguistics_assignments. 240528
e_o_i (raze, I laughed at how that makes (weird) sense!)

imaginary_friend producing jumble
raze (you've had some great ones lately too! i will always approve of prayers for irreversible pickles.) 240529
e_o_i eye_contact those weaknesses 240529
raze magnetic_letters? actually, jesus. 240531
raze chilly, curious, i_am_tired. 240601
e_o_i existence = pachouli pants_for_saxophones 240601
raze the_boy_with_the_perpetual_nervousness changed_my_mind. captivating. 240602
raze gouge recurring ginger 240603
e_o_i (this one is funny but needs punctuation...)

I_burn. Warning_danger_warning! ...Nailed_it.
raze another knocked livejournal 240606
raze partial_differential_equations deconstructed when_i_was_a_boy. 240607
raze as_a_scientist, inherit miscellany. 240608
raze you're_all_alone, greta. death_is_easy. 240609
raze hushed pepperoni plans 240610
e_o_i perfection_in_love: catch penelope's_song 240610
raze workit at_day. and_now? 240611
warmthofrelease i_am_nothing i_fucked_up wisdom_cannot_be_revealed

Maybe dont_be_so_hard_on_yourself
raze shit_my_paralegal_has_said: "i_come_bearing posts." 240612
e_o_i I_will_boggle_your_mind, sunset_revision punk_scene!

(sunset_revision sounds like a band name, if maybe not a punk band one)
raze weirdly robotic alcoholic 240613
raze bad_habits; confusing deflation. 240614
raze dont_share escherange hitting. 240616
raze transformation, sing_me_to_sleep. call_it_karma. 240617
raze alarms. teardowns. felt_touched_kissed_burned. 240618
raze shake tin_whistle after_dark 240619
raze songs_of_my_childhood: "i_wanna_go_home", "funk_49". 240621
raze "guesswork" by london_grammar

(sounds like an uncertain cologne)
e_o_i burundi: renaissancey stepford 240622
past unsatisfied blather tryst. 240624
e_o_i i_read_myself remaining nodeshells 240624
raze it_couldn't_be five tree_roots. 240625
e_o_i (This one works better with punctuation...)

Resumption: "Fuckit! Anyway..."
raze some_kind_of_nightmare sadness, dancing_to_chopin_in_the_headlights. 240626
raze skites_i_miss: clarice_and_rudolf, whoknows. 240627
raze wear_it_inside_out. reconcile two_kittens. 240628
e_o_i "meet_me_in_eternity, quiet_and_calm" - goodreads

(the site anticipates an afterlife of reading)
e_o_i deep_down uplands turned_away 240629
raze hello_there, my_love lazarus. 240630
e_o_i anybody? the_trees? vanilla_scented_shirt_in_the_dumpster? 240630
raze kakas pepper steps 240701
e_o_i long words:

if_i_haven't_made_you_fall_in_love_with_me_by_now -things_you_wrote_when_you_were_young, i_still_search_for_those_fresh_moments
raze alison, janus_faced lust_hurts. 240702
raze the_far_edge_of_the_circle (i'm_not_sleeping deeper) 240703
raze suspicious despite remembering_names. 240705
raze embrace time_to _remember_____ 240706
warmthofrelease unfortunately disgusting what_it_is 240707
raze self_absorbed new_brain; for_you_all_the_love. 240708
e_o_i death_dream_psychosis - goodbye_blue_sky, rose_colored_observation 240708
e_o_i And another, this time happier, so I'll take it as a prescription for my nervousness:

Upset? Boo! Half_asleep_writing.

(Or boo half_asleep_writing? Does half-asleep writing deserve to be booed?)
nr blatherer, enjoy_the_silence. today_is_the_day. 240708
raze partly smells_like takeout 240709
raze between_the_bars, nusrat, you_move. 240711
e_o_i i_smell_you, canoe melodies 240711
raze larger bad_seed bowl_cuts 240712
e_o_i weimaraner, the_ever_present_bird daddy 240712
raze wear other_people's_pianos, from_winterwhite_to_summergreen. 240713
raze the_memoirs_of_the_ant: "i_heard_my_toilet_scream previous" 240714
raze week, i_think_you_are [the] greatest_soundtrack_ever. 240715
raze poetic_aurora_consurgens; they_now_want_it_to_be that_first_book. 240716
raze bare white_morning (today_is_the_day) 240717
raze restless_laundry_dance shorts noticed 240718
raze my_art_show: amusing, overanalytical. 240719
raze bad_girls_club (was_it_mail fingertips?) 240721
raze 2008: heal_thyself, emo. 240722
raze my_bath roulette shit_storm 240723
raze merry_christmas, nostalgic cantadian. 240724
raze in_your_usual_flurry_of_action, blank_sheet_of_paper reaching_out. 240725
Soma critizing serpentine lessons_from_bunnies

(I don't think I'd trust bunnies on how to be a snake, either)
warmthofrelease plant_raspberries please_tell_me only_the_truth

Maybe it's the stereotypical astrology girl that dwells inside me but I think of the_unbearable_lightness_of_being towards the end, an old couple retiring out in the country trying to sustain and repair a fragile relationship rattled by infidelity and insecurity.
raze evil, naughty, unwanted_rain. 240728
e_o_i navigate desperately_saying_iloveyou alright 240728
raze sex_and_violence irritated ray. 240729
raze dream flame, flail. 240730
Soma cross_eyed good_people cooke 240730
e_o_i aspirations: life_before_death, the_rick_astley_code

(I like this one)
raze unusual_sentences: "firework_fog, spring_begins." 240731
raze revise shel_silverstein bits_of_encouragment 240801
Soma nearest lightning_bugs afraid

(what do they fear?)
raze openings: the_lightning_walk, the_sad_trap_of_gravity. 240803
e_o_i twisty options: recent_record_purchases 240804
raze flaming_lips? needles? yo_ho_ho! 240805
raze recognize ema bloodshot 240806
raze the_closer_i_get_to_you, retching layton... 240808
e_o_i you_taste_like forgiveness, sean 240808
raze some_things_last_a_long_time. erosion? seriously. 240810
raze yes, alice. frolic. 240811
raze on_selection form: "yoshi." 240812
raze age: corporeal, macabre. 240813
e_o_i cocaine wicker - well_why_not? 240813
warmthofrelease muddy_water for_sale theatre

Aw man I wish. Even just seeing him on The_Last_Waltz for 6 minutes gives me chills. I can only imagine what it'd be like to see him play in a blues shack 15 miles outside Jacksonville, Florida or somewhere.
raze blowing_leaves nightgown defense

(i'm not sure it'll hold up in court, but i guess it's worth a try)
raze bag bitter. did_you_know?

(but of course. i bite into bags all the time.)
raze hurry, hoppy's_daughter. love_more. 240816
raze steven threw_bitter_tears_to_the_ocean. uh... 240817
raze create? i_feel_sick defining_friendship. 240819
warmthofrelease incongruity

real subtle, universe. i'm working on it. long and hard is the road.
warmthofrelease every_quiet_deliberation
just_checking doe

aight cuh
Soma before_the_devil_knows blather_loves_you finishing_someone_elses_sentence 240820
raze shawn traveling_through_a_cubist_painting, courting_guitarplayers. 240821
e_o_i it_is_what_it_as: a_swift_dwindling_of_character, thanksgiving 240821
raze dancing_in_the_living_room: 420 antibiotics

(if that's what you call a pot-infused dance party, sure)
raze short_notable_blathes:

raze say_you_love_me in_every_song? um... 240825
e_o_i drifting_behind with_something_close_to_amusement, fattening 240825
warmthofrelease is_it_over

I like it. 4 syllables each as well. Or, perhaps braille is a 2 syllable word for some. But not for me.
raze drama realization (lessons_from_paper_wasps) 240826
raze earth picnic jesus 240827
raze recreational black_planet trim 240828
e_o_i worship no_save legs

(what to say when you're both taciturn and skeptical of faith healing)
e_o_i wined_voices: sh_sha_sh_sha sanskrit 240829
raze love_defies_scientific_analysis. a_better_mood? take_time. 240830
e_o_i how_are_you, exhausting fearful_avoidant_attachment? 240830
raze entwined pessimist erased 240831
raze biggies: it's_not_what_you_say, rising. 240901
e_o_i conflicts: dancing_to_chopin_in_the_headlights, tending_gardens

(but if those are your biggest conflicts in life, I suspect you've got it easy)
raze hands trying mri 240902
e_o_i flashing passive towels_with_fucking_lemons_on_them 240902
raze phantasmaquaria daffodils: a_setback 240903
Soma neighbourly wolves i'll_kiss_you 240903
raze love_is_gone flat_on_your_back, pharaoh. 240904
e_o_i high_priestess frustration: barley 240904
e_o_i irreverelevent poses, waiting_in_wonder 240905
raze said proximity, "i_want_be_shamelesss_as_the_sun."

(i didn't know proximity could speak)
raze lop out_and_in; confess. 240907
warmthofrelease angel_olsen

Seems pretty drastic but ok. In the name of love I suppose.
raze fawn from_thee_west mirrors 240909
raze fourteen_steps [from] daniel_johnston [to] nico 240910
raze redefined view ignite 240911
raze uncertain photo joy 240913
raze retire skinnier, entertained.

(sounds like a plan to me)
raze clearly immovable, gulping_air. 240915
raze yolk? welp, every_breath_must_drive_ghosts_before_it. 240917
e_o_i tore primal elbow (not the *primal* elbow, that sounds painful) 240917
warmthofrelease as_if_any_wrong_step_could_bring_disaster skirt coolfriend

The cool ones do often make you pay it's_true
raze monsters, doctors, braids. 240918
e_o_i lessonplan: cilium dream_flag 240918
raze steady; no_more gypsy_class. 240919
raze say_hi_to_your_mom, foundation silhouette. 240920
raze i_remember timea_part_of_pain. 240921
nr i_don't_belong_here daily. writ_the_truth. 240921
raze revisionist_history: love_is a_gift. 240922
raze i_go_out and_bang my_birthday. 240924
warmthofrelease 12_steps

Could be the tag line of a heist film
raze spit, spark the_odds. 240925
raze slam detroitthey're_not_around. 240927
raze shoulder_blades end_corporal_punishment in_jeans.

(add that to the list of newspaper headlines i'd like to see)
raze why_i_never_got_my_high_school_yearbook: remember passion? 240929
e_o_i verse, she_is_perfect. the_next_one? 240929
e_o_i (warmthofrelease, only 5 out of the 12 steps are cool? ...I guess every step can't be cool, can it.) 240929
e_o_i (Now that I reread my last comment, it sounds sneer-y, which wasn't at all intended. I meant to riff on such a glorious line-up of words, however inexpertly. I blame the night-singing woman, because, see...)

there's_a_woman_singing each_days_end when_i'm_dreaming
raze unfair painful bar_fight 241001
raze dreamy forecast, tender_scars. 241003
e_o_i ellen ate, so_be_it

(Ate as in performed well? If it's the comedian, was she funnier before her fame spread out too far and thin? Regardless, it ends with the meaning of amen.)
raze incandescent glow_worms; alcoholic_amphibians. 241004
e_o_i destruction meteor like_an_unknowing_mule 241004
raze current_obsessions tinge chains 241005
raze don't_ask_that_of_me. what_am_i_doing_here, computer? 241006
raze luther, i_know_she_knows. am_i_crazy? 241007
raze motive: slim wanted_to_smoke. 241008
warmthofrelease certain_things_you_wish_to_see_in_this_world i_have_hope rollerskates

That's a beautiful dream
raze it's_an_itch where_i_am chilly 241009
e_o_i Kate_Bush vibraphone spoilers

(She played one? She didn't play one? Don't tell me!)
raze song_of_the_day: "cement lessons_from_creeks"

(always a personal favourite)
raze talk_is_cheap, genie, in_a_world_that_will_not_keep_you. 241011
raze orbit_ethics: do_not_spray_into_eyes the_cobra_snake. 241012
raze a_poem_about_the_letter_h overlooked what's_best.

(poems are always missing things, aren't they?)
e_o_i for_the_moments_I_feel_faint: Doris, weak

(I'M not weak! DORIS is! So THERE!)
raze mountain_pass drudgery (everyday_life) 241015
raze i_am_the_disaster_movie_character [who] turned_to_look [at] mountains. 241016
raze speedy secret_identity unfulfilled 241017
raze alphabet retribution (some_songs_are_poems_before_they've_been_sung) 241018
raze coughed. scream? won't. 241019
e_o_i michel_rojkind - bigger_than_you, revolutionary 241019
raze soda_pop for_sure lying_on_the_floor 241020
raze audition; borrow unintentional_sauna. 241021
raze locomotives stand_there_and_watch_me_burn. the_wolf_says_he_knows_what_time_it_is. 241022
raze this_weekend temptation: half_attack_on_memory. 241023
raze so_much gratitude, robin_hood. 241024
raze chairs. pink_bathrobe. stupid_things. 241025
raze a_sort_of_wounded_bird_helplessness (spaceghost republicans) 241027
raze the_inevitable compels quotes 241028
raze stoner_kitchen ratcopter time_management 241029
raze tender_scars, afternoon_storm, wwf.

(sounds like a full day to me)
raze food_is_love; feminine_understanding, sausages. 241031
e_o_i grasp flat_footed drunk_dial 241031
raze it's_mystery_not_doubt. looking_for_a_cure_for_me? see_you_around. 241101
raze sometimes_it_seems je_ne_connais_pas_le_fin (and_she_is_clumsy). 241102
e_o_i lines_written_in_early_spring eating bc

(leave the western province and/or ancient history alone, spring verses!)
raze judy_nylon fishes; rain_falls_into_a_teacup. 241103
raze new_moon (in_other_words, "the_coral_castle") 241104
e_o_i soothing_blue_like_grayscale_ribbons coloring ship_of_theseus 241104
raze monarch, summon black_oak. 241106
e_o_i primal music_that's_the_shit, sitting_beside_me

(can music sit?)
raze taking_a_look_at_your_weird_confessions (watercolour family_stories) 241108
raze first:

keep_dreaming, criticizing deftones.

then i reloaded the home page and got:

keep_dreaming, hawk. she'll_see_a_doctor.

i_mean, what are the chances of getting two configurations beginning with the same blathe back-to-back?
raze you_can't_stay_away, curly exasperation. 241110
raze what_do_i drove? i_called_in_sick.

(you know you're under_the_weather when you start mixing up the past and present tense like that)
raze my_state_now: serpent conflagration 241112
raze extinguish relationship collateral_damage

(don't mind if i do)
warmthofrelease stickers come_to_me melted

A FIVE word tragedy. Eat your heart out Hemingway.
raze i_lied [to] the_wrong_people. yeah_yeah_yeah_yeah. 241115
raze personal_statement: subtracting_pain_by_ounces, melting. 241116
raze ireland anal. frustrating. 241117
e_o_i les_miserables, pontypool - proving_people_awful 241117
raze true_blue. that_is_a_welcome_surprise, rushing. 241119
e_o_i love_broken? strange. it_was_one_single_tree. 241119
raze in keeping with the tree theme:

angel_trees; archaic departure.
raze if_i_die, can't drone. 241121
raze holy_motors! you_know_what_you_are, lia? 241123
e_o_i anxious: i_feel_pretty, i'm_not_sure 241123
e_o_i Anxious. I_feel_pretty? I'm_not_sure.
Sporadically witty; consistently
50% gay, give or take a margin
of erring on the side
of musical theatre.

An earring in one ear,
a pirate symbol. In one ear
with its bones tiny, interior.
Why not? My dream_woman
wants me to adore her.
Her, and not Gilbert and Sullivan.
My real man is not my man anymore,
my "my" is contentious anyway,
and everyone has rhythm and music
(or music in disguise).
We are opposite sides

like West_Side_Story
of the pond, but east_west
is a relative I'm picking up a book for,
O brother, one small step for bus
for a book from the west -
something about Woden -
and I stall reading Ducks
in Indigo after taking the 204
there, the 203 back,
hurry to tutor.
Alas, a lack
of slack.
e_o_i No, no, no, this is wrong. Too long. Supposed to go in starting_with_three_words. 241123
raze going calendarssuddenly_it's_tommorrow. 241124
raze salty pillar_to_post (where_i_belong) 241125
e_o_i again the_pillow_book patriotism 241125
raze look_it's_coming_your_way, charliearethusa! 241126
raze bionic meta_corn, so_silent. 241127
raze joan_of_arc: the_neverending_story (a mystery) 241128
past road_to_nowhere: the_hunger osoyoos 241128
raze pry marginal uniform 241201
raze performance snaps haunted_houses 241203
raze what_is_mad? favorite_writers tape_it_up. 241204
warmthofrelease apollo you_are snobby

the jury is out, apollo. and I think everyone agrees.
raze sophia granted not_just_an_expression 241205
raze gagged your_own_right scars 241206
raze delicate drainfly preview 241208
raze people_with_eyes infect in_the_darkness 241209
raze minor dimming night_is_alive_with_the_folly_of_men 241210
raze alone_togethermy_person family 241211
e_o_i flaming_bag_of_dog_crap: our_story, intimate 241213
raze the_new_captcha? what's_in_here? find_this. 241214
raze turned the_airport genealogy 241215
raze seen_in_the_garden: the_endless_invention_of_your_unconcern; muddy_water. 241216
raze ozomatli tinted the_supper_man 241217
e_o_i recent strong_opinions: skylines

("They exist! I INSIST!!")
raze translation: intimacy shot_full_of_arrows 241218
raze what_i'm_thinking, miriam: "wallet." 241219
raze optimally from_the_turquoise_sea, in_my_mickey_mouse_ears. 241220
raze portabella school_ghost_day, so_far_from_theknownworld. 241221
raze position: discernment, ascension. 241222
raze plank divided; lost_my_curiosity. 241223
raze miss_understanding sounded better_than_cake 241224
raze crushed helen sweet_potato_mash 241225
raze chrysalis? no_way. scum. 241226
e_o_i day_three changing_channels, and_i_find_it_kind_of_sad 241227
e_o_i also this, to be festive:

waving ginger a_prayer
raze i'll_be_seeing_you, grown film. 241229
raze flailing certain poetry_of_fire 241230
warmthofrelease red_book_hiccup lonely_on_red fester

raze before_climbing_a_mountain, one_way_conversation_with_a_fly. jersey_cow_panics.

(i think all of those blathes are mine. funny, that.)
raze the_cold_snows when_we_forgot fun 250102
raze perceived pulling postcards 250103
e_o_i (I like the alliteration! And this, surreally poetic...)

kaleidoscopic_and crystalline_heat in_the_hazy_milk_of_twilight
raze bra_less noise bystander 250104
raze thronal discretion_enforcers? oh__please. 250105
raze i_mean, atone, big_black_boots. 250106
raze underscore: cr0wl's_in_seattle, healthy. 250107
e_o_i boots, take_advantage: it's_so_fucking_cold 250107
raze new_west purchase_history (breathe_out) 250108
raze love_lost sight; i'm_2008.

(no wonder you can't see love anymore. i didn't know people could live to be so old. and macular degeneration is a thing.)
raze stressing accordian, anxious.

(even misspelled musical instruments have feelings)
e_o_i at_the_train_station: thunder_like_a_gunshot, easy_rider

(my train waits are usually less dramatic)
raze nature_creeps_back_in. you_learn_something_new. connect_the_dots. 250112
warmthofrelease shit_my_tenant_has_done

Oh that is beautiful, after reading the shit that tenant done.
raze see? expect entertainment's_impact. 250113
raze condescending bedheadded trajectory 250114
raze swim_me_in_blue. eschew celebrating. 250116
e_o_i secret_side piss_load, unsettled 250116
warmthofrelease on_the_12th nachos ship_of_theseus

say_no_more! I'll be there!
raze wild_in_the_streets (re: pet_peeve) 250117
raze almond promises_and_agreements. get_ready. 250118
raze apple arcade_fire; brick_won't_burn. 250119
warmthofrelease sudden feverish strange_you_never_knew 250119
raze flat_on_the_floor? oh__please. blood_red_sharpie_yes_or_no? 250120
e_o_i like_this: factory shame 250120
raze somebody_that_i_used_to_know: dreamsong blinkily

(you knew ms. blinkily too? it's_a_small_world_after_all.)
raze these_things: ever_changing freeze

(even blather is tired of this shapeshifting winter)
warmthofrelease and_if_only_you_could_see_into_me hades partial_bloom 250122
nr it_couldn't_be. time_changes_me, personally. 250122
raze acadian verameat heat_wave 250123
raze if_we've_encountered_more_than_artistic_fusiondrops_of_empathyahh... 250124
what's it to you?
who go