ArcticPternMad glaciers

cold expanse
dean-bean W is for Winnie embedded in ice. 010402
monadh everything ice
the rose leaves the doe
frozen in my memory goggles
light on the water tonight
from green and red and blue
yellow and white trees with
bulbs electric bouncing
ice and water oil snake dance
monee don't slip don't fall down slow down 050101
skinny tomorrow the waves will stop
everything won't be made of ice (cracking and reforming too fast for the eye to see)
everything will go back to normal
mindpop I fell tonight, on the slippery planks in front of the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston. It was rain that turned to ice. Hey, ICA, put salt on your damn walkways! Boom!

Last winter I had no falls. See here. Tonight my boyfriend helped me up. Someone passed me my purse, which had departed. My red hat flew away and landed in a puddle. It is no fun being horizontal.
past ice everywhere. encasing windows, slickening sidewalks and roads, pulling down branches and powerlines.

the lights flicker. off just long enough to rest the clocks, then back on with a rush, electrons bursting across wires.

and still more ice falls.
what's it to you?
who go