Raina Look at you...

Smug, arrogant, sitting on your high horse thinking that you have everything on lock.

that everything revolves around you

that everyone should be subjected to *your* will

Do you know the retributions for a cocky demeanor?

You brush it off and say "I'm just that damned magnetic"

But do you realize, your magnetic aura is also attracting karma?

I hope the punishment will be swift and just.

The emperor's suit trimmed in stretchmarks and soaked in blood.
silentbob i haven't decided yet 020424
lulie I wonder
if I will regret
one day
having no regrets.
jim_starks don't regret. and don't apologize. for anything 020427
erasure (spiralling) "...i keep reminding myself..." 020428
silentbob well sometimes you should apologize for some stuff 020429
jinx Perhaps it's a sign that when I pressed the go button I went to regrets and then pressed it again and came directly here. I wonder what it's telling me... 021017
celestial because had one small detail of my life been different,
i might not have met you
what's it to you?
who go