nom he's my sister's friend 060210
gja Well what makes it one?

Is it that I want it and can’t have it? No, it’s not that. Because I know I can. A phone call; a short drive; a haggle over cash (or outstanding cash anyway); and, its mine.
I can have it greedily right there and then, or, wait. Bring it here, pace myself, pace it. Either which way not a problem in and of itself.

And so, is it a problem that I want it and shouldn’t? Well yeah, sort of. But I have to address "Shouldn’t" on a (trying to be) objective scale? (There’s a novel waiting to be written there).
Some easily established criteria.
Legal - no.
Temporarily helpful - yes.
Helpful tomorrow - no.

Hmmmm 2 out of 3 isn’t bad.

But yep I can conclude it is a problem. Next question please.

unhinged the thousands of miles that separate us 070719
Isaou You. 070720
gja I'll try not to take that personally.
Then again I just might.
I will add it to the salt rubbed wounds that power my mission.
Isaou Not you!!
The other you,
the one over there
Sorry for the confusion :(
youme whos YOU then, you YOU weirdo.
this is MY website.
Isaou -sigh-
If I'd known how much trouble the use of the simple word 'you' would have caused I would not have used it.
The 'you' was directed at someone in my life who is causing me many problems at this moment in time. Not any of you blatherskites who have taken offense.
My sincerest apologies to all
what's it to you?
who go